Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota (2024)

Lots lot Sal Slock, Fsed, Equlpm't 27 Apartments for Rent 33 2 Sioux Falls Argus-leaderThursday, May 2, 1963 20 itvs For a Sound Home Investment Plus Family Health Protection Carefully select your location. Be sure of a sanitary, water supply. Lei Us YOU'RE ON SAFE GROUND WITH PIOHEEB CORN YIELDS EXTRA BUSHELS HELPS BOOST YOUR PROFITS WHETHER YOU SEAL IT SELL IT OR CRIB IT FOR FEED. ASK ABOUT OUR QUANTITY SAVINGS PLAN flSKEEB I CORD bate sewage disposal, ine security or rone eno hire rroiecnon. Be near enough to schools, cnurcnes.

shopping end bus service to economize on transportation costs inese ana many omer aavan- tages you will find in BEAUTIFUL ALLEY PARK ADDITION. Housei for Sal IS HUNTING til' tilt iS-SSZZZZZZ-t til! hot, tit: Here you may select lot of your choice, plan a home to suit your needs or consider one of the Quality Homes ready for occupancy. When Yen Find 0.11-Elaihe Wril Bay Fer Yea FOR INFORMATION SEE: Mr. Fisher Office on site 908 Pam Road Telephone 338-2442 or 338-1468 "YOU CAN OWN YOUR HOME FOR LESS IN BEAUTIFUL VALLEY PARK" Let NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK buy you that house you want You can pay back the loan in comfortable monthly payments over a period of years. An understanding, property-wise mortgage loan man will help you work out the details.

Our many years of experience can be a big help to you when you're house hunting. You find something that looks pretty good. Tell us about it! The MORTGAGE Loan Dept. is on the 2nd floor of our main office, downtown. Freeman Clinton Bauer Layne Jorgenson Erhardt Koerner Garretson G.

C. Egge Harrisburg Bill Allen Dale Fett Hudson Don Fisk Hurley Hollis Perryman Humboldt Henry Lewin Irene Stanley Anderson Lennox. Henry Sweeter Marion William Noordsy Roland Preheim Menno Theo. E. Bender H.

A. Christopherson Ferd Streyle TTORTHWESTERN NAT I NAL BANK SIOUX FALLS Member of FOIC bedroom home with garage In fair condition located on West Uth Street. Owner transferred to Texas, so wants to sell quick. Taxes $148. Priced for quick sale at $8,900.

Large, older 3 bedroom home, suitable and zoned for duplex, on South summit Avenue. Priced at $9,500. Beautiful, large 3 bedroom rambler located In Park Ridge Addition. Many deluxe features, as large rooms, finished recreation room, 10x14 foot glass and screened patio, attached garage and a 92-tt. lot, well landscaped.

Be sure to see this $21,900. JOHN PIONEER CONSERVATIVE 219 W. 8th Phone 336-2465 Member of Sioux Fills Multiple Listing Service John Hoogers 757-42SS Bill Comstock 338-5559 Public Sales 28 LIVESTOCK AUOTfON New 3 Bedroom Medallion In Wsbster liii 1,196 Sq. Ft Living Area, Plus 13x46 Rec. Room in Basem*nt.

Monday, April P.M. 600 800 Cattle 900 Hogs Sheep Expecting a good local run of replacement livestock for bur regular sale. Early consignments listed: 102 fancy Hereford steer calves, weight about 500, strictly green; 45 choice Hereford steer calves, weight about 575, green; 32 Hereford steer and heifer calves; 25 Angus steer and heifer calves; 15 yearling Hereford steers; 40 Hol-stein yearling steers; 26 Hereford steer and heifer calves; 24 Angus-Hereford yearling heifers; 25 Angus 2 year old steers; several consignments of spring heifers. Large selection of feeder pigs, sheep, plus our usual run of butcher livestock and many more consign ments by sale time. BROOKINGS LIVESTOCK AUCTION CQ.

Brookings, South Dakota Phone 492-5315 for Information. Located south on Highway 77 13-lt. carpeted living room. Separate dining room. Built-in stove and oven.

IV? baths on 1st floor. Double closets in bedrooms. Double attached garage. New, all finished, ready to move into. All yours for only $19,200.

C. 11. POINT. REALTY 18th Minnesota Phone 336-0760 AUCTION order to settle the Martin O. Moan Estate we will sell the following located 1 south, East of Baltic or 1 south West of Baltic Corner, at P.M.

sharp, on Alcester Henry Holmdal Berestord George E. Erickson Samuel Fahlberg Bridgewater John Tschetter Canton Crawford Imp Canistoia Lawrence A. Nielson Centerville Marlyn Edman Chancellor Orrin DeNeui Coltun Larson Feed Seed Crooks Dewey Johnson Del) Rapids Lester Reecy Ed Michel Egan Francis DeLay Elkton Elkton Hatchery Plant Stock. Feed. Eouipm't 27 (Continued) III USED TRACTORS AND MACHINES '5 350D Farmall Clean 3 '54 4O0D Farmall Sharp '55 400D Farmall Dandy '54 Cub Farmall Clean '51 40 co*ckshutt Good 51 8N Ford Good '50 Farmall Like new '49 88 Oliver Clean '42 Farmall Clean '34 F20 Farmall Cheap '38 WC Allis Cheap IH-450 4-Row Planters IH 455 and 438 4-Row Cult.

Oliver and Deere 4-R. Cult. IH 411 4F 16" Mtd. Plows IH No. 3F 14" and 14" Plows IH and New Idea Mowers IH 46 and 45 PTO Balers I Buy the TIME-PAY-WAY' 1959 FORD with BACKHOE LOADER Excellent Shape DAKOTA FARM EQUIPMENT CO.

IH Dealer 38th and Minn. 334-7281 OLD TRADER JOE SAYS Livestock prices are about as low as a snake's belly in a deep wagon track but if you need good used machinery at prices to compare to the price of hogs, see the Old Trader. Farmal 44 model good $450.00 John Deere very sharp $495.00 IHC ll'j ft. spring tooth $110 Noble flax drag sections new ea. $25.00 Noble tine lever sections new ea $39.00 Spiral land packer for 4 bot.

plows $95.00 John Deere spreader good IHC 44 Baler like a new one 2 used IHC mowers choice ea. IHC 125 SP combine real good $875.00 IHC 44 Combine overhauled cpt Blackhawk 4 row planter 1 yr. old $185.00 THELEN IMP. COLMAN, S.D. pfiidSSa.usrn All Iowa State College numbers.

Maturity from 90 to 112 days. $8.75 per bushel. Med. flat. Finest So.

Dak. grown Ky. Blue Grass 49c per lb. Oscar's Said Store 3416-18 South Minnesota Avenue Sioux Falls, South Dakota ORDER CO-OP FEEDER PIGS 40 lbs. on up, certified weight, castrated, vaccinated Llvability guarantee Unconditionally guaranteed with right to refuse any on delivery.

Order early to insur delivery date. CARLYLE WEBSTER Worthlngton, Minnesota SPECIAL ON BLAIR EQUIPMENT New 100 bu. PTO spreader $440 New 100 bu. Feed-R-Wagon $725 New 34 ft. elevator $345 40 ft.

$385 New 44 ft. elevators $399, 48 ft. $445 New mineral feeders $27.50 New cattle oilers $79.50 WILLIAM REINERS 7 south, 1 west Madison, S. Dak. SEPTIC tanks, dralnfields, dry- weiis, installed, repaired, servicea.

sw fcxeavating, 338-9214. FOR SALE Our Hamoshlra herd roar, timer pitzgeraia, uen Kap- Jds. PUREBRED Yorkshir fall boar. Tried guaranteed. Myron Sell lien, Route 4, Sioux Falls.

FOR SALF Ija feeder Dias. Trimmed and vaccinated. On mil south of Canova, S.D. Lloyd Koep- sen. APPALOfKA turf Lnn Chief Outstandina too Duality In dividual.

Loud color, excellent conformation, gentle disposition. Your wwriunuy to raise a reqtsierew con from a grade mar. 332-4V4. FOR SALE 54 weaned feeder pigs. Erysipelas vaccinated.

Orville Lengerock. Phone 294-3505, Canistoia. "5,000 BIG, husky started pullets for sale at Sunshin State Hatch-erv. Sintiv Fall nd Flandreau. SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1963 MACHINERY Miscel'aneous: Super Farmall tractor with cultivator and corn planter; John Deere Swather; 14-inch IHC plow; 3-sec-tion harrow; New Idea manure spreader Model 144; 2-wheel trailer; seeder; running gear tank box; hay rack running gear; IHC gass mower Model No.

10-ft. John Deere disc; wagon hoist; loading chute; Hawd corn shellerj 4 SO-gallon hog troughs; hand tools; chicken nests. HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUES: Coleman oil burner; double bed, mattress spring; single bed; small tables; rocking chairs; antique settee; buffet; writing desk with China cupboard above; All dishes and cooking utensils, some very old; round oak range. MARTIN O. MOAN Estate HERMAN LERDAL, Adm.

Vernell Johnson 8, Earl Wieman, Auctioneers Dakota State Bank, Baltic, S.D., Clerk 32, Houses Apartments Skluzak Has 21 Houses. 2, and 4 bedrooms. Unfurnished. 3 Houses. Furnished.

25 Unfurnished Apts. and duplexes. 32 Furnished Apts. and duplexes. Why Hunt All Over Town? Register Today! SKLUZAK 222 N.

Phillips Phon 332-4841 UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom upper duplex. Garage, Privet entrance. ED 8-2248. 5 ROOM bous. Riverside.

Call 332-4239. NEED ROOM? 4 rooms and bath. Close town, schools, churches. 332-2740. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom upper duplex.

Garage. Private entrance. EO 8-2248. DUPLEX, first floor. Four rooms and bath.

Unfurnished. Garage. Adults. $75. 334-8074.

LADIES: Furnished aoartment. Close-in. Reasonable. $40. 334-2404 or 332-4823.

2 ROOM furnished. Utilities. Sioux Valley and College area. ED 2-7090. CHOICE one bedroom upper duplex.

South part. Utilities. $90. bD 4-6481. FURNISHED, air conditioned.

5 bedrooms, 4 baths, recreation room. double garage. Available June 1. write Box 1210, Argus-Leader. MOVING? Rent Hertz trucks, trail ers, pads, dollies.

Elmen Rent-Alls, 334-3470. FURNISHED three bedroom location. plex. Garage. Good 2-3279.

VERY clean 3 room furnished apartment. Close in. $70. ED 2-7533. NEWER two bedroom duplex.

Ga rage. $110. 338-1714, evenings. UPPER duplex. Clean, newly deco rated.

Unfurnished 2 bedroom. Stove, refrigerator. Private entrance. Utilities paid. Adults or working couple.

521 W. 2nd St. THREE bedroom duplex. Carpet, drapes. Redecorated.

Garage. Teen age Children allowed. $80. EO 4-4273. FURNISHED one bedroom duplex.

Good St. Mary's location. $100, in cluding maior utilities. 334-3984 or AKi-ZIUU. DUPLEX.

Clean, furnished, 3 room upper. Utilities paid. $60 Phone ED 8-3980. UPPER 2 bedroom duplex for rent. Cathedral area.

ED 2-4008. ED 8-3377. 3 BEDROOM house. Garaoe. $85 monrn.

tu a-iuyi. 2 BEDROOM furnished home. Util ities paid. May to October. 1505 N.

Lincoln. 5 ROOMS. 2 bedrooms. On floor. Newly decorated.

$95. ED 4-9011 business hours. Apartments ior Rent 33 FURNISHED two room apartment. Clean. First floor.

331 N. Spring. $40. ONE bedroom, carpeted living room, kitchen. Air-conditioning.

New ouiiaing. iove ano refrigerator. Utilities except ED 2-7300. FURNISHED, clean 4 room apart ment. Ground floor.

320 South Lin- coin. NEAR downtown. 2 large rooms. ano nam. 4 spacious Closets.

Stov, and refrigerator. Utilities paid. Upstairs. Laundry privileges. $55.

334-1560 daytime; ED 8-1484 eve nings. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, unusual 3 bedroom. Huge. Ground floor. $125.

Pay own lights. Fenced corner yard 419 South Duluth. Inquire Apartment 1 (upstairs). LARGE, furnished, efficiency apartment. Pleasant, quiet surround ings, i-ree launory.

utt-streei park' ing. Adults. ED 4-7393. ONE new 2 room unfurnished apartment. Downtown location.

112 North pnniips. WANTED: group of girls or couple to occupy one or two bedroom furnished apartments. Convenient central location. Steam heat. 404 W.

19th. Call ED 4-9133 Or 338-7987. FURNISHED or unfurnished 1 bedroom apartment. Ground floor. Private bath and entrance.

404 West 19th evenings, or call 338-7987; or ED 4-y i jj. 2 BEDROOM aoartment. 433 Minnesota. $70 per month. All utill- ties paia.

rnone 3J6-UJU. UPPER duplex. 720'a West 4th. partly turmsnea. Refrigerator, stove, table and chairs, utilities paid.

1 bedroom, $75. Rogers Real- 336-1070; evenings ED 2-8428. EFFICIENCY aoartment. Fur nished, close in. All utilities.

Off street parking. 109 North Duluth, TWO bedroom uooer duplex. Heat and water turmsnea. uz boutn Norton. $72.50.

336-2020, extension 68. ONE bedroom upper duplex. Heat ano water turntsned. 2-u south Grange. $40.

336-2020, extension 68, FIVE rooms, furnished. Utilities paid. $75 month. Adults. ED 2-7772, fcU 4-VI6U.

THREE rooi i furnished apart ment. Private bath and entrance. Adults. ED 8-9526. THREE room furnished aoart ment.

Utilities paid. Upstairs. Close in. SNJ. tU THREE room unfurnished up stairs apartment.

Lots of cupboards. tiled floor. Stove and refrigerator furnished. Utilities. ED 8-1769.

THREE rooms and bath. Private entrance. 1909 South Euclid. UNFURNISHED larqe new 2 bed room apartment. Buiil-in stove and oven, refrigerator.

South part. Shown by appointment. ED 8-2741 or ED 4-8253. Miller Brothers' Apartments. CLEAN furnished 2 rooms and bath.

$55. 1001 East 14th Street. ED 2-5122. Adults. SKLUZAK Realty has the Register todayl Phon 332-4861, 222 North Phillips.

QUALITY apartment living. 2 bedroom. Large closets. Carpeted. Phone ED 2-5418 after 4:30.

UNFURNISHED 4 uooer rooms. Adults. $60. Vicinity 16th. Duluth.

ED 4-4119. 1310 EAST 8th. 5 rooms, upstairs. Unfurnished. Private entrances.

Garage. Utilities paid. Adults only. Available May 15. ED 8-5414.

DOWNTOWN. Nicely furnished rooms and bath. 115 East 11th. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom. With stove and refrigerator.

ED 2-1195. CLEAN, laroe duplex. $75. One bedroom apartment, utilities, $0. ELI S-5U03.

UNFURNISHED on bedroom apartment. New building. Adults. S85. ED 2-5122.

1007 East 14th. IN WEST Sioux. 2 bedroom, un furnished second floor, $40. ED 8-4790. NICE 2 rooms.

Large, full kitchen. Rug, washer, dryer. 338-7530. ALL GIRLS, 4-4. first and second floors.

Carpets, drapes, washer, dry-srClose 338-7530. 3 ROOMS, furnished. Private bath. entrance. Adults.

211 W. 12th. 4 ROOM, upstairs. furnish heat, water. Close to school, church, shopping district, bus lint.

Inquire 114 N. VanEps. 2 ROOM, furnished. First floor. Close In.

Men, couples. ED 8-0322. 2 BEDROOM apartments. Private baths. Garage.

313 N. Minnesota. ED 8-4497. FURNISHED, clean, one bedroom apartment, walking oistanc. toi.

ED 4-7345. FURNISHED 2 room. Private bath. $55. 523 W.

9th. Inqulr apartment 1. FURNISHED apartment. 3 rooms. Newlv decorated.

Private bath and entrance. Close In. Soft water. First floor. EO 2-7131.

After 4, EO 8-4194. SMALL, furnished. Employed iaoy. iztn ana spring, cu 8-4477. UNFURNISHED 4 room duplex Bath.

Refrigerator. Inquire 520 West 9th. COMPLETELY furnished. Carpet ed. All utilities.

Close in. ED 8-7014. NEWLY decorated 2 bedroom. All utilities, garag. Cios In.

EO 2-1407, ED 4-0809. VERY nice 2 room furnished apartment. $44. Adults. 405 n.

t-ranxnn. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom apart ment. Eastsioe. Water and heat urnished. ED 3757.

UNFURNISHED 3 rooms and Oath, private entranc. 304 N. spring. CLOSE in. Furnished 3 rooms.

Private bath, entrance. 430 W. 7lh. ED 8-5785. NEW, laroe, unfurnished 2 bed room apartment.

South part. Set this before you rent, ED 8-2761, ED 4-ezw, to FURNISHED 1 rooms. Prlvat entrance. Utilities. Hospital, col lege area, ed 1-1053.

TWO and three room furnished apartments. All utilities. $45 up. ED B-W4V. FURNISHED three room aoart ment.

Plenty closet space. Close in. Repainted. $43. 204 N.

spring. THREE rooms, furnished. Alfiitill. ties. Share bath.

Laundry. Privet entrance. Adults. 519 Scoring. DELUXE two bedroom apartment.

Fully carpeted and draper). Sloe, refriqerator, washer and dryer. Air conditioned. Close to bus and 2-58J5. FURNISHED or unfurnished 3 bedroom upstairs apartment.

Remodeled kitchen, utilities except lights. $75. 901 N. Duluth. Call lor appointment, EO 2-1US.

Houses tor Rant (Continued) (Continued) Open House May 5th Brand new deluxe apartments. Efficiencies. 1 Bedrooms. 2 Bedrooms. 12th Duluth Save th car and walk to work, TESLOW-CONSTRUCTION CO.

UNFURNISHED one berdoom, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Garage. Stove and refrigerator furnished. $75. 1323 W.

12th St. UNFURNISHED one bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath, $55. 1219 W. 10th. FURNISHED one bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath, $70.

1221 W. 10th. Phone 334-2341 Completely Furnished Clean 3 room apartment with private bath. On bus line. All utilities except lights.

Newly redecorated. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Close to Morrell's, airport and Wilson's. Inquire at 214 West Russell MOVE RIGHT IN ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT Utilities furnished. Near bus line.

Private entrance. You'll enjoy living here. PHONE ED 2-1204 BLVD. APARTMENT Available now. Air conditioned.

2 bedrooms, bath, carpeted living room, dining area, kitchen complete, including dishwasher, dis pocsal. Utilities paid. Garage. Adults. $135 Monthly ED 2-1483 or 336-1050 Ground Floor Apt.

Located near 18th Street and South 1st Avenue. Has large living room, kitchen with dining space. 1 bedroom and bath. Garage, stove and refrigerator furnished. $90.

Abe Johnson Realty 334-1818 After hours call 338-9973 or 334-4612 33RD and Willow. 2 bedrooms, large living and dining rooms, kitchen and oath. Laundrv. Garaae. Steam heat.

Call 338-7987 or EO 4-9133. NOW completing new luxury fireproof apartments, unfurnished or with all new furnishings. In lovely residential area on bus route. Air conditioned except efficiencies. All utilities except electricity.

3 bedrooms with 2 tiled baths, efficiencies. one and two bedrooms. You must see them I Kenwood Manor, ED 2-4461. UPPER duplex. 2 bedrooms, plus sleeping porch.

Heat, water furnished. $75. 412 South Minnesota. ED 2-4042. 5 ROOM upper duplex with bath.

Excellent location. Call Bernice Johnson, Johnson Hardware, ED 4-1938; Home 4-4744. PRIVATE aoartment for rent. Partly furnished. 818 South 9th.

2 BEDROOM, Ideal 3 or 4 working girls. Utilities. Reasonable. 424 West 15th. ED4-5148.

FURNISHED apartment for quiet employed couple. Living room, bedroom, kitchen, dinette, bath. $90. 319 Trapp Ave. ROOMY upper duplex.

Close in. Partially furnished. Storage galore. Available June 1. ED 2-8180, eve- nings.

NEW, unfurnisheci two bedroom apartment, semi-basem*nt, tile bath. Some utilities furnished. No pets. 125 Sunset Drive. Dell Rapids, S.

Dak. Phone 428-3348. $60 FURNISHED, 3 room upper duplex. Phone ED 8-3980. THREE room furnished apart-ment.

230'A N. Main. VERY nice bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath, stove and refrigerator. 24th and Cliff. $70.

ED 8-5203. FOUR or five room mArlArn. InA floor. Stove, refriqerator. heat, wa- ter, garbage service, off-street parking, bus line.

ED 2-4476. FURNISHED 3 berlrnnm riiml. Garage. Close In. ED 2-3279.

SIOUX Valley HosDital. colleoa area. On busline. Ground floor. 3 rooms and bath.

Private entrance. Utilities paid. Yard privileges. Adults only. Call ED 2-3117 after 5.

CLEAN, attractive. 3 room hs mo ment apartment. Private bath, entrance. Southwest. 332-8107.

BARGAIN! Thrp rnnmi snrf bath. Furnished. $65 for two. Car- geiea, ciean, close in. First floor.

alance of May $50. ED 8-4245. 1102 WEST 10TH. 2 hedrnnm. car.

ond floor. Stove, refrigerator, utilities. $75. ED 2-5842. ONE bachelor aoartment.

Private bath. Maid service. Downtown. $35. THREE room aoartment.

Stnv. refrigerator furnished, utilities naid. Close in. $42.50. ED 4-4273.

432 N. PRAIRIE. First floor two bedroom. 423M: S. Main.

Stov and rerngeraror. Z-SH42. LARGE, unfurnished. 3 room apartment. Private bath.

947 West 8th. LADIES. Furnished aoartment. Close in. $40.

334-2604 or 332-4823. FIRST floor. 3 room, unfurnicherf apartment. Adults. 413 N.

Prairie. MAIN floor. 4 rmm. Pjkrtlu w. nlshed.

2 laroe bedroom I Imit children. All utilities paid. $95. 900 n. spring, tu e-eiiz.

FURNISHED, small. 3 room hau. ment apartment. Utilities paid. 207 FOUR room, ground, unfurnished duplex, $75.

Adults. 104 S. Prairie Ave. ED 4-8944, UPSTAIRS, furnished. 1 laroe room and kitchenette.

Utilities paid. Adults. $50. 814 West 11th. 1ST FLOOR furnished 3 room apartment.

Adults. 1001 South Dakota Avenue. ED 2-8243. 2 BEDROOM In new nlex. MeatT water, stove and refrigerator.

$0. 920 North Walts.Call 330415 DOWNTOWN location. One be room furnished apartment, $87.50. One bedroom apartment across from Cathedral, $45. SmaH trailer.

$50. Phon ED 2-6829. FURNISHED attractive 4 rooms, bath. Nic 2-4 girls. $70.

Close. ED $-9765. FURNLSHFD 1 room. Private entrance, bath. lfllliiio.

Adults. ED 44128. Trailer Ac'om'daf ns 33-A MOST mobile home ettrnrtiont In area. Please call ED 8-9082, ED 8-3004 Elmwood Trailer Par Housekeeping Rooms 34 GIRLS or boys. Kitchenette.

Wash er, dryer. Separata houses. ED 8-7530 FOR employed gentleman. furnished. No drinkers.

716 N. Duluth 432 N. PRAIRIE basem*nt aoart. ment. Handyman work out part or all rent.

ED 2-5842. Sleeping Rooms 35 YMCA rooms for men. Transient and permanent. Reasonable rates include membership. ROOM, Eastslde.

Accommodate persons. ED 8-8123. NICE sleeping room for rent! Working men. 704 First Avenu South. 334-4183.

NICE big cozv room. All furniture. Reasonable rent. 1604 South Sherman. (Girl or lady).

ROOM and board for emoloved or student girl in private girls' boarding horn. Close In. Extra nrivl. leges, reasonable rates. 904 S.

Phillips. ED 4-3295 NICE sleeping room. Prlvat trance, extension tlphon. Gentleman. ED 2-8053.

SLEEPING rooms for rent. GanFw men. 415 W. 12th. ED 4-8441.

NICE room. Lrg closet. Tl. phon. I12S.

Lake. LARGE, attractive room with built-in bookcase, desk, easy chair, large closet, ir conditioning. May hav kitchen us for breakfast, and laundry privileges. Garag available. Near bus.

For man or woman. Phon ED 4-5343 front t- In i.30 m- "SLEEPING rooms for rnfT303 Indiana. ED 2-3159. "SLEEPING room for working man. Garaq It desired.

Prival entrance. 718 West 12th Street. Board and Room 38 GOOD board, room, car elderly peopl. Also bad patients. ED 1-3412.

Montrose Clarence E. Pearson Parker John T. Nelson Leonard A. Husman Salem Charles Kirby Henry Pearson Sherman R. O.Koch Sioux Falls Ed Harders, 2204 Braemer Dr.

Viborg Tom Nooney Inwood, Iowa Gilford Berkland Hardwick, Minn. Clarence C. Niemann Kanaranzi, Minn. George Kraetsch Kenneth, Minn. Harvey Schmuck Luverne, Minn.

Robert Cook Rtrwlr Foorl Fmimm'l 9.7 (Contlnued) TRACTORS 2 MF "85" 700 to 800 hrs. 1- JD "60" 2- MII 44 1 Ferguson "20" Live power 1-Ford 1 Oliver SP Combine 1-IHC "76" PTO Combine 1-MH 19' Disc FARMERS CO-OP OIL Canton, S. Dak. Phone 987-2643 4,000 Started Pullets DAKOTA QUEENS Hoyme Hatchery Poultry Farm Dell Rapids, S.D. OLIVER 1800 TRACTORS 1 '62 1800 gas demonstrator, row crop, 18.4x34 tires.

Hydra power drive. 1 '42 1800 diesel, wide front. 18.4 x34 tires. iz Rock bottom prices on the above tractors. fr Also, 3 '43 1800 gas on sale.

Pfeifer Imp. Co. SIOUX FALLS FORD soybeans for sal. Cleaned or bin run. Lloyd Ness, 3Vi south of Worthing, S.D.

372-2402. HAY and straw. 3 miles east on no. 90. Axel Anderson.

ED 2-0786. Plants. Trees, Flowers 29 EVERGREE rado and Black Hills Spruce. 3 to 4 foot. For decorative, landscaping, windbreakers.

Pric $4. Art Schmidt, uiverne. OPEN evenings. Petunias, be gonias, geraniums, snapdragons, large potted perennials, clematis vines, oufbs, peonies, manure. muicn.

we oeuver. organic Gardens, ED 4-7608. PETUNIAS. 11 best hvbrid and doubt varieties. Also all kinds well rooted annuals, in handy contain ers.

Big Boy tomato plants, reason- aoie. cnnstianson Gardens, 1709 soum 4tn. GERANIUMS and Petunias. Beautl. tlful colors.

Also Pansies, Ageratum, 6alvia, Alvssum, Dahlias, Hybrid tomatoes, all husky plants. Buv rect from grower and save. Winner's taaroen, sourn Minnesota. Want to Buy 30 PRIVATE party wants to buy 3 larger or 4 medium size bedroom home. Bath on 1st floor.

Axtell-Hawthorne district preferred. Medium to lower priced bracket. Write Box 1231, Argus-Leader. I WOULD like to buy a real nice modern davenport and chair. Call ED 8-8904.

Houses ior Rent 32 CLOSE to downtown. Widow or husband and wif. Live in downstairs apartment. 4 bedrooms upstairs to rent out. Private entrance.

All furnished. 334-3497. LOVELY 35 foot air conditioned Travelo trailer. Coupl or two working girls, inquire 239 N. Cliff.

ED 2-6845. TWO bedrooms. Southwest part. Gas heat. Big yard.

Busline. Availed' now. Costello 121 N. Main. FURNISHED basem*nt apartment.

All utilities. $50. West 12th. Elmen Rent-Alls, 334-3470. MODERN two bedroom Grvyf II v.

Ing. $55.3311 N. Woyland. 743-2189. SMALL bedroom.

1512 High-land. $33. ED $-2452, ED 4-3856. AIR Conditioned turn tUrfrrwvn "21 S. Waylend.

$50. ED $-2452, ED 4-3854. TWO bedroom sid. $70. Utilities furnished.

338-4251. TWO bedrooms, fireplace, garage. Corner lot. Quiet residential street. AuqusteiM area.

Recently redecorated. Basem*nt partly finished. Will furnish to suit tenant. Avail able June ED 8-0254 3 ROOM duplex. Ground floor HeaMurnished.

East Side. $45. to NEWLY decorated. Ground floor 4room duplex. ED 2-1017.

decorated 2 bedroom "ouse with garaqe. Large fenced Vbl. 73 5 rioht party ED 8-3500 1 -V vwvwil IIV1II, aiMi EV 4-5CU7. Houses for Sale 19 (Continued) WE NEED HELP! 2 years old, p-son 3 plus 1 on lower level. I- baths, pour- -ed concrete bsmt.

Only $14,500. Owner transferred. DUPLEX bdrm, u- Earl Gerlach ptex near Sioux Valley Hospital. Built by Lee in 1950. Attached double garage.

Large fenced lot. Separate furnaces and meters. Perfect occupancy record. Can buy on contract. PERFECT LOCATION! 21st and Willow, 3 bedroom Lustron has dishwasher, disposal and stove as plus items.

Owner transferred, will offer FHA or Gl financing. A must at $16,9001 Be sure to see this. PRICE REDUCED On this unusual fine older home. 4 bedrooms, bath and a half. 90 yds.

of new carpeting, new furnace, water heater, roof and eaves. Fireplace and sun room, patio in lovely back yard. Double garage off alley. Nothing but spacious, dignified living in this well-cared for 2 story home on s. 2nd Ave.

We're proud to show you this exceptional home priced at $20,500. Grifflo-ierlash 0 DsnnSi! Risltsrs 123 S. Main Ave. 336-3570 Gerlach LaBrie -Griffin O'Donnell Virginia 334-8229 ED 8-4974 ED 2-5906 ED 2-6197 ED 2-8829 Member Sioux Falls Multiple Listing Service MUST BE SOLD Owner says sell Nowl This three bedroom home the beautiful Valley Park Addition has a living room 27x12 ft. and a wonderful traffic pattern.

A detached oaraoe sets on a nicely landscaped lot make us an otter! ACREAGE REDUCED This acreage is zoned for industrial use. Trackage available mr spot for a S-Cj-L- modern stable "-Hidings qo with mis at a or ca of onlv $18,900. REDUCED TO 16.900 If yu need lots of room, this Is itl Eight bedrooms in this spacious home you can buy on good terms. If you don't neea eigni bedrooms, this home will lend itself to Income call us to see; move in to morrow! 907 S. Minnesota Ave.

and 210 W. 9th Phone 336-3847 AFTER HOURS: Morris Koller 336-3303 John Goffin 332-5888 Lucille Herring 332-8764 Roy Lundquist 336-3847 SUBURBAN Webster Grove Addition New 3 bedroom rambler. Kitchen with built in large dining area built in china. Vanity bath. Lots of closets.

Large attached double garage. Close to schools. Price reduced to $17,000. Good terms can be arranged. NEW 3 BEDROOM rambler under construction.

Near completion. 37th Lake. NEAT 2 BEDROOM Kitchen with dinino area, also car peted living room with dining L. narawooo rioors. oarage, -encea, shady back yard.

2 blocks to Gar field School. Close to shopping. Bus by the door. Priced to sell! MANY MORE 3 4 BEDROOM HOMES Ralph GcrSii Rsslly (09 So. Williams 334-2383 334-5793, $30,000 home for $23,900 Figures don't lie start with a $5,000 lot on Rafter's Drive (choice location), plus $17,500 for 1250 sq.

ft. 3 bedroom rambler trim med in bncK. bteel beam construction. Medallion wired. Real quality.

Add $2,000 for the addi tional dining area added onto the kitchen and panelled in birch, add $1,000 for the kitchen built-ins electric stove, oven, fan, hood, disposal and dishwasher, plus $2,000 for the gas central air-conditioning unit, plus $2,000 for the completely finished basem*nt with rec room, Vs path, and 4th bedroom. $500 for carpet and drapes. It adds up to $30,000. Blessed million dollar view at no extra, immediate possession. (54 conventional loan can be assumed.) $23,900.

(Owner might consider trade) Call GARRY YOUR FAMILY REALTOR 1504V! E. 10th. 334-2734 Evenings 332-9214 CHECK THIS Cozy 1 bedroom with family room, finished basem*nt, screened porch, attached garage, lovely back yard, and close to Mark Twain and St. Mary's. $19,900.

PARK RIDGE Beautiful rambler with large living room, formal dining room, nic kitchen with birch cupboards, completely finished walkout basem*nt, nd zoned for txtr living. Priced at $23,500. SELf.lOn 2013 So. Minn. 334-0350 Hastings EO 4-7467 Scnmidl to J''3 Johnson ED 8-8C2 Mitchell ED -tfm Member of Sioux FALLS MULTIPLE LISTINO SERVICE FOR SALE by owner! Four year old rambler In suburban Sunnyview Acres.

Birch woodwork throughout, birch kitchen cabinets, built-in Tap-pan gas stov and oven, dining area, 12x20 nvlon carpeted living room, two larqe bedrooms with spacious closets, third bedroom In basem*nt. Laroe lot, garden space, Iton patio, attached oaraoe, many other features $14,900. Phon 338-2765. OWNER being transferred. Three betrooms, I'j baths.

Recreation room, office, breakfast nook, Living 'and dining rooms carpeted. Drapes. Fireplace. Attached double garfioe Mark Twain-Patrick Henry district. 320 West 24th.

10 8-9003. FOR SALE bedroom, i story bunqalow style horn. Lara corner lot. Gas heat. Rusco windows, door.

Garage. Burt Debl, Volga, t.D. -m sir LUNDQUiST REALTY Houses for Sale (Continued) 19 IT'S TIME To consider mis older 3 bedroom home near Lowell school. New wiring, new plumbing new furnace. Low taxes.

Drive by 1015 South Menlo, then call us for private showing. EAST OUT noi TOO far East, this new 3 bdrm. home can be yours through our easy terms. autifully corated interior. Sodded yard with 2 car attached garage.

On large lot. price $16,900. SPIRITS Need xl lifting? I us as 1 1 as you 1 This it lifting ie could 3 I 4 I Call fast can! spirit home be jusf what you are looking fori A p- gleam I i tchen at her fingertips, glamorized with color and beauty, unlimited spaciousness. A home with extra beauty. Extra value and extra of extras.

Fashionable comfort at Its finest. Worth more, but now only $23,900. Eddie Walker 332-3176 Ned Hone 338-3959 Dwayne Ronning 332-4642 Representing Enterprises Inc. Sycamor Drive at 4th 3340730 D.O LAWYERS, CHIEFS. Prestige home in prestiqe location.

Large rooms. Lovely fireplaces. Walk Out basem*nt. Smaller lot. Single garage Gl financing may be assumed.

Near VA Center. WITHIN SIGHT of Cathedral. Gracious older 2 story home. Lovely hardwood floors. Large rooms.

Need we say more? Call now. Just $13,250. FHA SPECIAL. Good family home In Hilltop Heights. Just a block to Cleveland School.

Shining oak floors. Nice rec. room for pleasant family livino. 3 bedrooms. Garaqe.

$450 down $112 per month to qualified buyer. 601 E. 26th Ph. 336-0970 Max 334-0971 Kay Vacation Maynard 332-3430 Member of SIOUX FALLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Com. Prop, tor Sale 19A FOR SALE OR RENT 13,200 SQUARE FEET Warehouse, offices, front and rear overhead doors.

Will sell with small down payment, balance lik rent, possession now. 28,000 SQUARE FEET Warehouse, offices, overhead doors, trackaoe. Suitable for distribution, storage end manufacturing. VIII sell with small down payment, balance lik rent. Possession July 1st.

LOUIS R. KURWITZ 336-2880 FOR SALE Laroe. clear-soan frame build ings (airbase area). Approximately 10,000 sq. ft.

each for immediate removal, can or see Louis R. Hurwitz. 336-2880 ota for Sale 20 GOOD building lots, 70x14c. Lo cated north of Sioux Falls. $500 each.

For mora information, phone ED 2-4874. BY OWNER South part. 75x132. $4,000. ED 2-0005.

EXCELLENT walk-out lot. Skyline Heights. Community water system. ED 8-7425. IMPROVED lots 80x132, S.

Holly Ave. Phone 338-4909 after 5:30. BY OWNER: corner lot. South lo cation. $3,500.

332-2066. CHOICE residential lots In de sirable southwest area. Phone EO 8-1411. Lake Shore Property 20-A OFF-LAKE shore lots and sun mer cabin. Dinkle's Resort, Enemy Swim.

Price $1,000. John Minor, Route 2, Watertown, O. Property-Sale-Trade 21 4 BEDROOM house. southwesL Trade. Want loan, writ Argus-Leader Box 1235.

Real Estate Wanted PRIVATE party wants to buv farm near Sioux Falls, southeast, south or west. Write Box 1141, Argus-Leader. GET quick cash for your property. Our successful system linos buyers. might buy your property outright, pfeifer, Drk end DodgCo.

Phon 334-1540. Acreage ior Sal 23-A 52 ACRES 4 year old, 3 bedroom rambler with double attached garage. 1,220 sq. ft, of living area plus a finished walk-out basem*nt. Full grown evergreens, nicely landscaped yard and a creek.

East of Sioux Falls. I consider trad or contract for deed. HEGG REALTY 334-2I00 ACRE TRACTS bordering Highway 77 miles south of Dell Rapids. $2,000 each. For mors In- Tormanon, pnone cu 2-M'4.

FOR SALE: unimproved land near Sioux Fills. Writ. Box Argus- Leaoer, Farms ior Sal 24 400 ACRES, unimproved, near Sioux Falls. $200 per act on contract. Arqus-Leader Box 1242.

Farm Produce 4,0 TOP quality North Dakota Red Pontiac potatoes. Reasonaoly priced, Keeler's Gardens, 4 west. south of Chancellor. Stock, Feed, Eouipm't 27 Stock. Feed, Equlpm 27 FULL line New Holland Balers' rakes, etc.

Parts and service. Christensen Farm, Store, Viborg, South Dakota. Phon DA 4-5219. jjuiirot 1 1 One Bedroom Neat one bedroom In west part of city. Has kitchen, living room and one bedroom on main floor.

Has Va bath off bedroom and full bath In basem*nt. Space gas heater on main floor. Also has space gas heater and gas water heater in basem*nt. Lot size 46x132, Has garaoe 12x16. Taxes are lust Drive by 406 South Lyndale at S6.500.

313 West 25th Street Excellent story and a half 3 bedroom home In choice location. There are 9 bedrooms, carpted liv-Inq room and carpeted dining room, kitchen, and bath down. One large carpeted bedroom end study up. Detached single garage In hedge-enclosed back yard. Back yard also has stone fireplace.

Priced at $16,650, and located about 3 blocks from Mark Twain School. West Sioux 2 bedroom home on corner lot at 231 West Rice Street. Has 2 bedrooms, Va bath, living room and kitchen with stove and refrigerator built-in. Lot size 72x126. Priced at $6,000 and shown bv appointment.

128 N. Main Phone 336-2570 Everrett Christensen Jnhn Dns Tom Costello Jr. Tom Costello Sr ED 8-2733 CONTRACT FOR DEED. Low payments, low taxes. 2 bedrooms, dining room, full bath and basem*nt, double garage, newly remodeled.

See thin $7,750. TWO BEDROOMS near Terrace Park, new bath, new garaqe. Larqe living room and dining area, carpeted. Very neat. Modern cabinets.

$10,500. BEDROOMS, DINING ROOM, 13x19 carpeted living room, remodeled with lots of paneling. 2 story near shopping and Augus-tana. Single garage. $11,500.

SEE OUR NEW HOMES IN SUNSET HILL. Investigate our TRADE-IN PLAN rW.336-3493 tvtnlngs: Lloyd Myhre, 334-2483 $6,500 Bonqalow, 2 bedrooms, 1 block Franklin School. Living room, dining room, kitchen. Full basem*nt. Gas heat.

Garage. 4 BEDROOMS SH.0M. 21-ft. living room, 15-ft. dining ru kitchen.

INCOME PROPERTY $72,900. Duplex. New. Big units. Also S-unit apartment house.


1414 S. Minn. 334-150 Modka ED 1-2392 Ennght EO 4-7123 tko 331 1684 Dodge ED 4-654 Spo CIOUS ELEGANCE Brand flew 4 bedroom Medallion home with electric built-ins and indirect lighting. Split entrance leadn UO to M'77r paneled living room with llreolaca and 11'xM' dining Or down to 22 x27' recreation re with fireplace and 3rd bath. Ultra kitchen will dine 6 by picture window.

Only 1 step to 14x1 patio for outside tun or shade. I ceramic tile baths, colored fixtures. Carpeted living, dming, bedrooms and big walk in closets. 19 x27' warm garage. 901 East 3Sth Ottered JOHN FOREMAN Designer i Builder ED 1-3435 I BEDROOM home.

Attached ga rage. Fenced Dck yard. I4ii west 77nd. bed'oom, attached garage, built-in GE stove. Rec.

room to be partially finished. Choose your own rarpet and linoleum, Riverdnie Addition. Call builder: ED 8 BY OWNER 3'1 years. Attached gw age. 2 bdremt Carpet.

D'apet. Walk-ln pantry. 332-5798. BEDROOM RmMr. breezeway, garage, by owner.

3020 South Glendai. ED 2-6397. BY OWNER-3 bedroom spiif-level. Huge kitchen wiin built ins, TV room. Attached garage.

334-3591. NEAT 2 bedroom. Third bedroom In basem*nt. Ntar Eugna Hio icnoot. 3J2-I570.

1 1 0 wtB SSS "Hsr EJkmtomJJ ED 4-9113 ED 5-311? ED 2-49R WEST Owner transferred and must I sell this very nice 9 year old family home. 3 bedrooms and I nice bath up. Carpeted living room. Lovely large paneled family room. Modern kitchen.

1 Natural woodwork throughout. Larqe utility room off kitchen. Attached garaqe with overhead patio and 12x12 storage room off rear. All fenced nice back-! yard. Quiet street.

Near school and shopping. This home must I be seen to be appreciated, i Offered for quick sale at only $13,500. By appointment only. EASTVIEW I Desirable, new, roomy 3 bed-I room Rambler offering comfort and beauty throughout. All i double closets.

Large carpeted living room and dining room. Lovely birch kitchen with built-j Ins and cheerful eating area. Oak floors. 12 ft. vanity bath.

Full basem*nt with excellent finishing arrangement. At- tached garaqe. Lawn will be sodded. Only $16,900. in is 218 W.

13th 336-1738 WE WELCOMfi TRADE-INS BRANDON 3 bedroom. 2 blocks to school. 2-car attached garage. Carpeted living Separate dining room. CAPITOL HILL Large 3 bedroom.

Dininq room. Carpeted living room. Kitchen has built-ins. 2-car garage, attached. 3 blocks to Lynwood School, HILLTOP 3 bedroom with walk-out basem*nt.

Attached garage. Present F.H.A. loan can be. assumed for less than $1,500. MARIAN ROAD 2 bedroom on extra large lot.

Taxes only $63.96. diocks to raywaro scnoo. erice $8,500. POifiT REALTY 18th Minn. Ph.

336-0760 Wheeler ED -274 Browned EO 8 9001 Petrie ED 2-7502 Kolb ED 2-9110 Anderson ED 2-5819 Point 336-3168 Member of SFMLS 4 Bedroom Home 2 levels with walk-out basem*nt. I baths, dininq room, large liv ing room, beautiful kitchen with built-ins, disposal, and breakfast bar Attached garage. Close to schools. $21,900. Make on Offer Big family kitchen with lots of cupboards.

Good size living room and bedrooms. Beautifully landscaped yard with patio, completely fenced. Priced at $14,500. but will consider an offer, $9,500 Neat and clean 2 bedroom home on South Willow. Emerson School district.

Family size kitchen, 91 14', plus oood size bedrooms. Near new furnace. Very oood condition over all. A real economical horn. Call today.

IIEGG REALTY Office Phone 334-2100 Knur Hovme EO 1-4512 Cleo Morstad EO 2-7391 Pet Hegg EO 4-3984 4 Bedroom, southeast, $15,900. 2 Bedroom, suburban. $5,300. 3 Bedroom, Cathedral, $6,300. Bedroom, Cathedral, $18,500.

3 Bedroom, suburban. $14,700. 3 Plus deluxe, S. Holly. $78,300.

Plus delux Columbia Heights. n.uuu. Duplex, southwest. IK 0O9. 3 Bedroom, Vailey Springs.

$5,500. r-or mora information on these, can Member of SiOUX FALLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Realty Co. 212 First Nafl Bank Blda. "REAiTORS" ije-3499 Swenson ED t-633? fcD I Mver Risty Schuldt 2-4702 ED 44683 BY OWNER. 7 year old 1 bedroom rambler.

Garaqe. Birch wood work. Kuscos. Paned rec room Southwest location. ED 8-6219.

DUPLEX. 2 bedrooms each unit, nejriv remodeled. CuthMlrAl area Will sell on contract with small down pyment or comider small house on trade. EO 2-1983 LOW taxesl By ownr. 1 year old 3 bedroom ramow.

Large iiv. Ing room, carpeting; lovely kitchen; utility room; double garage. Full basem*nt. Owner transferred, Call 582J994, Brandon, FOR SALE, near McKennafl Park: Two 3f three bedroom, 1'? story, Smaret dining room, $12,000. to I8-J4J.

Mrs. Wies ED 4-8308 0 V1 "tunes LI Nieuwenhuls a ED 2-2282 SHIP TO STEELE-SIMAN SIOUX FALLS COMMISSION CO. FACTORY PRICES Direct Sale to You S-A-V-E Heavy Tab Z95 Shingles per sq. l'i" Corrugated 1Q75. Steel Roofing 'V Plywood 068 4x8 sheets "5 BROTHERS BUILDING CENTER Hiway 38 1 Mile West of Arena HOLSTEINS 143 Springing and Bred heifers.

Many ready to calve now and many will caiv next tan. Kenneth Hardies, Canby, Minnesota. TRENCHING, 15c per ft; water lines, hydrants, waterers, no. i plastic, drain fields, installed. B.

Murray, ED 2-1007. JEEP and back hoe trenching; waterers, hydrants, plastic. Soo Excavating. 338-9214. DRAG sections, $23.90 each at United Distributing Company.

Wall Lake Corner, South Dakota. 1959 OLIVER 770 Diesel. Looks and runs like new. Guaranteed. DeSchep-per Implement Company, Garretson, 1960 F560 DIESEL tractor with 4-14 mounted plow.

757-4440. 200 BUSHEL unloading boxes. Complete with PTO shaft. Picked up direct from truck, $388. True arriving in with 10 down by May 12th.

United Distributing Co. wan Lax Corner, 11 miles west of Sioux Falls on U.S. 16. Don't deiay. Truck holds only 9 boxes.

HAYNES tandem wheel 2-horse trailer. New. Never used, $950, Cecil Clay, Bersford. REGISTERED Hereford bulls, 2 years old in June. Horned.

John Anderson, Montrose, S.D. FOR SALE 2 375 Holstein calves. ED 8 0025. 1951 MASSEY 44 diesel. Baled wild hay.

Richard Flack, 3'i test. 1 south Harrisourg. GENTLE kids pony, $160. Paul Vannorsdel, Vftorg. S.D.

DA 4-5524. REGISTERED horned Hereford bulls, 2 years. 6. Everett Larson, Salem, 7 north, east. BAY quarter mare, well broke.

Also 1 buckskin colts. Coming to nice saddle prospects. Also little Shetland mare, cheap. Kermtt Slat- Ten, Harrtora. around 350 14 week old pullets, fully vaccinated.

Alvin Tim-merman, Hurley, 235-4265. FOR SALE Registered Berkshire boar. Dennis Jensen, Dell Rapids, South Dakota WILL be having abuJt 275 head of feeder pigs, fresh otf the tarm, from Northern Minnesota, every Tuesday and Saturday. Avtraj about 40 ICS. veterinary vac cinated for cholera and erysipelas, with veterinary neaitn cermicate.

ere delivery. narvoy Kmeison, Phona 579-437). 4 north, 1 west, north, 'A west of Crooks. REGISTERED Holstein bulls. Our official HIR avcrag 18,342 milk.

689 fat IS among rnt iocs in me nation. LeRoy Grabr, Marlon. ONE Chestnut Shetland mar with colt and on grey mare, well brok with spotted colt. Call ED 2-7233 or ED2-0122. SEE th new Hydra-PowR Unload-Ing box at you Du-AI Dealers.

REGISTERED: 15 Angus bulls, 12-15 months. 12 open heifers, 10-12 mon'hs. Choice breeding end Indl viduallty. Clarnc Hlllman, Canova, S. Dak.

HOLSTEIN heifers, bull calves, beef-cross, 7 weeks to 3 months. Calves on dry feed, 150 to 200 lbs Direct from farmers Volum. sold, Bought no cheaper elsewhere. Phon 2120 Farmer's Fdr Calf Aim. FUsworth, Minn.

re top quality pul- lets, America's champion layers. wem ember June's prices reduced $2 to $8. 1955 NEW 44 baler. Con dition lik new. Felix Preheim, Marion.

FOR SALE: Permanent registered quarter stallion. Louie Star bv Now ata Star P-1604 by Oklahoma Star uvnnv. Has won regisrerea reinlngs. Guaranteed sound. Pasture breeder.

A good stud. ED 8-8025 or can be seen at Peaco*ck Stables, Fairgrounds. NORTHERN calves. All sizes. Fresh and healthy.

Dick Henry, 80 FEEDER Dins, vaccinated and weaned. Dav p. Hofer, Bridge-water. FEEDER pigs, strictly northern Minnesota. Delivered.

Roberts Brothers. Phon ATlintlc 3-8308, Luvern, Minnesota. FOR SALE: Sired by Farmers Hybrid. Vaccinated for erysipelas, cholera nd Lepio. Merlin Tebbe, Colton, S.

Uak. CLOSE up Ayrshire Guernsey cross heifers from artificial breeding. CHV. Darrell Docken, Garretson. AT STUD.

Wr.l ft.inixn draft horse. John Fitzgerald, Dell Rapids. FOUR row Mollne ftiph speed planter. 2-1 No. 44 John Deer, plow, $50.

Ry Albers, Hrt- r7 row Minneapolis FOUR Mollne ivn Dinmcr lor sal. I mlw south oi rumpkin Cenler, Orvill 6f son. FOR SALE: John Deer No. S5A -m pigw. Charles Alverson, north, vj west Chester, SDak.

FOR PIONEER seed corn, see me at 4H n. to 1.3737 Ed Herders. JOHN Alii MhwimMi fertilizer applicator. Minneapolis Mo-lln tractor. Overhauled, hydraulic.

Both machines ready to work. A. O. Skattum, Hills, Minnesota..

Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.