The Naboo Raid is here, having been launched in early July 2024, and the visuals are fantastic. Gameplay is strong and while battles take a long time, the Battle for Naboo Raid is a nice step up from the dizzying background and strange abilities of the ROTJ/ Endor Speeder Bike Raid that was just retired. Today we take a look at the best teams, the top teams or whatever you want to call them in the Naboo Raid to help you and your Galaxy of Heroes Guild achieve success both short-term and long-term. While nothing is for certain with EA Capital Games, it is expected that we will be playing the Naboo Raid through the first quart or 2025, so setup underneath that Gungan Shield bubble and settle in for the best teams for the Naboo Raid. Note that we will continue to update this as more teams are uncovered or options are unveiled.
The Gungans are the most obvious go-to best team for the Naboo Raid. The Gungan faction is already durable as heck, but the Battle for Naboo Raid adds even more strength to the Shield Generator, adds bonus turns and more. Best yet, you do not have to move your mods around to score over 2 million points on difficulty level 6. Unlocking and gearing this faction up as soon as possible is recommended if you intend to score high in the Naboo Raid.
Luminara Jedi
The Jedi, under a Luminara Unduli lead, can be a max score team in the new Naboo Raid. My own testing has shown that at difficulty level 3 (Relic 3), a team of Luminara, GMY, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon and Shaak Ti has fantastic survivability but lacks significant offensive punch. The Zeta on Luminara’s lead is essential to get that added survivability and having Kit Fisto on this team is also essential to ensure the Potency Up buff which, when coupled with a Heal Over Time buff, adds counter chance and causes allies to do True Damage on their attacks.
Testing a similar team, Luminara, GMY, Kit Fisto, Mace Windu and Shank Ti, at level 4 (Relic 5), while still using standard mods, added a bit of extra offensive power, likely due to upgrading the Relic levels of Luminara and Kit Fisto and a better understanding of the Potency Up/HoT buff combo as the counter helped a lot in this run as I was able to finish near a max score.
Another variant that I have seen videos on with great success in the Naboo Raid is a Luminara lead with Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Grand Master Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn. This then allows for a second team of Galactic Republic Jedi to be used (more on the Kelleran Beq Jedi team in the Naboo Raid below). Using this Luminara team, you want GMY, Kit Fisto and QGJ as your faster members, taking turns sooner, with Luminara and Plo Koon as the slower members. This allows for the mods on Plo Koon to remain similar to our normal recommendations given there is no need for massive speed.
Queen Amidala
The Queen Amidala team is obviously centered around Queen Amidala in the lead with Master Qui-Gon and Padawan Obi-Wan. Starting off, you want to mod Queen Amidala for speed & offense with some potency (see the best mods for Queen Amidala for more). For Master Qui-Gon, you want him faster than POW and modded for offense, and Padawan Obi-Wan modded for offense with a critical damage triangle. Using these three alone can get the job done, but you need to implement some strategy to do so. The key piece that I have seen in testing and research is ending the first wave of enemies with as many stack of Queen’s Protection as possible, as each stack adds +3% Max Health and Protection, +5% Potency & Tenacity and +5 Speed per stack.
When you get to the first Stay in That co*ckpit special, first look at the Command Battle Droid for his modifier. If he has the three arrows (in the photo to the right), you want to use the Disrupt Communications special ability for the ship, otherwise use the last special on the far right. From here, we continue to focus on killing the STAPs or Droidekas first.
Darth Maul, Darth Sidious & Nute Gunray
Darth Maul, Darth Sidious & Nute Gunray is a weird trio that works well together with the right modding. I have tested this team out twice at the Level 5 level scoring around 1.416 million both times. For the modding you want Darth Maul heavy on offense and critical chance, Darth Sidious high on speed, potency and critical damage and Nute Gunray high on speed and potency so that he can use his special to slow the enemy droids down. When it comes to the battle, utilizing the AoE attacks back-to-back on large numbers of droids helps, and again, use the Stay in That co*ckpit special when the Command Battle Droid has the three arrows modifier (photo above).
Another variant on this team is the addition of the STAP for those who have it with the proper Relics. I have now tested this out in latest iteration of the Battle for Naboo Raid given I have a Relic 7 STAP, and I found little boost if any from adding the STAP. My first two tries saw me get 1.3m, just below the 1.4m I got the first two times through (of the 1.8m max, Difficult Level 5), and my next attempt that I kept I earned my guild 1.506 million points, a slight improvement, but all without any mod changes. In our guild’s next Naboo Raid I again tried this team comp and boosted the speed and offense significantly by remodding the STAP for the raid and found this to impact my score greatly as I was able to get the max 1.8 million score on Difficulty 5. The key was surviving the second wave of B1 Battled Droids, and details on those mod changes are in the STAP mods article linked above.
Kelleran Beq Galactic Republic Jedi
Kelleran Beq leads a team of “leftover” Galactic Republic Jedi that can be quite effective when used correctly. With Beq in this combo will be Mace Windu, Ki-Ad-Mundi, Shaak Ti and Aayla Secura. Using Mace Windu’s ability to grant turn meter to a selected ally and KAM’s double-tap basic, as well as the swarm attack from Kelleran Beq with his first special, and this team is far more effective in use than expected when you look at the team. At Difficulty 3 I was able to get a max score and got Aayla Secura to Relic 5 for my next Naboo Raid and had about the same score with no changes to mods on any of the Jedi. My next time around I will look to upgrade Aayla’s mods, especially her Defense to work with Beq’s leadership, Speed to get more turns and her Critical Chance to hopefully land a few stuns in the future (because her unique stuns on crit).
Originally published July 8, 2024, updated several times since then