The December 2023 Robloxia attacks (2024)


The December 2023 Robloxia attacks (1)This article may contain sensitive, hurtful, or inappropriate content that may be discomforting or upsetting to certain Robloxiapedians. Viewer discretion is advised.

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The December 2023 Robloxia attacks (2)This article currently has 182,578 bytes and may take a long time to load. Please proceed with caution and wait for it to load patiently. This article may need to be split due to the pages' massive lag.

The December 2023 Robloxia attacks, also known as the Great Robloxia massacres of 2023 or The Attacks on Robloxia of 2023 or mostly referred to in Robloxia as 12/9-12/2023, was a series of coordinated domestic terrorist attacks, mainly taking place throughout a three-day long period from Saturday, December 9 to Tuesday, December 12, 2023, in Robloxia and the city's west suburb and borough, West Island. The attacks on Robloxia first began when two of the three shooters (who was robbing some money at a store, around the time) at 10:35 PM R.S.T, entered inside of the Robloxia Hotel during the night of December 9, pulled their guns out immediately and begin firing at the workers, which all of them was later reported to be dead; they then went up to the second floor of the building, breaking into every room and slabbing a bunch of Robloxians to death, before one of the shooters throw and planting a bomb, resulting in a huge explosion.

The following day in the afternoon of December 10, shortly after robbing another few stores beforehand, the three main guys/shooters raided the famous-Roblox HQ near 36th South Street and started to shoot at numerous of office workers; one cop try to get the shooters but was fatally shot when the others two managed to spot him, pointing his gun at them both. For the people that did not get hurt, they were taken hostage inside of one of the rooms instead. As this was happening, the third person had already stolen R$2 billion, before taking the main stairs, shooting the owner of the HQ, Roblox, going on the rooftop of the HQ and begin to fired at the people below; before once again, throwing a deadly bomb, killing every single cop on the ground and caused a massive fire to break out, in and out of the whole building and area. The skyscraper would collapse to the ground by around midnight, killing at least 150 more people on the ground and inside a few buildings.

On December 11, they went inside the West Island Theater, where there, they shoot and fatally killed 10 people inside, who were watching a movie. Finally, the next day, on the 12th of December, they went to a local park, and began to shoot little children, alongside with their parents; a major shootout occurred there and by 5:30 P.M. R.S.T, Jackson, Alex and Hudson were dead.

Following the two main attacks, the city was mostly put into lockdown and many cops were driving around all of Robloxia; However, they did not know that the shooters had left to West Island and believe they were still in the city in hiding somewhere, until the news broke up about the West Island Theater shooting; that was one of the many reasons the police were heavily criticized for.

More than 1,000+ Robloxians was killed, including 100+ cops and the three attackers, while around 2,000+ were severely injured and had to be rushed to many different hospitals; property damage was said to be around R$100 billion dollars, due to the huge bombing that happened at the Roblox HQ and the Robloxia Hotel; these attacks also gained huge-media attention with the president of Roblox, even coming to the city to pay their respect.

It is marked as the most-deadliest attack in the city's history, after the fatal November 10 attacks in 2002.


  • 1 Background
    • 1.1 Security safety
    • 1.2 Planning
      • 1.2.1 Origins
      • 1.2.2 Meetings and pitching ideas
        • Targeting selection
    • 1.3 Preparation
  • 2 Events
    • 2.1 December 9, 2023 (Day I)
      • 2.1.1 The car shooting and crash
        • Gallery of the car crash
      • 2.1.2 Robloxia Hotel shootings, slabbing and bombing
    • 2.2 December 10, 2023 (Day 2)
      • 2.2.1 ROBLOX HQ shootings, bombing, assassination of Roblox and hostages taking
      • 2.2.2 Mass fire and total destruction
        • Collapse
    • 2.3 December 11, 2023 (Day 3)
      • 2.3.1 4DX/RMAX West Island Theater shootings
    • 2.4 December 12, 2023 (Day 4)
      • 2.4.1 West Island Park attack
        • Shooting and bombing
        • Gun battle and killings of Easton Jackson, Alex Paul and Hudson
  • 3 Aftermath
    • 3.1 Memorials, services and tributes
    • 3.2 Funerals ceremonys
    • 3.3 Damage
    • 3.4 Delays and cancellations
      • 3.4.1 Subways
      • 3.4.2 Bridges and tunnels
      • 3.4.3 Schools
    • 3.5 Effects
      • 3.5.1 Economic and jobs
      • 3.5.2 Homes in city
      • 3.5.3 Crime statistics
    • 3.6 Cultural positive influence and celebrations
    • 3.7 Cleanup and rebuilding
  • 4 Rescue efforts, evacuation and relief
  • 5 Reactions
    • 5.1 Politicians
    • 5.2 World leaders
    • 5.3 Entertainment industry
    • 5.4 Other responses
  • 6 Criticism and controversies
    • 6.1 Police officers's lies and failures to save people
    • 6.2 Short-lived lockdown and extreme late-timing alerts
    • 6.3 Lack of police response and understanding
  • 7 Investigations and initial manhunt
    • 7.1 RBI
    • 7.2 Searches
  • 8 Main perpetrator (Easton S. Jackson)
    • 8.1 1994-2004: Early life, anger issues and education
    • 8.2 2006-2010: First bloxtube channel, interest in shootings, two attempted massacres and meetings bad friends
    • 8.3 2012-2018:
  • 9 Secondly perpetrators
    • 9.1 Alex Paul
  • 10 Casualties
    • 10.1 Workers
    • 10.2 Police officers and RBI
  • 11 In popular culture
    • 11.1 Films and tv shows
    • 11.2 Weather
  • 12 See also


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Robloxia is an Robloxian-majority city of nearly about 10 million people living there; it is located about 70 miles away south from the Roblox-Amaxon border.

On the first day of the attacks, December 9 was actually a holiday for many of the robloxians; resulting them to stay home and relaxed with their family, but not all of them; some had to still work in their offices for a bit, while December 10 would be the day when the people actually return back to their jobs.

Security safety[]

Following the mass shooting at a local bank in the city of Robloxia, where nearly 45 local robloxians in the area or building; mostly workers were fatally shot and killed, the year prior to the attacks in early-March of 2020, most of the security in the popular areas like the Roblox HQ, were raised to a very high amount in about a single month to 30% (before) to almost 70% (after).

According to a long study guide, that was taken from the Robloxia's Security data throughout the years of mid-2020 and early-2021, it shows that the most popular areas like Bloxy Square in Center Robloxia, and many more had its main security getting big and more stronger than before; in fact, in 2019, the average numbers of officers in the famous places originally had less more powerful cops, rather than high one with nearly 20% of them being high-leveled cops protecting and walking around the area while almost 80% being mid to low-leveled officers, but as 2020 rolled around and the pandemic started to cause the city to closed down and asked people to stay indoors, the numbers of them dropped very significantly in about 2 months (from March - May 2020) to about 30% lowers than 2019, however, it didn't really last for long because when the virus began to quiet down a bit throughout the end of 2020 to early-2021, the percents of more officers, this time with even less (high-leveled) cops returned back with 70% of them being low-leveled officers, 12% mid-leveled cops and 18% of them being high-leveled officers.

Plus, beginning in the early-2000s (2002 to be exact), the RCTCD would held major security training exercises throughout a three-month period per three full years, rather than a single year; it was right in the middle of the sixth major exercises in the month of December 2023 when the deadly attacks happened, causing the event to be completely cancelled, rather than getting postponed; the next security training exercises occurred throughout from November to December of 2026.



Since the attacks, local news websites early on stated in their sources that the planning of the fatal attacks began at least, a single year or more prior to late-2023, but that wasn't the case.

The actual date for the planning of the attacks can be dated back to around mid-2019 when Richard Hudson and Alex Paul, expect for one of them, which was Easton Jackson, who was described by them as "their leader" were out of prison; beforehand, they were jailed for a total of 10 whole months, shortly after doing an fatal mass shooting attack at a local high school in the Robloxla's east suburb, East Island, that heavily ended the life of 5 student, earlier in late-2018

Around that entire period, they had even more "big" ideas for what the December 2023 attacks would easily become. However, it was gonna be very different from they mainly do, in fact, according to a 2-long pages note as is written on a black and white notebook, the guys called the project as, "not one of", but, instead as their biggest one yet and made a promise to each other that it would "received more attention" than ever before in the city's history; rather than taking on a small mass-shooting, they, alongside with Jackson would do multiple, deadly and dangerous attacks on two or more of the most popular and legendary buildings in Robloxia. But, in order to do so, they needed and had to wait a bit longer for their buddy to get out of his cell, which were due two months from now, next year on January 26, 2020 in "the new decade"; as a result, the plans for the attacks were put to a hiatus.

By around the days before Christmas Eve later that same year, Alex had drawn on his paper sheets from the drawer, on the attacks would go as fully planned, including unrelated stuff, that was even not linked to the attacks; for example, one of the many drawing had him with a name at the top saying the words of "The Great Murder", going on a rage, killing people with a "big" knife in his hands. On December 31, 2019, the day of New Year's Eve, Alex to himself written that he was "still thinking of plans" and had not yet come up with the final ideas and immediately after when Jackson was out, he would pitched the plot to him. On January 30, 2020, Alex pitched the "huge" project to Jackson at his home, after making him go to his house for the rest of the afternoon, in which to the point that he like it so much, due to its being set in the city of Robloxia (a place he wanted to attack), gave his approval and green-lit the idea, barely a week later on February 2nd of that same year.

Meetings and pitching ideas[]

By the start of March 2020, the first group meetings or as "Attacks's Convention" called by all of them originally at first began at Hudson's house, since he was all by himself and not with his family, that would lasted for at least one and a half to two hours each; it was mostly discussing about the attacks were brought up by them together, talking about how it will go to plan to Jackson and chatting on how and why they want to do it before starting to chat about some ideas. But, because of a new fatal virus, called COVID-19, the meetings had to stop taking place in-person, but rather using their computer or a laptop, it would be happening via Zoom.

Throughout the months of April, May and the first half of June, all of them would do the same thing over and over, this time, only lasting for 50-60 minutes, lower than beforehand; alongside that, even before the guys would join the group chat, Jackson would always in every meetings, posted a link at the chat to a long survey, named "Ideas for Attacks", there Alex or Hudson, including him too can type at least 3 ideas, and once finished, it would be send to Jackson's phone, where he read them for a bit, before judging it and seeing which one can go to the plot or get scrapped.

Once, back at Hudson's house by early-July 2020, "Ideas for Attacks" got changed a bit to now where, they can pitched a idea that would be used mainly for the attacks, but first, Alex or Hudson had to write down in their notebooks, called as the "Notebooks (Attacks)" on how, what and why the "intention" is gonna help and do to them and the people, who were be heavily affected by this "powerful" event. Now, for the rest of Summer 2020, a bunch of ideas were made, but most got scrapped by their leader, Jackson or themself; one of those many ideas were to hijack and take over a small-jet plane with a few people inside with Jackson possibly being the pilot, as for both Hudson and Alex, they would tell passengers to follow his orders or the jet is gonna crashed by them, rather than a huge commercial plane and fly it head-on into one of the buildings in the city, causing a fire, however it got rejected by Jackson, during a meeting in September 2020, since according to him, would be "way too similar" to the September 11th attacks, that occurred in 2001. A another idea that was also pitched during a meeting, now a month later in October 2020 was to cause the Roblox HQ to fully collapse, using a bomb under the basem*nt, but that idea got scrapped, mainly due to the fact they will possibly get badly injured and can't go do the rest of planned attacks or worse of all, be killed, or trapped under the debris.

Alongside that, many more ideas were discarded throughout the years of late-2020 into late-2022 including: doing a massive mass-shooting or even a slabbing at a huge inside or outside mall (it was planned for the shooters to kill at least 10 or more people); taking over a bus fully hostage for a while, before driving off the road into the streets, making people to get run over, killing them; firing shots at a local baseball game near them or in the city itself; shooting on the street or inside at a popular building downtown of Robloxia; using a bomb and placing it inside of a car, before exploding, maybe severely injuring or fatally killing people; planting a huge nuclear bomb in the middle of a city; letting one of the guys drive a van while the others shot at everyone in the streets; killing the president of the country. By December 2020, around 150 meetings had been already held and 200+ ideas were pitched to Jackson.

In the second half of January 2021, Alex would pitched an idea that would heavily change the direction Jackson was heading at for the attacks; he had been working, drawing and writing that "massive" idea for two whole months since November of last year. It was to go on a mass-killing at a "small" or "big" hotel with all of them putting their guns and shooting people they see in their view at the lobby of it, before exploding a bomb that would "maybe" lit the whole building on fire; shortly after Jackson listen to Paul's new idea pitch, he was extremely shocked and even in joy by the whole idea so much, that immediately hours after the presentation, the idea become the top 4 on Jackson's list titled "Biggest Ideas list".

In March of 2021, an idea, about assassinating the president of Roblox was pitched to Jackson, but he rejected it, saying to them that it was gonna be impossible to do so.

Targeting selection[]

By the end of May 2021, plans for buildings to aimed at started, with the first event in the attacks happening at a "famous" hotel. Many buildings that were related to hotels were planned throughout the next several months, including World Robloxia Center Hotel, Dusty's Local Hotel and The Wonder of Robloxia. However, none of them came close to the one they picked, and that building was called to be as "The Robloxia Hotel".

Around that same time in June later that same year, more idea came on board; one of them was basically to shot up a local movie theater, located whether in the Center of the city, which later on proved to be tough and got scrapped, due to its high level of security officers or West to South Island. In July 2021, it was revealed by Jackson that the two theaters that they are now aiming for were "4DX/RMAX West Island Theater" and "AMC/Regal South Island Theater".

They choose them, mainly because it had policer officers that were lower than Level 3 (Average) and it is the fact the two theaters also had a numbers of screening happening at the same time and had around four to five story up above the lobby, and less than 15 security cameras placed around inside the building, while few can be located outside, mostly from the parking lot, according to their website, and information on Bloogle.

By August 2021, they visited both of them and soon near the end of the month, the RMAX theater was picked as the right one. In November 2021, it was reported by Jackson to his buddies that he had recently choose Roblox HQ as their second target for the attacks.


Starting first on March 6, 2022, Easton Jackson, Alex Paul and Hudson purchased numerous of weapons for at least a single year in preparation.

On March 11, 2022, Jackson bought a 60-pound gun for $136 dollars per each, from one of the major weapon and popular store, called Weston's Gun Area, located somewhere in the south-side of the city of Robloxia, near a small park on West-South 29th Street enough to hold 30 to almost 40 whole bullets in there and can travel at a speed of 200 miles per hour, once launched with a press of a button, using only one hand.

On April 2, 2022, Jackson once again got him the same thing, but for a short amount, now costing him $100 dollars, just in case if the gun don't work or the bullets run out. On April 7, 2022, a purchase for a 5-pound knife with a length of 6 feet in volume, was made through the website called Amazon for $50 dollars per buy and was at his house by the next week. In May 2022, Hudson would get his first weapon, which turned out to be only a 40-pound gun, that carry 10 to 15 bullets for $64 dollars per cost.

In the same month, Alex Paul rented a 10-pound bomb for almost $200 dollars. On May 20, 2022, Hudson robbed a mini-store, asking for money, not because he spend all of his dollars on stuff, but needed to get the new-released famous gun from one of the shelf, that was $185 dollars; in the middle of this, he fatally injured a person in the leg. On July 17, 2022,


  • For a bit more information on the attacks, see the other article: Timeline of the December 2023 Robloxia attacks.

The entire story has been finished. No new additions or extensions to the story will be allowed.

December 9, 2023 (Day I)[]

On the early morning of December 9, 2023, Easton Jackson grabbed his gun, walked over to his parent's bedrooms and fatally shot them both in the chest, head and the legs, before setting them on fire; around this time, his 9-years old brother had just woken up and was about to go get some breakfast, but heard a loud noise, followed by a large cloud of smoke, coming from one of the rooms inside the house. The fire did not really spread that much inside, only damaging three rooms, one of which was his parents', and the black smoke was not seen until after two friends had left.

Jackson then came out of the room, unharmed since he was far away from the fire, alongside the smoke and fired mainly two shots at his brother, one of which missed its target and made impact into the wall, blowing a tiny hole in it as the second successfully hit him into the neck; he instantly collapsed to the floor, still alive, but was bleeding uncontrollably and rapidly; shortly after, he passed away at the local hospital, hours before the Robloxia Hotel shooting began. Easton Jackson, using with his Messenger app, texted both of his 26-years old friends. First, he explained that he was going to murder his family. Second, he said that he "shot" all of them. Third, he asked Alex Paul to get his own car and drive over to his place. Last, he said, "Yeah.... Ok, let's roll the three of us together". Hudson. W asked him: "Are you ready guys"; a big reference to the famous quote, "Let's roll".

Paul with Jackson, now inside of his car would drive 4.5 miles to the town of South Island to Hudson's house, where there before, he used a "big" knife to attack and fatally murder his father; he was sleeping at that time and at that time, his family had gone on a vacation lasting for ten days. Alex then texted him at 8:26 AM R.S.T, saying: "We's here" in which he responded back, just saying to him: "Ok". Alex went out of the door and straight into his friends' car; they immediately speed out from the parking lot, going to Robloxia (city). At around 8:45 AM R.S.T, the car was heavily traveling near the local bridge on 8th Ave or as South Ave at an speed of nearly 70 MPH; a bus with more than 10 people on board is seen in all of the four screenshots below, about to make a left turn, to the east part of the whole city when the driver saw the ongoing car, heading to him; in an interview, dated on March 9, 2024, the driver of the bus named Tenon. R, stated that, once he saw the vehicle; he pressed and pull on the reverse gear, resulting in the whole entire bus to move backwards and luckily, the car managed to fly pass them.

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Car almost hit bus December 9 2023 (3).png

Paul with both Jackson and Hudson eventually arrived at the place at 11:04 AM R.S.T, where they would hang out inside until around nighttime, when the hotel no longer accepted check-ins. According to a former co-worker named Sophia. D who was interviewing with Dr. James on their famous show The Dr. James's Show! on December 29, 2023 (20 days after the deadly attacks), she recalled being a part of a room service in the small building and seeing the three shooters entering in, but were acting "strange, weird and very nervous" as they were holding a numerous of these "big suitcases"; she did not think much of it, thinking that this was their first time ever and later at around 11:36 AM R.S.T, bought them to their new room and immediately after all of them went inside, one of the "guys" smashed the door like crazy.

In another interview, dated from mid-2024 (May 9, 2024, to be exact), Sophia. D explained that at around 7:50 PM R.S.T (nearly 3 hours before the attack first began), she spotted one of the shooters (Hudson), leaving the building and holding a suitcase that was hiding something "a bit" suspicious; inside, was two separate loaded guns, five bombs and one small pepper spray. At 8:07 PM R.S.T, nearly forty-five seconds worth of footage, taken from a CCTV, showed Hudson walking around at 59th Ave/45th Street, heading toward at a local market, where inside there, would rob three cashiers at 8:15 PM R.S.T. At around 9:50 PM R.S.T, both Jackson and Paul exited their "small" room, shortly after calling a local taxi to take them to the hotel, holding this time, five suitcases; all of them having one gun, two explosives, one small and the other big, a gas bomb, pepper spray and a knife in each of them all and left the building, just six minutes after packing their stuff up.

The car shooting and crash[]


At around 10:19 PM R.S.T (16 minutes before the attacks), some witness reported that they heard loud gunshots as they were walking down near 48th Street, coming from inside a fasting-moving car (moving at a speed of 60 MPH; not exact), mainly heading in the direction to the famous Hotel, before making a extremely hard left-turn and to the right, resulting in the car to easily lost control and, just seconds later, crashed head-on into a big wall, plus a person on the bench were severely injured, due to the bench breaking apart when the "big" crash occurred; the driver of that car was actually shot and killed by Jackson.

One of the main witnesses stated that he heard something extremely weird, but very alarmed which, according to him, sounded like a "car was siding down the road", then being followed, second later by a "very loud bang and a part of a wall exploding". Immediately, he began to run to the spot of the crash where it was revealed that the car had really did crashed; some people were recording while others was staring in shocked, few even decided to help out the injured person, who was now in massive pain and awake. At 10:21 PM R.S.T, two people (Jackson and Paul) exited the now-destroyed car with only two suitcases (three were heavily damaged), between them by going out of the windows and into the ground and left the area if like nothing had ever happened.

Gallery of the car crash[]

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This first screenshot, taken by a CCTV near the Robloxia Hotel shows the fast-moving car about to smash into a wall and to make worse, a person sleeping in a bench is about to get hit at 10:19 PM R.S.T

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This second screenshot, shows the car now crashing; a flash is also seen in the pictures in the spot where the car crash into.

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The third screenshot, shows smoke pouring out from the spot; debris goes flying everywhere and the person in the bench is seen getting thrown to the road.

Robloxia Hotel shootings, slabbing and bombing[]

At 10:32 PM R.S.T, video surveillance with audio show both Jackson and Paul, outside of the main entrance, now putting out their guns and two local bombs, getting ready for the major attack; it also features them talking, right before going inside the building to shoot and also forgetting about the crash with Paul saying to Jackson, first: "Ok, ok, ok.. It about time we do this.." with Easton responding back: "Yeah, yeah.. Ok, man.. Let roll!..", the same reference to the famous quote, used on November 10, 2002, "Let's roll".

At 10:35 PM R.S.T, they entered in through the door with their gun pointing directly to a few people and a second later, both of them fired the first six bullets; two of whom missed it original targets and impacted one of the painting on the wall, breaking the glass into pieces and blowing a small hole in while the other didn't really hit the wall, but rather, hit the bottom of a counter, where three of the five workers were about to finished their jobs; however the rest of the bullets (four to be exact) successfully hit two people, one struck the head of a female co-worker; right after, she let out a very loud, pain scream, causing the others in the area to get scared. One of the workers, who was a 37-year-old adult male, sitting down right near the shooters, yelled out "Hey, put down the gun down!"; this didn't work at all as he was straight away spotted by Jackson in the left-side corner and got fatally killed on the spot to death. Anderson Lincoln, a co-worker in the hotel, said that one of the youngest workers, a female started to sob as one of the shooters (Paul) was about to fire at someone and yelled out, "Don't do it!"; Paul then responded back to her to "Shut up" and shot her few times in the face, arm and chest.

One more shot ringed out with it hitting a young 19-year-old in the face, who was reported by his family to be talking a small walk outside; his nose got blown off and he collapsed to the floor, now dead. This was followed by even more numerous of gunshots, many of them hitting the now-panic workers, who are trying to hide something. Four minutes after the attack began at 10:39 PM R.S.T, a scared and crying person called 9-1-1, telling them that there are a couple of active shooters in the building; already by then, multiple Robloxians were dead at the scene as Jackson and Paul begin to walk down the main hallway and into one of the elevators that was going up to one of the floors. At 10:42 PM R.S.T, a another, this time, short video surveillance, worth of only 30-second of footage with audio, like before showed Jackson and Paul exiting out of the elevator on the 2nd floor, above the main entrance where the shooting took place, just minutes ago and immediately began to run down the main hallway; Jackson can be heard, heavily breathing like nut, but also extremely serious in tone, saying: "This is the place where these stupid, lazy and idlots people will died, like we said" in where Paul respond back to him: "Yeah man, anyways, let spread apart". They then made a left-turn to the other rooms, where there, the recording ends, due to the duo, now not being heard or even shown in the camera.

At around 10:45 PM R.S.T, the RPD (Robloxia Police Department) immediately approach at the scene, after four minutes when the first call was made inside; around the same time, there were reports of yet-a another round of gunshots, this time coming from the 2nd floor of the whole building. Matt Jackson, who was a guest in 'Room 207' that and his friend survived, said in an interview: "I remember waking up to the sound of gunshots, coming from down the hallway near us, which I started to panic very quickly, because you know, this could mean the end of my life; so, I got up and told my friend to get out too and he like, What?" He also said: "I yelled at him that there was a shooter, breaking into our room and he also panicking too; after that, we hide in our bed as the gunman broke our door open". Beforehand, Jackson broke in into four different rooms and began their next mission of the first attack; to slab as many people as possible they can in every single floors. At 10:47 R.S.T, five different cops, is seen on one of the CCTV to be running up the staircase, with the two going to the 2nd floor, the others, heading to the 3rd and 4th floors of the hotel, respectively.

At 10:48 PM R.S.T, a body camera from one of the police officers with the audio on, featured him getting out of the police car and walking slowly to the entrance of the building, saying: "We have shots fired inside at Robloxia Hotel, this is an 888, repeat, shot fired inside of Roblox Hotel." A person is seen running out of the building with the cop right say: "Don't move!" to him; the unnamed person respond to him, saying: "Ok, ok! the cop asked him a question about where the shooter is in which the person said: "At the 2nd floor! At the 2nd floor!". He then ran inside the building, where it showed an extremely disturbing picture; people can be easily seen on the ground, covered in dark red blood from the gunshot wounds that they and the round of gunshots is barely heard from the 2nd floor of the building. At 10:49 PM R.S.T, another body cam shows two cops, running in the distance where the shooters were, one loading his gun and the other (body cam), pointing his big-gun and a taser; once again, shots are fired, this time, it is coming from one of the many rooms and the sound of people in that room, screaming while getting slabbed in total pain is heard.

The two cops realized and heard the noise and started to run as fast as they can to stop the shooter (Jackson); they made it to 'Room 211' and one of the officers in an angry tone yelled, "Come out of there and put your head up!". Jackson did not respond to his commands and continued to stab the person to death with his knife. At 10:50 PM R.S.T, the cop with the body cam screamed out: "Look, just put the gun down and come out!"; this was a major mistake as immediately after saying that a large round of gunshots burst out and unfortunately, the two cops got fatally shot in the head, arms, legs and face, ending the recording from the body cam. At around 10:55 PM R.S.T, the other four cops went to check the 2nd floor of the building, since none of the shooters were on the 3rd or even 4th floor; the video surveillance from earlier showed the sound of moving footsteps and it revealed to be the three cops; they ran with their big gun and even tasers, in case the shooters don't listen or continue to shoot at them. At 10:55 PM R.S.T, a recording from an CCTV with audio, near the rooms of 224 and 226, where Jackson was about to break into, showed the moments when one of the cops spotted him and yelled out, "Hey! Hey!" in which Jackson pointed his gun at him and fired 2 bullets; both of them missed their targets and instead, broke into the door of Room 221; around the same time, the FDI arrived at the scene to deal with the two shooters. Around 10:55 and 10:57 PM R.S.T, the same two security cameras from one of the very first floors in the entire building, mainly being the 2nd floor, showed both of them running as fast as they can up the stairs while holding their guns and tasers; alongside a big, black shield for protection, then taking the north-side hallway for a bit, before going to the left, now heading on the path of the east-side hallway, where there, the shooters had just finished killing two local cops, not even 10 minutes ago and were once again dealing and shooting with this time, 4 more cops, being stronger from the others which only had guns only.

At 10:58 PM R.S.T, as the two RBI officers were nearing the area of the shooter's spot, a major shootout began with the first and second huge round of gunfire by Jackson occurred, just seconds after one of the four police officers yelled out loud, “Take cover!” as the shooter was about to fire at all of them; most of the shots pointed at the cops were mostly a big success, at least for a good while as stated in a small interview from 2024, hitting two in both the face and the chest parts of their bodies, since they did not get down quickly on time like the cop told them to do. One of which screamed extremely loud in massive pain, causing Jackson to get a bit scared, heavily thinking that all of them, except for the two were about to get him and eventually again, shots rang out across the hallway. At 10:59 PM R.S.T, the two officers finally arrived at the spot, where they saw a couple of the officers on the floor, still fully alive, despite them getting fired and shot by Jackson, who ran as fast as he can away before they both came here, plus a long recording from a body camera from one of them that nearly lasted for ten minutes started to record; which was not working for a while. It showed a cloud of gray smoke covering the area, due to the numerous of shots being fired, moments ago. Around that time, one of the two cops who got shot, can be heard in pain, groaning, getting the attention of the RBI officers, who were just standing, frozen and looking around the place, in shocked; after, one of them looked and kneed down at the cop and say to him, “Where he is!?” in which the officer didn’t respond and talked to him, since he was trying hard to hold blood down on his now-blooded chest, instead he pointed his “weak” finger to the direction where the shooter was beforehand, it was the left, still down the east side of the long hallway.

The RBI officer, who kind of understood him well, said to him, “Ok! Come on now, let go!” as he got out from the floor and did the same thing, this time to his other officer, pointed and started to run in that same direction as Jackson did. At 11:00 PM R.S.T, a yet-another video surveillance camera near the end of the hallway, featured Jackson, running, still holding his big gun while also trying to load it at the same time, after firing big rounds of shots to the cops; at the same time, Paul was hiding in the local bathroom on the 3rd floor, where there, was planning a big bomb and working on its since he and Jackson ran away from each other to do their stuffs; beforehand, at 10:51 PM R.S.T, video surveillance featured Paul walking down the westside of the hallway, to the bathroom near Room number 329 all way to 344, holding a big gun and something in one of his hands which was a bomb, around the time when the police arrived at the scene. At 11:02 PM R.S.T, a couple of more RBI officers rushed to the scene inside their "big vans" as stated by the witness, who was walking near 25th Street/1 Ave; mostly about 2.05 miles away from the chaos incident that was happening in the Hotel. Around the same time, Jackson was running up the staircase on the right-side of the 2nd floor, but passed the other floor and open the door into the 4th floor, where there, nobody was outside in the hallway, since it was almost midnight and make thing worse, they were all sleeping in their rooms by themself or with a few people; again, video surveillance with "bad" audio that was taken after the shootout and a minute later, you can heard the sound of someone's footsteps running into the direction of the camera and revealed Jackson, this time, without a gun, only a knife; police later found out that right after walking or running into the hallway, he throw the gun out of the place, where it fall back and nearly broke into two huge pieces to the very first floor of the hotel.

At 11:06 PM R.S.T, the same video surveillance footage from the 3rd floor, near a elevator, shows Paul, wearing a black mask walking out in like "a rush" of the local bathroom and into the southeast-side of the hallway, holding a new bomb in one of his hands; just two minutes later of walking, he made it to one of the elevators which was going down to the first floor below the others and almost about to leave him behind, due to the doors of it closing, but Paul run to the elevator, where it opens fast, letting him in; it then closed, about 4 to 6 seconds later. During that period, most of the officers and doctors were at the scene; from a interview dated from October of 2024, one of the people who was there, said this: "I remember walking out of our door and into the hotel and I saw people running, I saw chaos, I saw a couple of bodies on the ground, I saw everything that scared me lot to pieces.

At 11:15:01 PM R.S.T, the bomb was reportedly thrown across the lobby and landed on the floor in the right-side of a corner, when it was meant to go in the middle as said in their plans from before; to top it all up, the entire bomb with a record-breaking pressure of 300,000 psi, exploded in pieces just seconds later at 11:15:08 PM R.S.T, resulting in a big fire to go flying everywhere in all direction, mainly to the right, which was followed by a huge cloud of black smoke, covering the place.

The explosion was reported to be "super powerful enough" to made a car that was right near the main entrence of the hotel to get heavily damaged, tilt to its side and later on, burned like crazy into "nothing, but dust"; glasses both from the windows of a building, especially the hotel or any stuff located 1-2 block away from the scene and vehicles shattered everywhere around the area to the point that the debris was blown at least 200-500 feet from the building; it also caused big hearing damage to anyone, who was 0 to 0.7 miles away and resulted in 70% percent to become almost or fully deaf, multiple trees to be massively twisted and were by the strong explosion, forcedly fell down to the ground, with one of them landing on top of a mini bus, which had to deal some major damage, right after; inside of the building as it happened, a bunch of people were in the middle of the hotel lobby, mostly officers; one of the doctors who was there when the bomb explodes said this in an interview: "I was on the left side, and I was greeted by this super white and orange flash. So, so, I covered my entire face and heard the worse sound of my life since my car accident three year prior to this. With a loud, big raging fire, it blowed all around me like an extremely strong wing was hitting me if I was an object, and the walls cracking so hard, it sounded like if the whole building is gonna collapsed, glass breaking and also flying too. Then, I was impacted by a line of small to big debris from the explosion I was actually witnessing now and my god, I had to deal this massive pain in my body as people was getting flinged like a toy a kid throw, before being followed by a endless sound of screaming and sobbing and groaning and around that time, I started to cry very, very hard, because I didn't know this was the end of my life..."'. During the same time as the explosion, a person, alongside a dozen more on the street near the famous hotel was filming the event and ran for cover after the flash happened. Shortly after, a big, black smoke with a fire also began to spread all around the area, mainly in the building, resulting in path to the exit to be blocked or even dangerous; an video surveillance, which was just located from the park nearby captured the moment when the bomb explodes.

Between 11:16 and 11:17 PM R.S.T, there was reports of at least two calls being send in to 9-1-1 from both the third and the fourth floors in the building, respectively, except the second floor; all of them was mostly asking for help because as stated, there was a big fire happening from the main lobby and the black smoke was covering the entire hallway, which was caused by a bomb; plus, they both did not know about the shooting happening since everyone, except for them was sleeping. Around the time, firetrucks started exiting their station and were now heading to the "more chaos" scene, where once getting there by around 11:25 to 11:30 PM R.S.T, had to deal with the massive raging fire and smoke that was occurring now; according to one of the fireman in an interview from mid-2024 (May 11 to be exact), he said that: "Once we all got there as I am about to get out of the truck, one of the walls that was holding some parts of the roof to the entrance partly collapsed to the ground". To make it worse, just four minutes later at around 11:20 PM R.S.T as major sources had originally stated in their website, all of the power in the whole hotel were cut off, due to the fire destroying and burning the main lines from the basem*nt below; it was later revealed that the actual cause and timing of the blackout was mainly the explosion's fault and the power went out, immediately after at 11:17 PM R.S.T, and not 11:20 PM R.S.T. At 11:18 PM R.S.T, the RPD (Robloxia Police Department) right after the big explosion, heavily ordered that people at least 3-5 miles should stay away from the area, where the hotel was and need to stay indoors in their home for a while or even into the early morning by tomorrow (December 10) until it is safe and good to go out. At 11:19 PM R.S.T, a bunch of high-leveled officers were shown in numerous of videos from across the internet and in the news that was streaming the event, evacuating the citizens away in which all of them respond and followed their orders; cars are also seen to be driving backwards from the hotel while the firefighters run inside through the parking lot that was located on the left-side bottom from inside the hotel.

Later on, the REAS (Robloxian Emergency Alert System) at 11:24 PM R.S.T, throughout around 4,000+ households, issued a Civil Emergency Alert for some major parts of Robloxia that were near the hotel, asking them to lock their doors and closed all windows, in case if the shooters came out and wonder around the area.


A minute later at around 11:25 PM R.S.T, multiple people (27 to be exact) from the ages of 25-46 years, who were at the very top of the hotel on the 5th floor or as the building said it at the lobby: "The Hotel's View of Robloxia", began to wave their hands for help; however, all of them cannot not used their voice, due to the glass covering them, resulting for the sound to be fully muted. One of those people was named Davis John, who came in for an interview that was dated from March 21, 2024 explained this: "I and my friends were still awake, about to sleep on my bed, around the same time when the police came to the scene of the shooting in the hotel; I look to the windows and I saw police cars, and a few ambulances heading to our place and I was like: "What the-". So, I told my friends and I said to them: "Look over here, Look over here, can you see it?" and they all saw what was happening and we were all pretty worried, and eventually we decided not to sleep and instead, continue to be awake, because who know what will occurred.." He went on to explain that throughout the 30 minutes before the bombing. They both chatted with each other; one of them called their family to alerted them what was happening to the hotel and themself while some of the others looked at him, the two still talked about life and "stuff" and later on, that is when David revealed what really took place when the bomb explodes at the lobby, saying this: "Eventually, I went up to the windows, tired and looked at the scene below us and all of the sudden, a very loud sound like a big explosion impacted us. We all reacted quickly by covering our ears, because it was so loud, it sounded like a nuke was drop on top of us, then it was followed by this massive shaking, in which I right up drop and landed on my face to the floor; stuff like our plant on the table near us, the photoframe on the wall, and a bit more was falling at the same time also, a chair began to move a bit and this like lasted for only 2 seconds and after that, the lights look like it was about to turn off, then it did".

David then explained that after the shaking stopped and the noise that came from the explosion faded away, he and his friends immediately grabbed their phones and ran out of their room door and down into the north-side of the main hallway, where rather seeing them being empty, they were actually seeing some people running to the direction where the staircase was to the fifth floor of the hotel; one of them yelled out to let people know: "There is a freaking fire out there!" while pointing her fingers to the place where they all needed to go. By around 11:25 PM R.S.T as he stated it, him, his friends and 11 more Robloxians with them open the door to the "The Hotel's View of Robloxia", and that is where they waved for help. At 11:27 PM R.ST, it was reported by the firefighters that the fire, created from the bomb, was now spreading up to the second floor and were trying their best to sound the fire alarm; it was revealed to be broken and did not fully work due to the wires being cut, just about 10 minutes ago. From 11:28 to 11:35 PM R.S.T, it was reported by the police that the people from the 3rd floor of the hotel were carefully being evacuate from their rooms, down the east-side hallway to the back door of the hotel and outside into the streets. During that time, one of the people, named Jane. S, who was with the 26 others, including David John, recalled being fully scared to death, sitting down nearby on a wooden table, that was placed on the floor near the glass-wall of the view as he looked at the rest looking down on the city below, still screaming for help while the black smoke was now pouring out from the lobby and into the sky. Due to the fire spreading heavily on the staircase to the third floor of the hotel and the windows being broken, causing the fire and smoke to spread out; also, one of them decided to take an image of the chaos scene.

At 11:40 PM R.S.T (at least 20 minutes before midnight), one of the walls, which was on fire around the same time from the 2nd floor were reported to have starting collapsing a bit to the right, before losing its strength and fell down at 11:42:49 PM R.S.T. Around that time, Jackson was right below the burning lobby, inside the basem*nt, now both hiding and trying to climb out of it, using one of the ladders that was hanging all way to the ground near 49th Street; meanwhile with Paul, he was on the 5th floor of the hotel, also making an attempt to get out and away from the hotel. At 11:56 PM R.S.T, video surveillance caught both of them, holding a bag in their hands, running away from the scene; it was later on revealed by the police that they had meet up with each other and managed to escape out, while also being not getting caught by a single police or even a person.

December 10, 2023 (Day 2)[]

On December 10, 2023 at approximately 12:03 AM R.S.T, video surveillance with its 5 minutes worth of footage and audio captured Jackson and Paul, now walking down the local street between of 89th Ave and 115th Street, just at least 4-6 blocks away from the hotel as stated by police; around the time, Hudson was seen by people to be super suspicious, due to him holding a black bag that appeared to have something inside of it, but they did not know what to do.

Just beforehand between 11:40 PM and 11:50 PM R.S.T, Hudson had robbed four out of the five stores that he had planned earlier on throughout the day and during the fatal shooting happening at Robloxia Hotel; the 53-year old cashier, Tom Carson, got severely injured in the "1-minute quick" robbery and explained what really did occur inside the store: "I remember being at the front of the casher, you know, waiting on someone to come in before I leave and end my shift for the day and that is when the door broke open, like it completely crashed to the floor, really fast and knocked over some stuff. I turned around to where the sound was and saw a figure; he was dressed up, all colored in gray and black, and he was holding something dangerous in one of his hands, which to me, looked like a knife or even a mini-gun. Then, he saw me looking at him and began to run right-toward to me, with the weapon being lifted up from his fists and.. My god, I started to screamed out: "No, no, no, no!", then this massive pain spread around my whole body, mainly my arm after he pull me to him and slab me to near-death, before dropping me to the floor and walked out, grabbing, I think 2 pieces of candy from one of the shelf nearby, opened and closed the door like a regular person would do." He later on went to say that he "also walks out of the store" and yelled out for help, in which a few people saw him in trouble and called an ambulance.

At 12:06 AM R.S.T, Jackson and Paul were both seen by a security camera walking to the local train station which mainly served two subway trains, one is the (RC line) that goes to a different place of the city and the (ET line) to another suburb, called East Island at around 126th Street/11 Ave. They were at least 10-11 blocks away from the area of Robloxia Hotel in the center part of Robloxia, before they went down the staircase; they would eventually take the (RC) car for an hour to South-Coney Island, a popular park. Around 1:00 AM R.S.T, Jackson and Paul arrived at the station. Unfortunately, due to a numerous of cameras not catching them on footage and cops still not finding them at that time, it is pretty unknown what happened or all of them do throughout the whole day of December 10th. However, one video surveillance show Hudson walking on his own again, at 4:04 PM R.S.T. Plus, Jackson was eating some food at a local diner, while for Paul, he was at the other hotel they had went in to prepare and out to attack yesterday. At 8:07 PM R.S.T (at least 2 hour before the attack), Hudson would rob his fifth and final store, located just 15 blocks away from the Roblox HQ in the center of the city.

ROBLOX HQ shootings, bombing, assassination of Roblox and hostages taking[]

At around 9:30 PM R.S.T, Jackson, Paul and Hudson at last formed together as a group, hiding near a wooden fence between two small building, which were colored in brown, while one was in red, at least four blocks away from the HQ. There, they revealed their plans to each other, like how the event will go or what they are going to do and chatted for a "good" while until when it was time to execute the attack. When it was time to do so, the HQ, which at that time was originally meant to be closed at around 10:30 PM R.S.T, opened its door for a bit until past midnight. Also, the owner behind it, Roblox (the former president of Robloxia before he was couped by fascists) was actually the very top of the building, just above the exit to the view, having a long one and a half hours meeting with some people, about stuff. At 10:20 PM R.S.T, all of them slowly walked out from their spot, holding the same guns, they had used beforehand, but got new bombs and placed it right inside a white bag and went into the street, and started their "small" journey to the Roblox HQ.

At 10:47 PM R.S.T, having walked for 27 total minutes in the darkness, they finally arrived at the HQ when a video surveillance camera, located on one of the sides of a yellow building in the middle of it, which recorded audio too, showed them talking; Jackson can be heard saying: "This is gonna be wild! I just knew it!" before the team laughed for about six seconds. Hudson responded saying in an evil, but silly tone: "Yeah! We will kill these stupid [beep] fatherless, motherless, cringe people to [beep] death!" Since he said the word out loud, some Robloxians from the other side looked at them, very confused, but also worried, including a mother who covered his 13-year-old son in fear, asking him to "not listen to those guys" and calling all of them "crazy people". At 10:50 PM R.S.T, Paul asked Jackson to pull out his gun in a normal way if like he was grabbing something from his pockets. Hudson at that same time grabbed his bag from behind himself as Paul said just moments ago, to get the "big one" and the bombs as well, but immediately hide them, in case no one or even a police officer noticed something suspicious about all of them. At 10:53 PM R.S.T (2 minutes before the raid), Jackson, in which by then was in joy already, got his phone and started to record in-front of the HQ; that was a surprise to the two buddies as Paul said to Jackson: "Didn't you like bring your phone and now you using it, for what?". Easton said to him that he just wanted to "bring his phone" today and record, right before their attack as if they finished their plans by December 12th, they can rewatch the video and smile, knowing that at this moment, was one of their biggest moments.

At 10:55 PM R.S.T, Jackson, Paul and Hudson walked toward the building, where outside of the entrance, one of the guys grabbed the gun, pointed it directly at the window, right near a worker, who was working at his desk before firing several shots; it was at first proved to be a bit of a failure as one missed their target, but shortly after, was a success to all of them mainly because two more hit the person, both in the head. As for the glass, there were small holes in the middle, around 10 inches away from each other to the top, all way from the bottom, creating a mini crack. One of the people, who was online with her three children heard something coming from behind, but far away and when she turned to the right, she saw blood on the floor and yelled out security to come and help the injured person. That was later followed by more gunshots by both Jackson and Hudson, while Paul was getting a smoke bomb that was in his pocket from the pants he was wearing, colored in mostly black, now aiming at more people; inside, a few Robloxians got shot in the chest with one even get hit in the eye, causing in his entire face to be covered up, due to the blood that was pouring down and a casher, who was working and were about to say goodbye to the person in-front of him, when something came right through the nose, making him to fly a bit and landing flat on the ground. Around this same time, mass panic was already starting to take shape as most Robloxians were dashing to the door. At 10:56 PM R.S.T, Paul threw the smoke bomb, into the window, before crashing down on the floor in the middle of the lobby, exploding. It created a white but thick cloud. Another worker, who was named as Justin Jones immediately got up from his seat and went down under the desk.

One or two more officers, who was on the second floor of the building, eating some food got news from a co-worker, in which ran up the stairs about the shootings and they ran down the same staircase to see what can be described as "chaos": Robloxians, who got injured by the shots but were still alive were covered in nothing, but blood, making a trail of mess on the floor. At 10:57 PM R.S.T, Jackson, Paul and Hudson, after watching the event happening in front of their eyes, ran directly inside, opened the door and even fired some more gunshots; mostly of which hit the walls, counter, but some hit Robloxians and the workers too and as a result, they begin to drop to the floor, about to die. One spotted the shooters and made a dash for them, however disastrously, Paul saw the guy and fatally shot him few times in the head, arms and chest. At 11:00 PM R.S.T, for the second time, the Robloxian Emergency Alert System renewed the warning for an additional day. Around that same time, Paul yelled out: "Shut the [beep] up, you all!" in which did not work at all, since people was sobbing, and screaming extremely loud. In angry, he said to all of them: "If you not gonna listen, I will make you listen!" before firing more shots at the people, including an officer from beforehand.

At 11:01 PM R.S.T, a call was made from the lobby, by a worker, who was hiding from behind one of the desks, asking for help and that they needed to get "here" now. As the same time as the call, Jackson grabbed a person from the neck, and started to drag her, while pointing his gun, saying: "Don't you follow me, all!" before opening the door to the room and closing down, one second later. At 11:02:14 PM R.S.T, Roblox received a phone-call from his desk, right before they finished the meeting. A third worker, all the way from the back near the door to the secret room, in a rush tried to get inside a couple of times, but due to the room being locked, since the HQ was about to close soon, the door to it will not open and thank to that, Paul saw the man, thinking he was getting the police, shot him fatally in the nose. Jackson, shortly after the bullet ringed out, ran up to a person, who was scared and did not know what to do was grabbed by the neck and got dragged for a few seconds; they would enter in the room where according to them, was their first hostage. Meanwhile, Paul walked slowly, looking at the desk of the workers before going down and shooting them to death. On the 3rd floor at 11:02:58 PM R.S.T, an emergency call was made by a female, who by then was screaming at everyone in the building to hide somewhere, in case the shooters come up to their spot. The call of 9-1-1 lasted for about five minutes because she would occasionally scream at her friend and bystanders outside of the call.

At 11:03 PM R.S.T, Hudson, Paul and Jackson decided to separate from each other with two of them continuing to murder up the crowd, while one would go up the staircase, all way to the final floor; while doing so, he would steal a bunch of money. At least ten more officers, from the 4th to the 6th floor of the building beforehand, came down to the lobby, where most of them yelled out: "Raise your hand or I will [beep] kill you!"; they expected the shooters to simply drop their gun and let them get handcuffed by the police, but instead, they were greeted with numerous of shots fired at them. As a result, one bullet went flying out from the gun, Jackson was holding in his hand and impacted the left-side body on the cop's arm; the officer then screamed extremely loud, triggering even more panic around the building and even ended up jump-scarring a few officers, who were near him in the front or behind with one accidentally bumping over a trashcan, full of dirty food, water and drinks, making a scene. The police chief, in a very angry tone yelled at all of them, just to only get killed by Hudson.

At 11:04 PM R.S.T, Jackson with his hand spreading out smashed directly to the door that was into to the police's meeting hall, causing it fall on the floor, breaking the wood on it into two pieces. Thank to that, it resulted in the room to shake for about a few seconds and some objects, including a pencil, eraser and small flower-can, dated from the early 2010s as a gift from the desk, tripped over the sides and fell on the floor below, with the can breaking into small pieces. However, it was revealed to be the wrong room, if not the wrong place; Jackson actually was meant go up the staircase. In shocked, but anger, he stormed out the room and was not aiming to an another door, with the top sign above it saying: "Stairs". Around that same time, Roblox, who went up one more floor decided to go under a small, long wooden table, that was placed in the middle of a room, he visited a bunch of times during his yet 30-years of working, while also getting the attention of several workers, who went with him too; this was later on proved to be a very bad mistake. At 11:05 PM R.S.T. the Robloxia Police Department at last after 10 minutes of being in traffic, arrived at the scene, with two cops opening their doors and getting up, holding a gun in their now-shaking hands, alongside a few more in the pockets of their pants and shirts, just to make sure if there were more shooters, or one of the weapons ran out of bullets inside it. They then ran slowly to the front of the entrance, where both of them drop to the ground, crouching a bit and walked in a slow way to the door, before smashing with a hand, spreading out, letting the door opened fully. Hudson, who were now hiding at one of the workers' workspace heard the noise, got up and pointed his gun directly to the cops, in which screamed out loud, to the point it echoed through the lobby: "I am coming for you!". In response, Hudson shot several bullets and while some of them missed its target, one did hit the cop in the eye, causing in him to collapse to the floor and bleed down from his bloody face.

At 11:06 PM R.S.T, Paul asked Hudson to followed him to one of the worker's desk, in which he said yes; for Jackson, he at last found the stairs and started to begin walking up in a fast way to the 2nd floor of the building, where there, was few co-workers, working for some people, including the owner hiding somewhere, whether in the closet, room and even a bed, that was actually placed in Roblox's office, in case he was going stay for a another day. Paul slowly walked all the way to the front of the door, before going to the left and moving in that direction, while Hudson keep on shooting people to death, by having his gun change to the right and then to the left, over and over again; as a result, most of the bullets went flying and smashed directly into the wall, causing a tiny hole, but some impacted few people, who were now both screaming and crying for help. At 11:07 PM R.S.T, am another call was made by a person, who was sobbing non-stop, this time from the 2nd floor of the building; around this time, even more officers came to the "chaos" scene, after a long-4 more minutes of waiting. At 11:08 PM R.S.T, Jackson, after having walking down the hallway, went inside of a room, pointed his gun to someone in case there were, before hearing a scared person yell out in sadness and fear: "No, get out!". He immediately pulls the gun, now straight-up to the rooftop, screamed to "shut up" and fired few bullets that went flying for not even a second and impacted into the walls, resulting in a bit of dirt and brown dust to land on his head and the floor as well and caused white smoke, also created from the gun to spread everywhere. He then started to search for the person, who said it and after a while, find him, in which was with another person and fatally the both of them with numerous of gunshots (almost 25 to be exact) in the head, nose, chest, arms and legs. This triggered another worker to scream in fear and as a result, Jackson looked to the door, where the noise of the person came from, and started to walk there. At that point, when Jackson was in the hallway, a few brave Robloxians, who turned out to be friends with Roblox, holding a metal pole and a baseball bat ran behind him and attacked to the ground, in a quick, dangerous attempt to save themselves and many more lives that were endangered. But, despite everything they did, it turned out to be nothing, but a total failure as Jackson got his gun and shot all of them; the first to third bullets hit one of them in the face, causing to fall right to the floor and made the others, now with their eyes fully opened wide getting completely scared and try to ran away, just to only get killed seconds later by a couple more.

Jackson continued to walk down the hallway and at around 11:09 PM R.S.T, he tried to enter a room, using his hands, but due to the person, which was the same one to scream locking it, the door won't open at all. So, in anger, Jackson slowly walks backwards to the wall behind him, ran to the door with strong force and smashed his fists right into it, yet despite his attempt, it still did not work; however, some wooden pieces of the door came flying inside, with one even hitting a glass jar and breaking it, after falling to the floor and as a result, the door was a bit broken, but not enough. Again, Jackson would impact the door over and over again; meanwhile inside the room, the person in a rush began to move away from the table, which was the hiding spot for a while and looked somewhere that was big, that Jackson won't be able to see him. Luckily, there was a closet on the right-side corner near the door, so he ran to it and shut it closed, but didn't realize he had made some footsteps and notice that the door was actually about to break into parts. Finally, after 10 full attempts in just a single minute, Jackson managed to open the damage door, however since he was going at very fast speed, he tripped over for a bit while also trying to gain control of his balance, but failed to and fell flat on the floor, and thank to that, he got a cut in one of his arms and started to bleed a bit. Jackson then, hoping to get up, started to look for the person, and while doing so, he decided to knock over from stuff that were good enough to make a person hit with their legs on accident and fall to the floor, in case the victim try to escape; one of which was a tree with presents at the bottom, colored in red, green and blue, standing on the right-side of the room and once he spot it, he ran to it, grab by the hands and throw it to the floor, damaging several objects and saying loud out to the point, where it was even heard down the hallways and a few rooms near it: "[beep] this stupid [beep] tree!". Around that time, Hudson and Paul went inside of the room, where the hostage were and pointed both of their guns to the now-crying and screaming person, taped up to a chair that was given to Hudson by Paul beforehand, asking her to stay there or else, she will be killed in front of everyone as well as the officers, who will shot her few times right when one of them yelled out: "I am here!", then getting shot back, before going back out into the lobby to get more people inside, still carrying on with their plan, but three minutes in, they all heard the sound of the firetrucks going to the scene, due to a call made a by worker, because of the smoke that was now getting outside to the streets; as a result, they ran back inside the room and shut the door completely.

Right at that same time, Jackson was continuing to search for his target, having been looking from him for nearly two minutes, until he saw some movement and it was coming from the closet; it was later turned out that the victim was having trouble breathing, due to it being so small, but-yet not clean beforehand. So, after noticing it, Jackson slowly began to walk to the closet and after a while, he pulled out his gun, pointed it to the front and using his fists, pressing on the hander opened the door to reveal the same person, he was looking for. Right after, the person screamed out extremely loud: "Don't do this!", before getting shot to death numerous of times for at least 30 seconds, which to some people lasted for more than that time.

Outside of the HQ, most of the police, who were inside beforehand asked all of the Robloxians near the building to go away as it was "very dangerous". Throughout the ten and a half minutes from 11:14 PM to 11:25 PM R.S.T, Jackson would shoot and kill a total of 20+ workers, who in which some of them were below the age of 25. At 11:26 PM R.S.T, Jackson walked in and opened the front door, which had the text of "Enter", colored in green and red as well to the 3rd floor of the HQ, where the owner, Roblox was hiding at. It was around this time when few workers decided to get up from their hiding spot and go somewhere, but not even a minute later, right after hearing the noise of something opening, they all immediately tried to run back to where they were beforehand. Jackson, now holding a gun in his hands and pointing it to the floor, about to launch the bullet in about a few seconds, now who ended up hearing the sound of a footstep, started to run also to where it was coming from, before someone in one of the rooms asked and yelled a person to "get over here" now. Very confused, he went in the other direction, however bumped into someone else; in extreme anger, he grabbed the gun and shot the person to death, then keep on going, shooting even more people (10 to be exact) for three total minutes. At 11:30 PM R.S.T, Jackson heard the sound of someone crying with a few other people, including Roblox making an attempt to calm him down, just so they can't get caught and murdered by the gunman as they said. Noticing this, he slowly walked to the door of the room, while also trying to not make a sound at all. At that point, he walked backwards, ran directly to the door and broke it in pieces, opening and letting the shooter in; it turned out that the door was never even locked, if so, Jackson would had failed to get in. The person, crying let out a massive high-pitched scream, triggered everyone to panic in fear and began to escape, but the murderer started to fire bullets at them.

Roblox, who now was trying to hide somewhere in the room ended up getting shot in the chest a few times. At 11:31 PM R.S.T, the RBI, having to deal with major traffic on the middle of the road for at least 20 whole minutes, arrived at the scene; the first officers, who got up from their car, holding big guns in their hands and a taser ran directly inside the HQ, which was now covered in nothing, blood on the floor with dead Robloxians that were fatally killed by the three guys. Looking around the entire lobby for a while until 11:33 PM R.S.T, one of the RBI investigators, Anna. C, heard the '"mute" sound of someone sobbing, and screaming at the same time, asking for help over and over again, and it was reportedly coming right from a room that Paul and Hudson were hiding in. In a 2024 interview, another officer, named Jackson. F who was with Anna throughout the entire time said this: "She told me that something was coming from one of the building's room while pointing to where it was. So, slowly, we walked to the front door and we left some blood on the floor, because the whole lobby was just red blood everywhere and we both heard the person. Then, one of the shooters said 'I think they are here, get the gun'." By around 11:40 PM R.S.T, numbers of hospital ambulances made it to the scene and just a minute later, Roblox sadly passed away at the age of 60.

By 11:41 PM R.S.T, Hudson and Paul, now stuck in the room with the hostage for at least 30 minutes or more ended up finding a small doorway to the outside of the building. There, they left the girl to be alone, however they forget to tape her mouth. Once the shooters were gone, the girl screamed for help.

Mass fire and total destruction[]

At 11:42 PM R.S.T, Jackson walked out of the 3rd floor and went all the way up to the final floor, where there, he exited out of the tall staircase and into the rooftop, put out the bomb into his hands, before throwing it with a strong force. At 11:43:01 PM R.S.T, the bomb landed on the ground, broke into small pieces, and releasing a blast of 350,000 psi. The bomb's explosion started a massive, long wall of fire that went so high up that it was taller than the building itself, where Jackson was there. The building turned into a huge cloud of brown to white dust and black smoke, with the noise of debris falling to the ground and getting wrecked.

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On the ground, Robloxians did not realize there was a bomb being thrown. Robloxians were then thrown 200 feet to the air before hitting themselves on heavy objects or smashed into the building's wall with such an extreme force that it resulted in some parts of their entire body getting ripped from its spot and instead, landed somewhere near the site of the destruction, with the most common being the legs, arms and even heads. One officer, who was inside his police car was brutally killed in the worst way when the vehicle she was in for a while, waiting for his co-officer to get out of the building. The vehicle suddenly moved to the right, hitting a big light pole in which was snapped into two pieces, one of which hit the head of the officer and tore it away, impacting few unknown people, causing blood to go flying before creating a long trail of black marks on the road, then stopped catching on fire.

Another person, who was watching the event saw the explosion, but did not even have time to hide somewhere and covered his face, as his eyes were burning from the bright flash and ended up getting slapped by flying debris in the chest; the object went inside of his body and damaged his heart, immediately ending his life. Multiple people, one of which was a male and the other, a female inside the lobby, who were shot, but still alive had their lives end when the fire spread to the inside as well, making windows to cracked into millions of pieces and went flying to the couple; a large part of the structure broke away and impacted all of them, heavily damaging the counter and smashed directly into the main back walls of the HQ. Several firefighters reported one Robloxian, who was trying to run away, getting hit by a large metal ball that was placed in the middle and at least front of the entrance went flying back down and continue to slip on the street; the rest of his body straight-up moved forward in just a single second and one part of the leg got cut badly from a another debris and died later on the next day.

A few RBI investigators, with one of them named as Adam O got killed when another vehicle, this time a van, located in the middle of the "chaos" scene hit all of them and moved on the ground for a long while before directly crashing into a wall of a building and right inside, which turned out to be the part of someone's room; as a result, the roof of their home collapsed to the ground, trapping and killing at least one young kid, his old father and baby brother, who were at the age of between 2 (the youngest) to 55 (the oldest). Meanwhile for the people that were not killed by the massive explosion, instead they had their life ended or got severely injured due to dangerous debris. A young lady, who was sitting down on the bench, near the HQ saw the fire and started to ran away for her life, just to only get hit by a piece of metal, displaced outside of the headquarters, smashed head-on into the street and moved for a bit before coming to a stop near a street sign; thank to that, she went into a coma for a single month, but fortunately she survived and is still recovering today.

For the buildings and headquarters itself, they were heavily affected and eventually had to deal with minor to extreme severe damage. One of the buildings suffered major damage, especially at the front side where, the walls there were immediately ripped away from their spots and moved backwards extremely fast, resulting in nearby apartments to be completely wrecked or even destroyed in its aftermath. For the roof, it eventually collapsed on top of a another house, where some of the people living inside there were still awake, because of the scene that was happening and later on died on December 12th and December 15th, 2023, respectively, due to the force of the explosion. At the very back of that same building, the walls cracked into pieces and caused some shaking to occurred that lasted for two seconds; as a result, objects placed on top of high furniture fell to the floor and broke, beds moved to the left and right for a while, making the person sleeping there to also fall out from there, fans that were instead hold on to by a couple of ropes, located on top of the rooftops of the room started to shake like "crazy" with some reporting that their own blower fell to the floor, as well as chairs, tables and many more small objects that also had to deal with the same thing, but were overturned and crashed into its side, doors suddenly hit and knocked to their walls, making a loud noise, triggering suspicions that even more people woke up.

However, damage analyses revealed that Robloxians were awake already. Another large building was so close to the site of the headquarters that when the explosion happened, the entire building forcedly moved and tripped to the left side and collapsed entirely while doing so, before crushing into a another building that was placed right near it and caused some severe damage, but ended up killing 10 more people. While for the headquarters, most of the bottom floors, mainly the lobby were heavily damaged in the aftermath, where it came to the point that some parts eventually can't hold it anymore and fully collapse to the floor, sending the first dust and debris out into the streets.

The explosion also happened so to create some shockwaves both into the ground below and outside throughout nearly half of the city itself, mainly breaking weak glass in windows, cars and buildings into pieces that were located at least two or three miles away from the site of the bombing. Streetlights shortly after malfunctioned and not even a minute later, all power in the area went out, creating a small blackout. Residents, who were one mile from the area, but were inside, reported to have heard a loud "boom" coming far away started to pointed out that the whole house was shaking a bit violently and resulted in small cracks in the walls, objects to fall to the floor, and few things to break. According to the Robloxia Geological Survey in their final report dated from June 9, 2024, they measured the two shockwaves to be around nearly 3-3.5 on the Richter scale, which is equivalent to a small magnitude earthquake. However, very few people were reporting.


By around midnight on December 11, 2023, while the fire was still spreading around the place, one piece of metal that was connected to the third floor of the building, down at least one story below of that, started to lose its strength due to the part beginning to crack, and seconds later, broke completely in two equal parts with one slipping away from its place and resulted in a small collapse, making more dust and debris flying directly inside and into the hallway. Then at least two minutes later at 12:06 AM R.S.T, the first half of the main columns, coming from the lobby itself holding the whole six floors, if not the entire building, were slightly cracked, causing the situation more dangerous and deadly. When the column started to break, the other two floors beneath it began to go down slightly, causing all of the workers who were by then dead or was about to die to not really notice it until a very loud noise started to happening around the entire place.

All of the sudden, the column failed, fully cracked and fell to the floor, resulting in heavy objects to start moving to the same direction, smashing into walls, breaking more stuff and before even the collapse occurred; a Robloxian was killed when a shelf, placed in the middle of the room crushed him to death because the whole building was now shifting to the right. On the ground, police officers, people and firefighters noticed that dust and a bit of small to large part of debris was coming out from the side and landing on the street below with one of them yelling out, but also questioning at the same time: "Is the building gonna collapse", triggered a bit of panic. By 12:07:05 AM R.S.T, the first half of the building started to suffer a collapse, sending down dust and debris, coming from the outside and inside at the same time, which was then followed by the other half to fall down as well. From there, the crush-down phase began as most floors started to land on top of each other. As each story from the tower fall, the floor above the next one heavily damaged and crushed that same story, until the entire thing was on the ground completely.


At 12:07:37 AM R.S.T, dust and debris could be seen pouring out from the bottom floors quickly and keep on doing it, until it reached the very top. By this time, the entire building was making it way down to the ground and thank to that, most people started to run for their life, while a bunch of them decided to hide in a store or something that will at least stop the smoke spreading into their spot. Not even 10 seconds later, the whole headquarters was nothing, but a pile of debris. When ROBLOX Headquarters collapsed, massive damage was made, especially when it come to the small buildings near it; those houses was completely crushed down to the ground, people who didn't have time to get out or run were first blown away by the heavy strong gust, coming from the dirty dust, then parts of the building would catch up to them and push the person further until it come to a halt.


By 12:09:45 AM R.S.T, nearly half of the city was covered in dust.

December 11, 2023 (Day 3)[]


In the immediate hours after the collapse, security cameras were badly affected as the dust was damaging the cables connecting to almost all of the video surveillance and as a result, there was only limited information on where the shooters were, what they did, and even before the shooting, but most of the information came directly after the bombing happened. As stated by the police during a press release on December 19, it was reported that Jackson had actually climbed down using a ladder in just 1 minute, on the very back of the building; he wasn't injured, but did suffered a bit burns around his arms after the bomb went off.

For both Hudson and Alex Paul, they escaped by breaking into a small vehicle, with his "big" fists that was at least located near the headquarters at the time, during their shooting in the lobby. Pressing on the gas pedal, they drove all the way to their next location, West Island. There, they arrived at a huge 2-story house that had been abandoned for four whole months and entered it. Thankfully. in order to watch the news of their recent event, they had multiple "full charge" RoPhones in one of many bags; one of them were stolen from a store and was only at 3%. One minute later, Hudson started recording and waved to the camera, then pointed it to a confused Alex, who at the moment, said: "What the [beep] are you doing?" in which he instantly responded in a happy tone: "Just take a photo".

However, the camera stopped working and the phone shut off. In anger, he threw it at the window, causing the glass in the phone to crack and the phone to break into pieces; Lucky, it was quickly fixed by the workers in the company, who originally made the phone all themself, back around the late-2010s. By then, the building had collapse to the ground around 12:00 A.M. and extremely large dust spread across the city. According to the police department, Hudson grabbed an another one and started filming for the second time, while still angry. 37 seconds into the 1-minute video, Alex yelled out in a very overjoyed tone: "Oh my god! Oh my god!". Shocked, Hudson changed his phone's direction, where it was at first looking down on the ground, now switched back and moved forward, while Alex showed the clip on his phone, featuring the now-destroyed headquarters.

They loudly cheered in happiness for a long time and then later on, the camera shut off completely. Jackson at this time was hiding in a small area, in between two buildings, located near a local long bridge to East Island. There, he stayed very quiet as people try to run away from the smoke coming to them; while doing so, he ended up laughing a bit, but eventually calmed down himself after 30 seconds.

4DX/RMAX West Island Theater shootings[]

On December 11, 2023 at around 11:25 PM R.S.T, Jackson, Hudson and Alex Paul arrived to the local theater, holding three guns in their hands; one of them was a AK-47. They then walked and opened the door fully into the main lobby of the theater, and went to the ticket booth to ask for the tickets to the film; beforehand, they had immediately put the two small guns back into their pockets, while the big "one" stayed in a bag. After getting the tickets for an animated action-drama film, called The Noob Easter that was recently released and was very popular, they begin to stroll normally to the concession stand.

By around 11:28:30 PM R.S.T, they successfully started moving and trying to find Theater 25 located on the second floor of the building. They did not get any of the popcorn or candy. They instead got three drinks. At this time, the ads in the theater room had begun to play while at least 39 people were here already; most of them were young adults, while some were kids, about around 9-16 years old. While walking, some people looked at them suspiciously, but they did not care and continued on their way out or in the building as they thought that the "unknown" men only had a drink and something to eat while watching the film.

At 11:31:53 PM R.S.T, video surveillance caught them all taking the staircase and holding on to the rail, now at Theater 25. At 11:32 PM R.S.T, they opened the door and ran to the theater room, as if they were late for the screening. Shortly after, they immediately, but slowly started to put out their weapons, and walked into the screening for the movie. By that time they arrived, now 46 were watching the movie. At 11:32:49 PM R.S.T, they secretly walked into the room. Nobody heard or saw them completely, and after six minutes of them "pretending" to see the movie, Jackson pointed a gun to a male, who was watching the movie and fired the first shot. The bullet luckily did not hit him, as it impacted the wall with extremely strong force, creating a small crack and nearly killed a person.

As a result of the gunshot being heard and echoing throughout the entire room, the crowd right away began to scream in fear and total pain. At this point, Hudson and Alex Paul ran out from their spots, yelled out "AL RB QAEDA!" in an angry and serious tone and starting to shoot at the people in front of their point of view; most of the crowd in the theater were struck by the twenty bullets that were fired at all of them in the head, chest and arms. Jackson then grabbed his smoke bomb which had been put in a bag disguised as a food bag, looked at it for a while and then threw it across the room completely. By 11:33:15 PM R.S.T, some of the Robloxians were already dead or badly injured and at least five seconds later, the bomb exploded into pieces everywhere, letting out a huge dust of gray and black smoke into the crowd. The blast also damaged the screen, causing the screen to glitch while the movie was half way playing.

Just then, the situation turned to a major shootout, with Jackson firing 35-40 shots at the audience and Hudson firing 25-30 bullets in total; resulting in now 10 to 20+ deaths. This caused a portion of the crowd to try leave the theater without getting caught and warn about others and police officers about the situation at Theater 25, while the other portion tried to avoid being shot by concealing themselves under the seats. A witness mostly reported hearing "Holy sh-" and "No!", then was followed by few to multiple gunshots, killing the people in front of the shooters completely. At this point, one of the co-workers decided to call 9-1-1, after reporting hearing sounds that he explained, "sounded like gunshots". Back inside the room, a 14-year old child eventually decided to run away from the theater, but ended up bumping into Jackson, who then yelled out "What the matter with you!? Stupid!". The kid, now in fear and on the verge of calling out for "Mom!" turned his body completely back to the seats and started to hide somewhere, just to only get shot in the back and was killed right after.

At around 11:34 PM R.S.T, due to the smoke spreading out of the theater, the fire alarm started to go off throughout the entire theater, resulting in crowds to go to the exits. Hearing this noise, Jackson screamed out in anger and ask all of his "buddy" to follow him. Outside, they notice some Robloxians walking out in a regular line. Seeing this, he pointed his gun to one of many people in front and triggered the gun, making the first bullet go flying across the hallway and directly hit a Robloxian in the head, severely injuring him. Like before, this resulted in mass panic as everyone now started to run "for their life" and the shooters immediately began shooting at all of them. By this time, couple of police officers, two of them being well-known for their quick thinking and fast-paced actions were already going to the now "chaos" scene by cars, and even a van as well. About 38 Robloxians were now murdered in just three minutes.

At 11:35 PM R.S.T, one Robloxian, uninjured and still alive found a police officer on the right corner, was bleeding heavily as he was shot by Hudson and Alex at the same time and yelled out for help; this plan did not work, mainly due to people all focusing on escaping from the building completely. At 11:42 PM R.S.T, the very first officers arrived at the scene and ran inside the building to be greeted with nothing, but "scream and gun fire", coming from one of the sides of the hallway. Alex, who notice one of them in the room said to Jackson in the left ear that "they needed to get out of here or try to murder the cops 'one by one", in which he responded with "Kill them" as they all hid. At 11:43 PM R.S.T, a major gun battle occurred when an officer found the shooter and fired at him, but they missed completely and the bullet instead smashed directly into a wall, cracking a small hole in the middle. Hudson yelled "GET OUT OF HERE!", then started to fire his gun at the police officers and eventually shot down seven; most of which were trying to stopping the gunmen. At 11:46 PM R.S.T, Jackson asked Hudson and Alex to follow him as they were gonna hide in the other floor above them. Some Robloxians, who saw them getting to the stairs were too scared to caught them or even point out to the officers that

Throughout 11:50 to 12:10 PM R.S.T, a massive shootout between the officers and the shooters would take place and at the end, 40-50 Robloxians were murdered. The total death toll was 97-102 Robloxians. At 12:26 PM R.S.T, Jackson and his buddies went out of the theater through the back door in the first floor without anybody noticing.

December 12, 2023 (Day 4)[]

Immediately after escaping the theater at the back of the building and having murdered around 100 Robloxians in total, Jackson pointed out a car in the distance in front of him and asked both Alex and Hudson to break in by using something strong and powerful to crack the windows; using one of their guns and their fists, they successfully got in the vehicle without getting caught by Robloxians and drove. While driving, Hudson found out that the car was actually used by someone else, who were at the age of between 40 and 45 and at the top above him, there was a warning sign that read "the vehicle is being recorded". He ignored it and decided to not tell the friends.

Meanwhile in the front row of the car, Jackson started to laugh uncontrollably, knowing that later today or "even this afternoon" was going to "be their final and best attack on the city" in history; a few seconds later, Alex put out one of many phones, press his finger on the camera app and began to recording inside the car for a estimated nearly two and a half whole minutes between "12:27 a.m. R.S.T and 12:29 a.m. R.S.T" (car's time). Throughout the video, the phone is only pointed directly to the windows, looking out a highway near the city of Robloxia (not shown at all in the footage) and a series of houses and cars heading in the same direction as them. However, it featured them chatting with each other, saying that "yesterday" was their "greatest moment" of their entire life. In the middle of filming, Hudson jokingly said that "the Bloxasian Robloxians were way too disgusting and even dumb", before asking if they fully finished their plan, they can "attack them" to death.

Jackson and Alex instantly burst out laughing again, this time sounded like a "villain from a Disney film that he watched when he was little" as Hudson said to them , but eventually relaxed and calm down after a while, then saying "Maybe, just maybe. We don't know yet if all of us are going live or die. Now, would you mind let me focus for a bit, then we can chat more?" in a serious tone, which Hudson responded "Ok, ok, ok..." For the rest of the video, Hudson can be heard giggling a lot, before the phone was snatched away from the glass and towards Alex's face, before the recording stopped, which according to police, might be about the joke that he did beforehand or just thinking of something. At the same time, video surveillance were recording the car that Jackson is driving, even to its direction, which is northwest and even predicted they would stop at West Island Park.

At 12:36 AM R.S.T, the vehicle took a major left turn on the highway, nearly hitting some others car in its path, who in which attempted to slow down extremely hard with one accidentally impacting the back rear of a bus that was also blocked. They were going to an underground tunnel to search for a small hotel to live for a "while". Video surveillance was unable to record them. Jackson yelled out "Woah! Woah..! Oh my goodness. That was crazy..". Alex answered back in a mad tone with "God, can you at least be careful for one [BEEP] second?", in which Jack said to him, "Ok, ok. My freaking god, you don't have to be that rude to me", before continuing on the way to the area.


At this time, Hudson began to yawn a couple of times as it was already near 1 a.m. in the early morning, then said to Jackson, "Are we there, yet?", which Jack said to him, "No! We are in the tunnel, you little kid!", causing everyone, including Jackson himself to start laughing for the third time in a row. At 12:40 PM R.S.T, video surveillance once again was about to record them as it had spotted the vehicle exitting out of the tunnel quickly. They then drove an additional 2.8 to 3 miles to the hotel.

At 12:46 AM R.S.T, Jackson, Alex and Hudson finally arrived to the hotel; they got out of the now-stolen (and according to the original owner, missing) car, walked to the front door and into the main lobby, where there, Jack asked for a small, but a bit big room at the third floor of the whole building on the left side, so that they can see the city. After waiting a while at the seating area, the owner named as Sophie. A. B, who worked at the hotel for twenty years, found Room 163, the room that met all of the requirements and ordered all of them to follow him by taking the elevator. At 12:47:40 AM R.S.T, Jackson was the first person to enter in the elevator car, then being followed by his friends, before shutting the door completely while the hotel employee was about to go into the elevator car without saying "Bye" or "Thank You".

Throughout the night from 1:00 a.m. to possibly around 6:00 a.m for a total of five hours, Jackson mostly prepared for the event that he planned to happen around the afternoon as stated by a 200-page long notebook, which was later found in Alex's red and yellow backpack. At around 4:18 AM R.S.T, Jackson slowly and quietly pulled out his phone, turned it on in the bathroom and started to film for ten seconds, then played the video back at a low volume so not to disturb his friends.

At 7:36 AM R.S.T, Jackson ordered Hudson, who was already getting out of his bed and was looking at his phone about the news about their attacks to get Alex to wake up, in which he did so promptly. At 8:19 AM R.S.T, when Hudson and Alex were already out of the building, ready to leave, Jackson got a grenade (that still had a pin in it) from his white bag , pulled the pin out, and threw it into the outer window, breaking through the glass and landed on the parking lot. Shortly after, the grenade exploded everywhere, severely damaging the front of the hotel and even damaged the lobby, killing 5-17 Robloxians who were from the ages of 25 to 78, and destroyed the stolen vehicle. Thankfully, Jackson was able to get out of the building in time, ran out of the back door and for his friends, they did not suffer any injuries as all of them were on the other side. Without any means of private transportation, they immediately started search for another vehicle, in which Jackson found one quickly, located on the highway, and broke in, allowing Alex and Hudson to enter the vehicle, and drove away.

West Island Park attack[]

Shooting and bombing[]

On December 12, 2023 at around 12:05 p.m. RST, Easton Jackson parked the vehicle around 253rd Street and West 56th Ave near a popular seating area and supermarket, before opening the car's door by using his left haand and getting out from his seat into the sidewalk outside, to which it was also repeated by his friends as well. He then ordered them to grab some guns, including their AK-94, in case a major shootout occurred between them and the police; he shortly after asked Hudson and Alex to follow him to the other side of the park, right after one of them locked themselves out of the car because they left their key in the car. After a while of walking, they cross the entrance to the West Island Park and ran to the left for half a mile, until they spotted the playground, where they will do the last and fourth attack on the city fully.

At this point, the shooters had already put their guns inside their pocket, with Jackson beginning to giggle. At 12:09 P.M. R.S.T, Jackson slowly grabbed his gun, while still hiding by holding the gun tightly to prevent anyone from being scared and calling for help, the latter of which would render their mission a failure. Meanwhile, Alex saw a four-year old Robloxian girl throwing a meltdown in front of her parents, who had no idea and were confused; seconds later, he began to laugh as he tap on Hudson's shoulder to let him know about the solution, which in response, Hudson started to crack up so loudly that it immediately triggered Jackson to look directly at them with a confused, but serious look and asked Hudson on why he was laughing.

Hudson then pointed to the direction where the sound was coming from and Jackson right away, now in great aghast, ordered him and Alex to get his gun right away. Pointing the weapon now to the girl as its target, Jack waited for a bit, until he pressed on the trigger, launching the first bullet, resulting in smoke to pour out from the front of the gun. The 7.5×55mm Ro-Swiss projectile hit the girl in the head at very strong force, causing the head to move forward and creating a mass bleed around the body and around the mother's legs. Straight-way, the victim's father yelled out in pain and tears, "Oh my [BEEP] god!", before also getting shot by Alex in the chest, causing the victim's father to collapse to the ground as well. However, the weapon was extremely loud, with everyone around them starting to panic in fear and began to run away from the site.

Jackson, seeing the Robloxians trying to get away, yelled out "Go to hell you all! You [BEEP] dumb [BEEP]", before firing around 50 to 60 rifle rounds in total. Hudson and Alex fired 40-45 shots, each directly injuring or even killing Robloxians in the legs, arms, face, nose, ears and other parts of the body. At 12:10 P.M. RST, a young 25-year old man named Kale. F. B, who saw them shooting, grabbed his RoIPhone 13+ from his hands as he was reportedly in the middle of texting his friends about leaving the area and dialed 911, while trying to keep out of sight from the shooters by going inside a store (the gunshots still were audible). At this time, already 20+ victims were killed, thanks to the high fire rate of the weapons and Hudson had already began to ran across the street, walking with Jack's permission, pointing and shooting at other people in his way.

At 12:14 P.M. R.S.T, the first police officers arrived at the scene, went out of their car, and began to ran across the street. Beforehand, the siren triggered Jackson to start freaking out. Jackson ordered his friends to follow him to a safe yet hidden spot. They walked toward a small apartment and entered inside the hallway, where a few survivors were hiding in their room at the time; one of them started to sob loudly once the door was opened by the police, immediately getting Jackson's attention and made him run away from the sound; unfortunately, all of the survivors on the scene were murdered by the shooter himself. At 12:17 P.M. R.S.T, video surveillance footage caught Jackson, Alex and Hudson moving up the staircase as fast as they can to avoid getting killed by the officers. At 12:18 P.M. R.S.T, the victim's mother was shot by Hudson, who was at the third floor of the apartment building and was dead shortly after. At that time, Jackson got to the final floor of the building, went to the left side, opened a door to the very rooftop and he, alongside with Alex began shooting below at the Robloxians, eventually killing around 60+ people in total .

At 12:23 P.M. RST, Easton Jackson decided to call 9-1-1 as a "funny", but deadly prank and acted like he was a victim, named as Thomas Jr, who was shot in the leg, bleeding a lot. Once hanged up, he started bursting out laughing like a "clown", which his friends look around to him and asked what was so funny, and in response, he explained that he dialed a "emergency response team" on his phone. At 12:24 P.M. RST, a police officer, spotted a figure that was shooting, ran inside and starting to go up the stairs to the room. Realizing this, Alex got his bomb from one of the bag, placed it under a table and hide somewhere safe outside as the administrator busted inside the house, which resulted in the device to explode, created debris to go crashing into the ground; one of them hit a Robloxian in the right chest of his body, injuring, but nearly killing him fully and caused a fire to spread inside the apartment.

At 12:25 P.M. RST, Jackson, Alex and Hudson ran through the back door and starting looking for an another place to hide, which one of them was a store, located near the park itself. As they were running to the place, Alex opened fire on the police officers, which then backfired as Jackson grabbed the object from his hands and threw it at a car. There, they were believed to be hiding there for at least five whole hours without even getting caught; it was later revealed that this was one of Jackson's plans to do so.

Gun battle and killings of Easton Jackson, Alex Paul and Hudson[]

Around 5:05 P.M. RST in the late-afternoon, Easton Jackson slowly got up from his hiding spot and began walking to the door, that was placed in front of a hallway to outside of the building. Confused and a bit worried, Hudson asked him that if he has the permission to leave the spot while the police were looking for them, in which Jack said back to him, "We got a job to do, come right now.."", then asked Alex and Hudson to get out and follow him to a third spot. This would be their last spot to hide before they were killed. At this time, police officers were recently surrounding the area, after locating 83 dead Robloxians at the park's grassy area, while some of them were already leaving to go home or relax for the day and few were still on the lookout for the shooters all by themselves.

At 5:06 P.M. R.S.T, Jackson, Alex and Hudson began moving to the park with the main plan to try not to get caught by crossing broken fences and going inside one building to the very back side. Their final choice was to decide between two separate buildings, one colored in red and the other being in white. At that point, Hudson asked a question, originally to Jackson on how they were doing the "job", which Alex accidentally responded to him, "I don't know, sir". Also, Jackson grabbed his gun from the bag and started to point it through a hole at a police officer, who were reportedly said to be walking around by his friend or a co-partner, completely shocked on what just happened at the bloody site. Then, Hudson quietly said to him, "Not you! Him!", in which Jackson's head turned around and said, "What do you mean, him?", followed by Hudson explaining his question, that resulted in Jack being a bit surprised and saying back, "Look here".

Immediately after Hudson moved forward to see what was Jack doing, he triggered the button of the weapon and launched the first bullet out of its spot; it unfortunately missed the target and instead, impacted a tree, causing a deep fracture on the trunk inside, and causing the police to speedily turn around by the noise, which was then followed by couple more shots, aiming for the agents or Robloxians, who actually survived their "first round of attack", but were staying to help the others; two bullets hit a few officers in the head and arms, causing them to collapse to the ground and screamed out in pain. Shortly after, a tweet was posted through an officer's account at 5:07:01 p.m. with the sentence saying, "Shots fired at West Island Park again!". Jackson then ordered his friends to repeatedly do what he does and eventually followed his rules for a "few minutes" at best. This was followed by major rounds of gunfire, being shot at the officers.

Lasting for three to nearly four entire minutes like Jack said, an estimated 200-220+ bullets flew, in which most were launched from Easton Jackson, who said that if he would be titled as "The Famous Person In History" if he somehow managed to survive as the last shooting proved to be a successful one, while the rest were from both Alex or Hudson; nearly all of them hit around 22 Robloxians and 19 officers in different parts of their body. During that time period, mass panic started to recur all around the area as everyone was running, trying to find a hiding spot and watch the event unfold. At 5:10 P.M. R.S.T, the rounds stop with the last bullet was shot and smashed directly into a window, breaking the glass into pieces and injuring at least one Robloxian, who was stowed away inside the building; already, a additional 19 people were murdered as stated by the Robloxia Police Department. In an interview with Dr. Jack in his popular television series, dated on January 17, 2024, a young 21-year old woman named Sally King. Jr explained that, "those whole minutes were the worst" of her life "ever".

Jackson, by using his high-pitched voice then screamed out for "help", as a way to make even more police officers fall for his trap, which was very effective as most of the officers looked at the direction where the sound came from and began running to the scene. While running, Jackson asked Alex and Hudson to quickly hide at the back side of the building and explained to them about their second plan was gonna work out and said the "main rules". At 5:11:36 P.M. R.S.T, one of the officer accidentally stepped on the device on her right and caused the bomb to go off and exploding everywhere, . It resulted in major to extreme damage to the two buildings with one of them even burning to the ground completely and debris were heavily launched up into the air, then crashing back down into the streets and killed an additional four more people in the aftermath, including two from the explosion itself. For the shooters, especially Jackson and Alex Paul, they were still alive and not injured from the blast at all.

Then, Jackson immediately ordered his friends to follow him to a spot, where once again, they can easily hide and kill more Robloxians. After a bit of running, they found a small building, located near the park and walk directly inside of it. Once in, Hudson asked Jack on where they were gonna hide, in which he responded, "Didn't asked, come with me". They started rushing to the staircase of the building, went up to the very top of the apartment, opened through the door and stood there for one minute as they were all tired. At 5:11:36 P.M R.S.T, Jackson immediately started firing at the police officer. One minute after, police finally managed to kill Hudson by a pistol gunshot wound in the chest that was fired by a famous police officer. The wound initially was just a mere injury that unfolded itself to a lethal one at the end. One shooter was down, and two more were left to go.

Seeing this, Alex Paul began to cry, then vowing revenge on the officers by starting a major shootout between him and the officers; during the battle, 11 police agents were killed. At 5:27:52 P.M. R.S.T, Alex Paul was fatally killed when an officer finally shot him in the nose, causing his nose to be detached from his visage and into the air, bleeding. Jackson, the only shooter decided to finish the job rather than admit defeat. At 5:30:12 P.M R.S.T, a police officer gunned down Jackson. Jackson was later confirmed to be dead, ending the shootings.


Memorials, services and tributes[]

In the immediate days following the three-day attacks, many memorials started to poured in uncontrollably and were held around Roblox. The first of which actually began on the Roternet. Popular and respected websites, including Bloxtube, Faceblox and even BloxTok changed their main menu and everywhere in the related web pages to white and black with a background, showing Robloxia before the attacks. Users can click on the background to take them into a website saying that they have made this page as a virtual memorial to the victims. In the end of the page, a text colored in red, white and blue as a reference to the flag of the country say, "May god bless with you all through this time of mourning. Feel better, Robloxia"

In the other side of the city, photos of the victims, who were at the time lost, killed and injured, were posted everywhere in walls, stores, streetlights, billboards on top of a building's main roof, alongside in the subway stations, trains, bus and the old phone booths had images of them, were placed near where the fourth attack happened. Despite the sadness in Robloxia, Robloxians decided to help each other out by turning their homes into shelters for the Robloxians whose homes were affected by the headquarters collapse; others grieved as a result of a tragic loss of a family member or an entire family. Plus, it was not 24 hours later that a fundraiser for the victims affected titled Help Robloxia! was launched at GoFundMe; in its first month, the fundraiser got a total of around R$24,535,944, with patrons from around the world.

A bunch of eyewitnesses explained that everywhere they looked, they saw "sobbing people". Formerly happy, the people saw the now-destroyed area, covered with brown dust all around it, which used to be the place of a "wonderful and great building". Most of them even said that it felt like September 12, 2001 again. From mid to late-December 2023, 900 flags (for the 900 victims) were installed on the streets, making a path. At the last flag, there is a small building where there, Robloxians will be greeted with an image of the Roblox HQ. Most states bordering the city had workers in restaurants working tirelessly cooking food and then bringing them to the city by huge trucks to give meals to families affected by the tragedy.

Despite the Robloxia attacks not impacting the stock market to the brink of collapse, banks declared a bank holiday that lasted four days. During the bank holiday, banks focused on giving out donations ranging from R$40,000 to R$400,000 per victimized company. Prior to the attacks and donation, some companies were forced to bankruptcy, but now, after receiving the donation, most of the companies decided to help Robloxia. This bank holiday has been criticized as "unofficial" as President Roblox never signed an Executive Order declaring an official bank holiday. In Brookhaven, many different police cars, ranging from vans to even buses from the city of Robloxia drove on the road for ten minutes as the national government required everyone to take a moment of silence. The national government promised a livestream of the moment of silence, but the government did not upload it to the public. EarthCam, the security camera company, announced that security cameras would not operate from December 15-16th, 2023.

On December 14, the Empire State Building in New Blockers City changed their lights to match the color of the flag that Robloxia often had. For the first time ever in its entire history since the 1930s, a "heartbreaking and extreme well-done" soundtrack was played on the very top of the top-roof for 20 whole minutes, using a bunch of loudspeakers. Robloxians reported that the sound was even "audible" 20 miles away from the city. In Bloxy Square on December 15, located in the middle of the city, its billboard around the landmark changed to black completely, before showing Robloxia before and after the events with the words saying: "Remembering the victims lost and killed". A day later on the December 16th, the Bloxrooklyn Bridge during the nighttime had its lights changed similar to the one that the Empire State did, while workers, police officers, firemen and other people would travel through the bridge, waving their hands from the windows of their cars. This event was originally conceived as a lifetime event. However, due to popular demand, the event was repeated annually.

Throughout the rest of the weekdays and into the weekends, schools in the all of the suburbs near the city did a march as a memorial in the street on Monday, December 18, 2023 for at least one and a half hour from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM R.S.T on one of the city's streets; the students and teachers would hold photos of the Robloxians killed during the attacks. By then, a new memorial for the 4DX/RMAX West Island Theater was already started early stages of production and was completed in 2025.

In late-December, while the West Coast of Robloxia was snowed in, causing all memorial services in the area to be held virtually (which later, backfired as snowdrifts caused power lines to collapse), a memorial, created by an adult that was actually made out of wooden blocks was finished. It is located at least 5 blocks near ground zero; most of the blocks was used to recreate the entire building by hand, by looking at images of the building from the past. At the hotel, the Robloxia Hotel's Memorial started early development in 2024 and was finished, before opening to the public on the fourth's anniversary of the attacks in late-2027. Initially, the memorial had very few Robloxians visiting due to the Snow War (a war fought between 2026-28 during Snowball Roblox), but eventually it caught up with the rest of the memorials. On January 9, 2023, on the one month's anniversary of the first attack in December, about 200 total boats would move away from the Harbor slowly and formed together a look-like building, with their ships in the middle of the water in honor of the headquarters and the workers killed. A month later in February, the same thing happened, but now with planes being flown across the top of the city. On March 9, 2023, the same event happened once again for the third time in a row, but this time beings subway trains.

In Bloxico on December 20, 2023 during a press release by the government of the city, they announced plans to create a memorial in respect of the people and the city affected by the "tragic" attacks. The memorial immediately started its development, starting on January 1, 2024, and then finished construction just two years and a half later on March 29, 2026; it was opened to the public a month later to high praise. In honor of the city, the Weather Channel decided to add dots on December 14, 2023, matching the same design and size of the headquarters. During mid-2024, it was reported that a new tribute would be created in the park. From there, the area was closed for at least a whole year until late-2025 when the memorial was opened in the middle of the park. On January 4, 2024, a memorial was erected the city of Marchen City. It was finished in 2025 and the first ever event in it occurred in the same year. In the town of Berry Avenue, a tribute to the people murdered reportedly began the early stages of production by at least 20 people in the first half of February 2024; seven of them had their love one, or their children's fathers killed in the three-day attacks. It was completed not even a month later on March 31, 2024. The day before New Year's 2024 on December 30, a total of nearly 150,000 people took place in the now-famous march, called as the "December March". At the end, they would give out flowers near the site where the attacks happened. A monument near the front of the city started its construction in 2024 and finished by 2025. In 2027, Mt. Blox had a memorial that was focused in the lava crater.


Around the country, on the exact time when the first event occurred, which is at 10:30 pm R.S.T on December 9, 2023 and when the famous headquarters collapse to the ground, at 12:07:00 am R.S.T, a moment of silence is held and the four lights in Robloxia would come on and last for a single minute. It is said that this would be performed annually every year. On every anniversary of the event beginning since 2024, the crowd, families of dead love ones and even survivors would go to the same buildings where the attacks took place and read out the names, including age of each victims killed, while a sad background music from a band played in the distance nearby; the event is broadcasted on local television, live webcams and online video websites. During the Snow War, a past footage of the event would be played.

President Roblox officially signed a bill, making December 9th-12th an official holiday of mourning and grieving in the whole nation. In December 2026, a simulation, showing what it was like to be at the scene during the attacks was opened. Like the memorial, it initially was infrequently visited before catching up with the rest of the memorials. When the brand-new ROBLOX headquarters finally was rebuilt around 2028-29, the museum, constructed for four years, finally opened on November 24, 2029, at the former location of the Roblox HQ. An opening ceremony for the museum was held on the same day.

Funerals ceremonys[]

In the aftermath of the attacks, numerous of funerals ceremony for the Robloxians killed in the events start to occurred around the city. First ever victim to be buried by their family members was Lauren Hope, who was heavily murdered on the date of December 10, 2023; it was livestreamed with the account of the person's same name on Bloxtube and received massive support from an estimated 30,000 viewers.

On December 11, 2023 (a day after the collapse of the building), The official ROBLOX Headquarters account on Twitter reported that the leader of their company, Roblox had passed away with the main text above the photo only saying, "Rest in Power, My Friend...". On December 19, 2023, it was announced that the ceremony for Roblox will take place in the parts of South Island, near the city on January 5, 2024. The funeral was eventually visited by around 1,000 people, including famous celebrity like John Mark and the mayor of the city himself.


Various of others buildings near the site of the four attacks, except for two severely damaged, completely destroyed or fully collapsed all together into tiny parts shortly after or later on. One of the sides, especially the front walls of Robloxia Hotel was extremely wrecked in its aftermath of the bombing. The ROBLOX Headquarters suffered a complete collapse and got destroyed in just a couple of seconds.

The well-known "circle" building, colored in light blue was covered in brown dust and had to deal with the west side getting ripped away from the spot, thank to the collapse; beforehand, it was only the windows that were affected, but during that time, one person was killed as stated from a press release. The three buildings, all in red, green, and yellow got crushed directly to the ground. The popular ferris wheel, which costed a total of nearly one billion dollars was not really that bad as the people say, but due to most of parts cracking into pieces, one cart falling and breaking and the fact that it got actually shaken from the big blast for nearly eight seconds, the reports explained that the damage was severe.

Outside of the hotel, several buildings only suffered minor damage; the windows cracked to the point of breaking and the fronts and sides of those same buildings were badly damaged. A mini-store, which had food, water, and snacks and opened during nighttime was fully destroyed also, when most of the falling debris fell on top of its roof; one person at the store was injured.

The same residence house that got impacted from the explosion was cut in half completely while the rest fell sideways to an another building, located near it and suffered from major damage. A local restaurant got minor damage, with the only part badly wrecked was at least two windows. The inside of the restaurant was dangerous. A statue, made in honor of the person who created the city back then also was affected in the collapse. Several big trees were reportedly were pinned down to the grass, but had since recovered from the attacks and it was replanted somewhere in the city itself. A basem*nt was actually at the bottom in the HQ.

During the destruction, the whole room was blocked with debris, causing it to suffer from extreme damage and caused a pile of garage in its aftermath. In the subway systems of the city, subway tracks got piled up with dust, debris and parts from the buildings damaged; this made trains get delayed for a very long time. There was reports of a famous TV channel that suddenly went off-air at 12:10 PM RST, until December 29 (2 day before New Years's Eve). Two possible causes of that were the cable being destroyed or the building hosting the TV channel collapsing.

A water pool, located in one of the buildings's backyard near the hotel building in front of others created a tsunami wave that had propagated as far as the surrounding streets, making Robloxians for a while slip on the streets. In late 2023, the water was evaporated.

Delays and cancellations[]

The December 9-12 attacks also heavily affected transportation significantly and mainly resulted in minor to huge delays for days on end or even cancellation for some.


During the fatal shooting on December 10, multiple (Lower R-C) trains had to be delayed for at least ten to twenty minutes; one even continued on. However, immediately after the bombing happened at around late-midnight, and plus with the water flowing down into the tracks, nearly all of the same subways were now shortly after put into a suspension lasting from 1:06 A.M. to 4:55 A.M. RST. One to two train stations, that were heavily said to be near the location of the hotel's site got closed down for a while, until the problem was eventually fixed by the RST workers underground.

In the middle of the hotel, there was three to four separate tracks that actually let the (Main R-C) subways moved on it and after the explosion, a bit of dust and debris fell and created a crack at the very top of the walls; thank to that, the company said that the service will be cancelled, until the "thing" was fixed and connected back to its spot. At that time, one subway, which was on the way to 456th Street or "1-7th Ave" and was carrying 45+ people to work got the information and a result, they had to go through the tunnel completely; the entire process would last for nearly two hours, and by then, all of them were tired and some even weak from climbing and walking. The track was later rebuilt, starting December 14 and ended until January 9, 2024.

Despite the big bombing, most services, especially the (RC) line on the early-morning to late-afternoon of December 11, 2023 were restored and was put back into work again. The RST Lower Robloxia-West Island Line explained at that same time, that some trains across the city would be arriving late between 10-15 minutes each, as a result of the attack. The <RWI> subways were quickly shut down and were sent back to West Island, where most subways stay there until it ready to go, but later on resumed their local services by 6:00 A.M. At the 115th Street station, located 1 blocks away from the site, it was reported that almost all of the subways will skip-stop the station to make sure "no one get hurt".

Following the news reports of one of the shooters entering in the 126th Street/11 Ave station, it was closed down for the entire day and the company asked all of the trains to skip it, as they feared that one may be dangerous and can come back; by December 29, the station was reopened to the public. For the most of the day during December 11, services mainly continued on, while very few trains, running on the Express (RSI) line was put to a halt completely, but were later in the afternoon, put directly back to work. A poll conducted from the day of December 11, shows that around 60% of trains, from the The RST West Island-Robloxia Line to were delayed and by the time, before the other event happened on the same day, no more than 10% of subways still put to a stop.

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When the second attack happened, now this time at a famous headquarters, a couple of (Lower R-C) train services for the second time immediately went put into a halt, but all subways keep on moving forward like always. Near the site of the shooting, was actually a train station, located not even 1 block away from the building; in the first minutes of the event, the station was packed with a total of 20 people, trying to get away or at least not to get killed by one of the shooters, before a long train arrived at the stop and let all of the people into the carts.

Within minutes of the collapse, all of the services, including popular subway lines like (Higher RC) and (Lower WI) were shut down or halted to avoid getting more people; the people who were in the trains already got sickened from the dust, that was at the time possibly underground. Many of the subways that was currently running on the line, near the building ended up losing power and had to be evacuated in the tunnels. Throughout December 11-14, all (WI) subways had to be suspended. Water now was a bigger issue for the tracks as due to the massive dust and debris coming in, creating a flood and resulting in the subways to be delayed, which was then later upgraded to a general cancellation.

In fact, the only running train after the collapse, before services was reopened in late-2023 and early-2024 was only the (REI) and <REI> lines.

Bridges and tunnels[]

For the first time ever, since December 1999 and March 2020, bridges were heavily affected and had to be shut down completely to avoid people going into the lower half of the city.


Public and private schools in the city and others areas were closed on Monday, December 11, 2023. In total, about 1.6 million kids from the ages of 4-18 were instead forced or asked to stay home; most of them were due to their parents being scared and worried about another attack or shooting happening.

Schools finally reopened on Monday, December 18, 2023. School attendance was at 68.75% of normal, as nearly 600,000 kids still chose not to attend school that day. As the fears from parents waned away, attendance by the students started to rise rapidly.

On January 29, 2024, a month and a half after the attacks, school district superintendents announced that attendance had reached normal levels.


Economic and jobs[]

Immediately after the attacks, global stock markets across the city began to drop rapidly. With the headquarters gone, an estimated R$5 million dollars, made from profits were wasted all together. On Monday, December 11, 2023 during the afternoon, when most people were evacuating from the "danger zone", several well-known banks had to closed down for the entire day. This affected business as well.

In the lower side of the city, there were about 10,000 appointments and in the aftermath, about 1,000 of them were destroyed or shut down by the mayor completely. This resulted in a major drop for the Stock Exchange as without the jobs, about R$400 dollars per week, generated from one per each had a total of R$4,000,00 dollars terminated in the left-over of the fatal events. Trading for the world were right away halted during the second attack.

To avoid bankruptcy from happening, about R$500,000 thousand dollars were given to each banks affected by the attacks alone. By then, Robloxians had already decided to stay home for the whole week, at least until the smoke was finally gone. On late-January 2024, the smoke finally dissipated. As a result, nearly $10 million was lost. Since subways were cancelled, workers, who originally drove them, had to become bus drivers.

The "STAY AT HOME" rule that were made to be affect on December 13, 2023 at around 7:00 AM R.S.T, heavily impacted the jobs significantly as well. Popular restaurants, supermarkets and stores lost $970,000 each from this disaster alone in just 10 days. Prices spiked upwards, from R$17.5-R$54.5 dollars per food to high as around R$100.8-R$150.5 dollars.

In total, about $10 billion dollars were lost in the following days from December 10-20, 2023 as stated from a press release on December 23, 2023 by the city mayor.

Homes in city[]

About nearly 400,000 houses, buildings and shelters are located in the lower half of the city as stated from the recent 2020 Roblox Census Bureau. After the attack happened, around 200 homes in total were lost, destroyed or damaged in the events itself.

By May 2024, 50+ houses were rebuilt while the rest were rebuilt throughout June to November of the same year.

Crime statistics[]

In the days before the attacks happened, the crime rate of the city and other areas was estimated to be around 46-53%. As the attacks subsided by mid-December, crime rate returned to 15%, as mainly stated from a poll by the mayor on December 21, 2023.

Cultural positive influence and celebrations[]

In the aftermath of the attacks in December and even in the present time, the occurrence of December 9-12 heavily affected and changed the city and the world's cultural influence and was said to be a historical, political, and media event.

Immediate responses from the media were mostly about focusing better in life, staying together with love ones and families during the "silent, but nice and warm" holiday season across the planet, staying positive to each other and more. These were also taking place on the internet as well; Several popular and well-known apps from Twitter to even Tiktok (which was mostly negative from the public at the time of the attacks) had the word hashtags of simply, "#Robloxia", meaning for the city that was affected by the event were used frequently during videos, when the person recording is upset, or the screen is white and black to show "grief and deep empathy", while sad music is played in the background.

However, most of the videos small to big users put on the websites, show in their footage of "hopeful to nice" quotes, placed at the bottom or during the final seconds of the recording from famous people. On the third day of the event and right before a massacre at the targeted movie theater in West Island, there were reports of the city's main song, playing all around the area with people cheering and holding signs that have the word of "Robloxia!".

From December 13, all the way to January of next year, a series of celebrations occurred, once after Jackson, Alex and Hudson were reported to be dead at the West Island Park.

Cleanup and rebuilding[]


After the attacks ended with the shooter dead, the government of the city said that the city "will be completely rebuilt, no matter the cost". On December 14, 2023 (two days after the attacks), clean-up at the targeted, now-damaged or destroyed site began to take shape. While the hotel suffered major to severe damage, it was handled very-well and even quickly by the crew and finally, the entire building was completely fixed up and reopened, just months later in March 2024.

Early work on redesigning the new headquarters officially started with two famous builders showing their own design; this would take ten people to at least make the building look good, perfect and a "wonderful" site to see and the final version was revealed in late-2025 to high praise. Construction began in early-2026, with the new headquarter, now renamed as The One Robloxia Headquarter Building being completed by late-2028 and opened to the public in July 2029.

At the site, it was reported in April 2024 that the old buildings would reworked on and the process was completed, alongside with the Roblox HQ.

The total cost for all of the rebuilding is said to be nearly $2.5 billion dollars; 300-900 million was spent for each building.

Rescue efforts, evacuation and relief[]

As the first attack on the city was occurring, most guests did not hear the sound of gunshots or even a person yelling out, since it was very late at night, until after the bomb exploded.

By the very beginning of the day on December 10, around 400+ guests were believed to be waken by the blast and were reported running around the hallway by several people. It was at that time when the lobby got completely damaged and was burning to the ground; the smoke was also a big issue as dust ended up being spread everywhere indoors and outdoors. Around that same time, many police vehicles and ambulances were at the scene, while the fire trucks were already heading to the site after numerous of calls, reporting an "big" explosion and a fire below them.

Since all of the guests were at the very top of the hotel and the bottom was on fire, they came up with at least two plans; the first was to get all of the fire fighters and make them put out the flames, while some of them would go through the parking lot that was located under the building, go up the stairs, ask someone to go check every single floor to see if Robloxians are in the hallway, evacuate them one by one, and make them go to a safe spot. The second was to get a ladder from a firetruck, use it to reach the exact story as high as possible, make one firemen break through the window and arrive to the inside of the building without getting hurt, and the rest was similar to the first.

As the process of the plan started to take shape, 27 Robloxians were at the hotel's observation deck, waving their hands for help and to get the attention of at least someone, rather than screaming, but it did not work at all since the wall was covered with glass. Within 30 to 50 minutes in, they rescued a total of 52 guests from the building; most of them were saved from the second to third floor, while very few came from the fourth floor, causing a bunch of injuries from the blast beforehand. As a result, the firefighters ended up bringing them to a local hospital by an ambulance to get treatment from the doctors. By around 1:25 AM R.S.T, the fire was finally extinguished and by the next hour into the very early morning, 249 guests were rescued.

At this time, most of the officers began to look around the "massive" damage the bomb did and eventually saw ten additional Robloxian that were at that time, extremely injured with numerous broken bones, but the worst injury with a fourth-degree burn, and some of them were already killed by the bomb. In response to this, the police alerted everyone.



In response to the first attack, President Builderman on the afternoon of December 10 ordered all flags in top of popular buildings, including the White House in Ro-Washington, D.C to be half-staff throughout the whole weekend, in respect and honor for the 50+ victims killed in the event; beforehand, he had been briefed on the shooting. The Mayor of the city, John. B. W said that the first event was completely "disgusting in every single ways" and angrily called it, not as a fatal massacre, but instead as a "evil attack on all of us". Vice Presidents, known as the Fascist Robloxians explained that the attack was a "massive hate crime" and asked everyone in the city to "stay away" from the "area as possible" to make sure no-one would get injured later on and "be safe with all of us".

The States of Robloxia's Governor described the deadly attack as "unforgiving", called the three shooters as "crazy stupid" and explained that they "did not know this was coming at all". Senator Maddy. V said that the event was if not, the "worst way to end the year ever". She also expressed huge support for the victims and asked everyone to help the city affected by this. Joney. Y. J, a former mayor for Robloxia said he was "shocked from the news" and continuing on, saying that the attack was truly tragic and named the main leader, behind the event calling Easton Jackson as a "careless, dumb old person" who want to do the "worst of the worst".

Former President Roblox explained that he felt "very sorry for everyone affected" by the attack and after the interview, give out a small speech at the Blox House on the night of December 10, that lasted for only 5 minutes in front of 1,000 total Robloxians. Stacker Benjamin. F. K expressed his "deep shock and dismay.", and respected the people murdered in the attack.

President Builderman signed a law that everyone in the world, would not do crimes respectivley.

World leaders[]

PercyDaDev said this: "i want to assure Robloxia and Ro-Philippines are allies we work together we will solve all problems including terrorism"

DeiiOuma said this: "These attacks would never get any worse."

Entertainment industry[]

Other responses[]

RBI Director, Robert Potts said this: "from what i've seen from these attacks, i think i've seen enough already."

Criticism and controversies[]

Police officers's lies and failures to save people[]

During the three-day event, nearly 900 police officers, ranking from cadet to chief and 500 RBI agents came on board to stop the attacks from happening. However, they were mostly targeted and fixated at killing the shooters rather than saving Robloxian's lives. During the first attack on December 9, the first officers on the scene, shortly after entering the door into the lobby, decided to find a way to kill the shooters rather than help the injured.

Body camera footage with audio recording from one of the police officers featured a injured person (not in the video, as he is on the other side) saying the words out loud in a upset tone, "Help... Help!" to get the Robloxians to save him from pain, just to only be shut up from an another officer, before walking up the stairs. Shortly after, according to one survivor, who was by then, out from the building safe explained that "he saw people trying to escape through the main door, but eventually get attacked by a few officers since they was blocking their way of entering in".

To add things up, video surveillance caught one police falsely telling the others, who reportedly told that the victims were "okay" and whenever one need some med, they need to "brush aside" from that person. Somehow, despite them learning from the chief of police about what to do and not in a active shooting or a crime scene, they actually believed the officer was right and did what he said.

Short-lived lockdown and extreme late-timing alerts[]

According to news sources and even from the government of Robloxia, the city went into a major lockdown effect after the first attack happened around late-midnight as a way to protect more people from getting hurt or killed by the three shooters; an actual emergency alert was send out to all of the city, during the shooting, but the information was false. Robloxia was already put into a lockdown during the immediate raiding of the headquarters, before the bombing and its collapse occurred at the site.

While the exact time of the second alert was send out across the city for thousand of homes, at least around "eleven clock" as stated from the Robloxian Emergency Alert System, that was only when the alert was first made, not when the EAS was broadcasted. In a media interview with the channel, they mainly explained that they did not received any news about the shooting and the report from the police itself, until two minutes before near-midnight at 10:58 P.M. R.S.T. For them, it was a big shock and was heavily unexpected, due to the fact that it was during the middle of nighttime and at that time, most of the workers were on their way home and in a rush, got in their computers and immediately sent the message out to the city.

Also, they revealed that the code of the alert was very long, with the main text saying the numbers and letters of "D1023SHARHAM". At a December 29 press meeting, the team said that, after pressing the "entire thing" in, they all expected the message to dispatch in the city at 11:00, but for only once, it did not work and the website gave an error. It was only after the second attempt that the alert debuted.

On December 30, 2023, in a New Blocker Times's article, officially reported that the timing when the alert was send, broadcasted at 11:03 P.M. RST, causing mass confusion.

The lockdown lasted for 14 hours, which despite being longer than any lockdown previously on the city's history since 1999, it is stated to be extremely short.

Lack of police response and understanding[]

Investigations and initial manhunt[]


Within the first event in early-December, a major examination and a manhunt for the shooters began, known by the codename as "TDRAIIS23". The Federal Bureau of Investigation was reportedly the main one to both led and were in charge of the investigation, accompanied by Robert Potts as their Assistant Attorney General, with three different police department, including the Robloxity Police Department working with them, alongside the RBI and Robloxia Bureau of Firearms and Explosives (RBOFAE).

Around the time when the Investigation started, it was "possibly" and heavily described as one of the biggest events to ever occurred in the city's history, since the attacks on New Blockers City in late-2001. At first, it was believed that only one attacker were behind this and came all the way from the country of North Korea, but was later on dismissed and were revealed to be false. While trying to found several photos and evidences of the shooters, the Federal Bureau of Investigation went on to asked all of the people, who were injured in the attack to interview with them about the event and made them to identified the attackers, beginning on the official date of December 10, 2023.

It was proved to be a success and "a hint" for them as most of the harmed victims were able to do detailed description of the suspects completely. At the site, objects were found to be just bits of metal, debris, glass, but one of them was a part that came from the bomb that exploded directly inside, located nearly around 0.5 miles away from the blast. Realizing this, Robert Potts saw this as "a big key" to their manhunt.

Later that same day at 7:36 p.m. RST, the RBI posted an image from a video surveillance, showing two figures, running in the hallway, just prior to the shooting that occurred moments ago as a way to get the public to help them get the shooters. Beforehand, police officers were seen in many parts of the city to be placing the shooter's information, outside of Post offices, earlier in the morning. With a second and "most deadly" attack on the city happening and major videos leaked, featuring the shooters chatting and revealing their name, the Federal Bureau of Investigation immediately put Easton Jackson in their FBI Most Wanted Terrorists's list, marking the first time a attacker, below the age of 30 was added there.

On the early-afternoon of December 11, it was announced by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on their website, that George P. Blox, who were well-known as the members of the Bloxas General Land Office was said to be joining the team completely.


Main perpetrator (Easton S. Jackson)[]

1994-2004: Early life, anger issues and education[]

First born on March 4, 1994, to his mother, Jane Mousinzki Solace (May 1, 1953 - December 9, 2023), in fa*gio, Storm Valley, Easton Jackson Jr., also known by his nickname in his family as "Jack" was a former citizen of Storm Valley from an early age.

During his childhood there, up until the age of seven, Jackson had an very bad relationships in his own household, especially when it come with his "old drunk" father, in which he was both heavily mentally and physically abused by him several times throughout the day and around that same time, he already began to develop some severe anger issues and began his extreme love for food, mainly rice, hotdogs and chickens nuggets from McBloxald's.

Most of the time at a local store, mainly inside of a mall, whenever Jackson was not getting what he wanted like a toy to even a single piece of candy, he immediately had a meltdown, throwing stuff to the floor, and would scream extremely loud in a high-pitched tone. One time, few Robloxians near his sister, who was only 15-year old at the time, babysitting him for the day as the parents were gone covered their ears, not in a upset way, but rather did it in pain; one of them, which actually turned out to be a young teenager, shopping with his mom yelled and swore at her: "Can your stupid fat a** baby shut the [beep] up!?" while also threatening to kick him in the "nuts" as according to his grandparents in an interview from early-2024.

Jackson also didn't like his first and older brother, James. A (born April 7, 1983) as James would get upset at him for knocking over stuff and locked his door, playing games. In late-1996, his family sent him to a daycare as all of them though it would be "better"; beforehand, Jackson released his anger by punching walls hard, causing it to crack and would bite his mother's legs on purpose. However, it was later soon proved to be a total failure as he would break stuff or make kids to cry by bullying, hitting or screaming at them.

By 1997, Jackson begun to attend his old elementary school, called P.S. 385 and there, Jackson had a very hard time, making friends, getting along with his teachers as classes begin in September and often get himself in trouble, causing the school to get him suspended for a few days. Also, like at his home, he would freak out, but completely different; Jackson now got upset over the smallest things, like letting a child having a mini toy; as a result of that event, his teachers had to make him calm down, in which for them, lasted for more than hour as he kept on yelling, causing the others to look at him, confused. Plus, Jackson even would throw some paper or anything he can find at the people around him in the hallway, screaming "Go to hell!" over again.

In Christmas of 1999, Easton, for the first time ever, got some coal at a party and did not react well; right after, he knocked over the tree, which was placed in the middle of the living room, damaging the counter and injuring a cat, who was at the bottom, near the Christmas tree, resting peacefully. In early-2000, Jackson moved from his original hometown, all the way to the Roblox's small north suburb, North Island, near the main city; resulting in him to drop out of school, days before and did not even continue the rest of the year until the new one in September later that same year. There, he was bullied and talked lot in his first-grade classroom for his hair and mainly the clothes he wore, which was all gray and black. In late-November 2001, during a show-and-tell at class, he pull out a real gun in his hands, causing everyone to panic in fear and ran out the room as fast as they can; the weapon was bought sometimes in 1993 and was used by his father as a way to kill and hunt down animals; thanks to that, he was shortly after expelled from the school days later on November 4, 2001, meaning that the parents needed to find a new building for him.

However, the problem only got worse and by December of that same year, Jackson grabbed a knife while his mother was cooking food and was about to stab her in the face; the mom immediately ran away and into her room, where she started to sob for the first time in a long time. In early-2002, Jackson's extreme and "worst" rage occurred when another babysitter, who was named Fonda. P asked him to change himself, which right after, started screaming super loud. Jackson nearly wrecked everything in the entire house, from the table to even a TV, that costed around R$2,000 before attacking the babysitter to the point, where she was knocked out. His sister called the parents and they rushed to the home and were greeted by Jackson punching both of them in the face, with the father getting slipped and fell back outside of the house.

As a result, his mom also started to have massive anger issues and lost all trust with him and made it all worse. His own father left the house just two days later to move as far away from the family as he can after having a fight with them together, after kicking Jackson out of the home for at least an hour or so. In March 2002, when he was already in third grade, Jackson entered in his third school, called Robloxia Elementary School, where the teachers would treat him like a prisoner. In early-November 2002, the deadliest attack in history happened, where four planes was hijacked by nineteen people and smashed into three buildings. Shortly after the event, Jackson secretly in his now-brand new room, began to draw with his two only crayons, killing a couple of "badly-drawn" Robloxians with knifes and even running them over with a car; his family found out a month later in December of the same year, and really started to take the problem seriously this time. By late-January 2003 and into 2004, one and a half months before his 9th birthday, his mother made him go to the doctor, where at least a week later, he was diagnosed with IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder).

In mid-2005, while most students were getting ready for summer break, Robloxia Elementary School stated to his mother that Jackson needed to repeat 5th grade over again and would not be moving on to middle school, due to him being absent for nearly 2-3 days per week, getting removed out of class for yelling, kicking, throwing stuff or ripping paper into pieces, missing a bunch of homework and failing almost all of the tests he taken, from a C+ to a F- throughout the year. Hearing this, Jackson and his mother upstairs in his bedroom had a massive argument, which lasted for at least 30 minutes, before Easton eventually used his fists and straight-up punched her in the face, resulting in Jane to fall down the stairs, knocking her out.

2006-2010: First bloxtube channel, interest in shootings, two attempted massacres and meetings bad friends[]

In the second half of 2006, Easton Jackson, now at the age of 12, finally passed fifth grade in June and graduated Robloxia Elementary School, despite the fact he almost did a shooting on the morning of April 1, 2006, when he woke up early to steal a gun from his father's basem*nt, which was downstairs the house above it and brought it to school, where he would shoot the bully in his local math classroom on the 2nd floor he had to deal with for several months since late-2005; Jackson then spotted the female bully, who was Sanna. A, before pointing a gun at her; but fortunately, the teacher pushed him down and pinned him down to the floor, while the students ran up out into the hallway.

After getting a new computer from his older brother as a gift for moving on to 6th grade, Jackson secretly registered his first ever account on an app that was exploding in high popularly, called BloxTube; he had originally asked his mom, if he can make videos and later revealed to the public on the website, but she would not let him do so. Even before going with and typing in the official handle for his channel Jackson1994EpicGamer, he would write on a piece of paper in the notebook, written on the top as "Types of Names", said on the sheets, on what titles he should go.

At least, four total names, one of them was the title, used for the account was made in just two whole hours and they were called as, SuperJacksonTime, JacksonGaming94 and EastonLetsPlayGamingTime. Jackson on the afternoon of August 9, 2006, uploaded his first video, which was actually a 13-minute long review, on a live-action drama film he recently watched on television titled as "Is Cops and Prisoners a Good or Bad Movie (Review)" considering the fact that the name of the channel have the word of "Gamer", meaning for him as video games; it features him, sitting in a stair with clips from the feature playing on the screen whenever he talks about the movie, mostly criticizing the story, explaining that the plot was and the characters, especially the female cop, played by Sophie. M, who throughout the film was called to be "dumb and lazy" by Jackson, but mainly praising the chases scenes and the acting. That video was the beginning of a 18-videos series, titled Movies: Good or Bad Reviews.

From there in the early years as a BloxTube creator, and into early-2008 (before age 14; still 13), his channel heavily focused on first watching and then reviewing feature-films, ranging from animated to drama to action movies. Jackson at the beginning would introduce himself, in case, if someone seeing his video or clicked on the channel for the first time before moving on to the review, where he praised the stuff that he enjoyed the most, but then tell the viewer the negative part of the feature he saw, and sometimes pointed out how the director or the stuff should had made the film better. In September of 2006, he entered in Robloxia Junior High School as a 6th grader and like always, often in his classrooms, he was getting treated badly by his students, but didn't report it to his family. In November of 2006, the channel was changed from Jackson1994EpicGamer to JacksonMovieReviews and by next month, he released the Christmas Special, but it was different from any others he had created; rather than doing the stuff he did like reviewing films, Jackson instead reviewed the worst commercials ever, titled "Christmas's Time 2006: Cringe, Bad Commercials"; in it, he told the viewer before that all of the ads "will be so bad that it make you cringe", then shows the clips from 6 different commercials, and lastly, in just a time of 25 minutes (-5 min for the clips), he roasted them all. It was reported that the video was a major "success" for Jackson as the views was nearly around 4,550 views in April 2007, higher than the average of watches he received, which was around to be 200-500.

However, around that same time, Jackson started to have an extreme love for guns and violence; in early-2006, before his 12th birthday, which was a week away from now, he decided to prank his mom by grabbing a knife and putting it on top of a chair, where she sat down and got injured. She was bleeding lot, but not that much at least for Jackson.

Just 5 days later, on December 31, in which it was New Year Eve 2006, Jackson after two months of hard work and not getting caught by his family uploaded a 45-minutes long review video on a well-known popular movie, called Wish: 100 Years, a nearly 2 hour-feature film released by Roblox Studios R.A on October 23, 2006 that mainly remember the true golden age of cartoons from the 1900s to late-1970s, and in fact, the entire movie was drawn in a traditional animation. In Jackson's own review, he introduced himself, only a bit different, he was on the screen in joy, sliming and then went on to about talk the film and while doing so, he completely praised the animation, plot, characters, mainly Anna and writing, saying at the very end of the video with the background being blur out a bit and a long text saying: "Wish: 100 Years is a true masterpiece that goes to infinity and beyond with its amazing story, heartfelt characters and a emotional ending. If you hadn't see this movie, do it now! Watch it and you see it true. The fact that this have a 85% percent on websites, make me sad and instead, it get a 100% for me!" After releasing the video, it was again a success, gaining at least around 4,600 views in the month of January, faster than the numbers of views he got for the Christmas Special.

In February 2007, his channel reached 100 subscribers for the first time and as a result, the account's name was changed from JacksonMovieReviews to add the "100 Subs" text at the end. The channel was then called JacksonMovieReviews100Subs. In mid-March of that same year, Easton Jackson (age 14) on a piece of yellow paper, drew with his black crayon, several blood-curdling drawings and reportedly hung them on the wall, near his door; one of them featured him with the text on top saying the words: "Murder Jackson", a small reference to his name while also holding a "big" gun on the "stickman's hand", this time being almost perfect and pointed to someone, about to shoot him in the chest, or face, due to the gun being aimed at a "weird" way, as well doing pull-ups over and over again, in which above the person's head was a sentence, covered with a bubble around it, now saying: "Please obey me!". It was later reported that these drawing was made around the same time as his 13th birthday.

On the midnight of April 1, 2007, the account's name was changed from JacksonMovieReviews100Subs to JacksonReviewsFoolsTime for only a single week as a part of the April Fool's Week event. That same day, he uploaded a 10-minute long video, which turned out to be him playing a video game for the first time and reviewing it also since the channel's creation, titled as "(1) Let's Play!: Bloxcraft and Review"; in it, he logged in the game as a user named "JacksonFun", then clicking on the "GO" button and joining a server, that had been turned into Survial Mode, before beginning the game. In 1:31, he already began to look around the huge map, while also walking with a wooden tool in his "block" hand, thanks to a tree he had recently punched just a minute ago. JacksonFun would then see a local village nearby, at the "very long and tall" cliff on the right side of the town, with some of the land even expanding above the village, creating a shadow that covered it and also slapped some villagers (mostly in the face), which were actually NPCs that were added to the game a month earlier. During the very first night in the game when dangerous creatures like zombies were spawning in on the grass, he got to work by mining while also holding a lighter; however, in 7:35, he was killed when a creeper went behind him and exploded into pieces; as a result, his world was now forever gone.

He immediately beginning the short review for the game; to start with, he explained that the texture was "pretty amazing for a server, especially in 2007", despite the truth that the entire game itself was blocky too. Jackson would then heavily praise on how the NPC moved, pick up and sleep, as he called the movement of them to be "realistic", and liked the small details he had spotted while also playing the server like lighting, floor and roof in and out of the houses or "homes" as he said. At the end, he fully told the viewer to go play the game, calling it "fun" and "lovely" and gave it a 9 out of 10 total stars, lined up on the screen with a text below saying: "Stars for Bloxcraft". This right here marked as the first time, he would release the video to public on a different website, a week later on April 8 of that same year, in which was his brand new Faceblox account, he had also secretly created on March 8, 2007 (4 days after his birthday). Once both uploaded, it was proven to be a major hit, where in fact, in its first to second week of being online, it received around 7,000 views and was met with positive reviews from his subscribers, mostly fans, who loved the game, agreeing that it was the greatest game of all time and to come out in the 2000s. However, the video did not go so well on Faceblox, as it only gained the attention of around 257+ views; but, for Jackson himself as said in his notebook, dated from April 14, 2007, it was an all-time record as around that same time, he hit a new milestone of 200 subs and shortly after, he announced in a video, titled "BloxCraft Let's Play Series Coming Soon" where Easton said that due to the big hit on the channel and the video itself, he would revealed that there will be a series of him playing the entire game and that he is currently editing the second episode as of now and would be released later in 2007.

In June 2007, right before the end of the school year, Easton Jackson started to hang out with a very bad friend, Ryker. L (age 13); they had met since last month in May of that same year. On the very last day of school (June 24), both Ryker and Jackson decided to do a huge prank on, not only the teachers, but everyone in the school by starting dangerous fires in one of the many lockers, down the hallway, and near a local reading classroom, where they become friends at. At around 12:53 PM R.S.T, the school principal reported that a fire was spreading through the hallway and all Robloxians in the building needed to get out as fast as they can; this did not go well as most of them were screaming in fear, running in different directions, throwing papers up into the air, before falling to the floor, which caused the flame to spread faster. The arsonists that did this, which was Jackson and Ryker already left the school.

Thanks to that, the school had to closed down for a long time. Such a long time was the school closed that by the time the 2007-08 school year started, the school still was not open; as a result, all of the students who were going to the building, or going into the next grade and studying there had to go to a different one, causing some major change for most parents. Somehow, despite there being two perpetrators, Ryker was accused for the now-called "deadly" prank because before the prank, he was known to everyone as a "joke" and a "class clown". Because of that, Jackson no longer became friends with Ryker and they eventually decided to end their friendship a week later, by removing each other messages and blocked themself on social media. However, Jackson did not care at all and mostly focused for the first half of summer on editing and marketing his videos on the website itself; on July 2, 2007, he revealed on a video titled as "Information on my series" that new-brand upcoming show would be called Bloxcraft: Let's a Play! and already said it will maybe last for 15 episodes, up until sometimes around the end of that same year. On the afternoon of July 28, 2007, after hard work he put into the show, the 20-minute second episode at last was uploaded on Bloxtube and a day later, aired on Faceblox; it would get positive reviews from his fans. In the video, the introduction started perfectly with Jackson saying hello to the viewer while also trying to load in the new server he was joining in right now. Finally, the server loaded and he entered in; Jackson began by punching a small tree with his fists, that was spotted 10.5-11.3 blocks away from the player in the direction in-front of him, getting the tools set up, including a wooden axe and a shovel, mostly used by him for digging up the ground like gravel, grass and sand later on, walking for a while until he find somewhere to live for the night later in the game, and by the three-minute mark, Jackson was in the middle of a forest. By near the end of the episode, Jackson already had a wooden hut, a place where he can sleep and wait for the day to slowly come up and began his adventure.

On September 14, 2007, Jackson for the 8th grade, for the fourth time, entered in a new school called Washington Junior High School. There, he mostly got into arguments with his teachers and get into small fights in the lunchroom or bathroom.

At least 39 days later, after the year began, a major bloody fight and Jackson's second attempted massacre on the students occurred between a big group of "evil" teens, two teachers, five staff members and Easton himself.

The brawl first began about 22 minutes into the lunch break and at least 16 minutes before lunch ended when one of the teens from the group spotted him, sitting alone with no one, eating food that he did not like. The teens thought of a funny and "stupid" idea to actually drop meatballs and some milk he had on his plate right on top of his head. So, to make sure the teen did not get caught, the teen walked slowly and quietly while also grabbing his milk to raise it. Then the teen poured the milk, landing and covering Jackson in white liquid before screaming directly into Jackson's ear and walking away if nothing had happened. Jackson noticed that he was now dirty. Jackson later was noticed by the teens and was laughed at with some names being said to him as "Whitely Jackson" and "Dirty White Person".

However, with extreme anger in Easton's face, he got up from his seat, ran with his fists and straight-up punched the teen that did it to him into the back, causing the person to fall to the floor, dropping the rest of the milk he still had and making a mess. In retaliation, the teen, now upset, immediately shoved him back and asked him in an angry tone to stay away, but Jackson refused to listen and punched him on the chest. The teen was writhing in big pain and nearly collapsed to the ground, with his one hand holding on to something. One of the teachers, who was 30 and about to have a son saw both of them and decided to break up the fight. As the event occurred, most students near them looked in fear, but in laughter as well; some moved from their original seat, just in case they did not want to get hit by the teens. Some Robloxians even decided to record it on tape. The teacher forcedly pushed them away, trying to make Jackson and the teen to stop. However, Easton grabbed the woman by the neck, screamed "shut up!", and threw her to a trash can. She bumped into a table and was in massive pain. The jolt at the table caused a mess as more milk spilled, making students getting out from their seats, to make sure they also don't get wet. Wasting no time at all, Jackson looked at and punched the teen some more.

One person, who was actually his friend of the teen said to him: "You're an idiot for doing this". Easton, who heard the voice immediately ran to the young girl, jumped across the table and attacked her to the floor. Meanwhile, a staff member try to calm down the teen by making him get away from the scene in a kind, but serious tone, but got grabbed from the head, pushed backwards with the teen on top of her and fell to the floor, injuring her head. Another teacher saw the second incident happening in front of his eyes, and rushed to also stop the fight from continuing. He first grabbed the girl, dragged her away from Jackson and shoved him very hard. The girl, now in tears and a bit of blood covered over his head, ran away crying as the group formed together and began to run towards Jackson. However, since the teacher was blocking their way, they accidentally bumped into him, sending the teacher flying away and crashed on the floor, before stopping near a table.

Another staff member, who said was pushing a cart, full with food for the next day decided to stop moving it and try to stop the brawl, but eventually ended up making it more violent and intense. This fight continued for two more minutes, before ending with Easton Jackson getting his gun and shooting three people, which none of them died in the aftermath.

Shortly after, Jackson was punished by the principal of the school with an expulsion threat, as revealed on October 1, 2007. In 2008, Jackson's channel was found and hacked into by his parents, who later deleted the channel and seven of its videos. In order to retaliate, Easton Jackson then decided to break a family picture of the Jackson family, causing him to be put into punishment in the room for 3 hours. Years later, Mrs. Jackson reported that her son was playing with a couple of bad kids. While she was investigating the area, she found a note. It read something. Jackson went into his new school name Preliminary Junior High School, and he got into some alliances with other bullies: one of them was Robbie Gutman, who was killed in OOF Airlines Flight 175 in the New Blockers City Attacks. Jackson decided to make friends with him and knew that Robbie Gutman could turn into a slime creature. He used that as drawings to his mother, which she hated.


Surely after all his anger issues with his mother, he finally decided something: Suicide. In August 9, 2012, he decided he would jump down a tall building. However, his mother decided to grab him before he would tumble to his dead. Jackson said to his mother that he had enough of the family and decided to start a new life off the rails. He then packed his important items before going out of the house, not looking back.

Days after he left, he started his own massacres. He was at the mall "buying" some stuff with a pulled out 70-dollar bill, when someone in the mall recognized him. It was Ryker. Instead of Jackson greeting him, he ran to Ryker and performed a 360 no-scope with his AK-47, shooting Ryker after that. He died sometime later. This alerted some bystanders and police officers to the scene, who tried to pry Jackson and Ryker apart. Jackson managed to kick them all, but all of a sudden,

Secondly perpetrators[]

Alex Paul[]

Alex Paul, known as his family members to be simply John for short was first born as a male on May 26, 1997 at Bloxburg City Hospital, to his single mother, Cheri Pamela and lived with her, alongside two others members in the city of Bloxburg, Bloxburg Valley, Robloxia. His mother was a well-known doctor at a different hospital called the Greater City Hospital, just around 6 miles away from their home. When Alex was around the age of two in 1999, his entire family moved through the country completely, all the way to Brookhaven; due to Cheri getting a new father for them to take care of and the fact that the mother did not really enjoy living in a big city and wanted to get to a peaceful town.


The three-days attacks are heavily known to be the most-deadliest terrorist attacks, if not in the city's whole history since the late-1990s, but in the entire world itself, despite the fact that a pervious fatal attack ended up with a lot of more casualties than this one, resulting in the deaths of above 1,000 people and severely injured thousands more in the aftermath.

The total numbers of death and injuries included about 754+ (mostly unknown, due to collapse) at the Roblox Headquarters, which is marked to be the highest numbers of casualties in the attacks, but had less number of injuries, due to people escaping from the dust by subway, or just running, 85 at The Robloxia Hotel, 117 at 4DX/RMAX West Island Theater and about 115 at the West Island Park; most of them were workers, police officers and citizens as well.


At least around 75 people were killed with the youngest being 20 years old and the oldest one being at the ages of 66 years old. This entire list includes the following people of:

  • Lucy. Jr, 53
  • Josephine Jamison, 38
  • Gabriella Kinley, 39
  • Charles. F, 45
  • Christopher. G, 53
  • Joshua Nathan, 35
  • Miles. Jr, 41
  • Christian. C, 64
  • Athena. H, 31
  • Kale. F, 59
  • Quinn Mireles, 45
  • Delilah. A, 41
  • Valentina. O, 37
  • Ruby Addison, 46
  • Gabriella. P, 29
  • Anna McKinly, 61
  • Ariana. L, 56
  • Madeline T, 50
  • Mario. A, 42
  • Scarlett. G, 34
  • Peter. Q, 37
  • Blake. H, 39
  • Aspen Marley, 27
  • Jordan Greyson, 53
  • Nicholas. S, 54
  • Everett. A, 58
  • Jose Run, 24
  • Parker. F, 57
  • Margot. R, 29
  • Zuri Thatcher, 67
  • Kamila Solace, 43
  • Angela. K, 46
  • Octavia St. James, 51
  • Adam John, 62
  • Kayden Cole, 36
  • Sydney. W, 24
  • Ash Payton, 32
  • Mya. G, 36
  • Camille. A, 55
  • Maggie. N, 58
  • Conner Keller, 32
  • Damian. D, 53
  • Booker. F, 59
  • Haven Levine, 45
  • Angelina Bardot, 39
  • Kendall Peach, 60
  • Phoenix. B, 27
  • Camilla. C, 21
  • Brooklynn. K, 53
  • Devin. A, 39
  • Farris. V, 45
  • Vivienne Daughtler, 56
  • Madilyn Keller, 37
  • Winter. N, 41
  • Palmer. J, 49
  • Lauren Hope, 43
  • Aniyah. S, 65
  • Remington. G, 42
  • Eric. B, 51
  • Jared. M, 55
  • Jefferson. B, 59
  • Jeremy. K, 45
  • Justin Jones, 35
  • Alexandria. W, 38
  • Avianna. P, 41
  • Elianna. Z, 46
  • Mabel. A, 56
  • Alexandria. F, 49
  • Daniella. D, 48
  • Kenneth. V, 20
  • Alessia. K, 45
  • Alexa. A, 44
  • Danielle. E, 63
  • Lorelei Paris, 66
  • Riley. V, 56
  • Alfred. M, 54
  • Gabrielle M, 58

Police officers and RBI[]

Around above 85-100 cops and RBI were killed in just a three-day time and despite this list being uncompleted, it features the people of:

  • Watson. S, 46
  • Keith Waston, 51
  • Westin. L, 49
  • Tadeo. F, 35
  • Raul. W, 38
  • Windsor. A, 49
  • Edison. R, 29
  • Houston Blox, 58
  • Augustine. A, 31
  • Marvin. G, 39
  • Dustin Alain, 41
  • Kyree Blox, 44
  • Caswell. F, 54
  • Quincy. K, 43
  • Atreus Girl, 61
  • Harlan Alder, 55
  • Justice Baron, 53
  • Taylor Baron, 63
  • Barrington Alex, 53
  • Maddy Lamont, 58
  • Adler. I, 55
  • Anakin. P, 37
  • Chris Beck, 40
  • Hamza Blake, 33
  • Mohammad. A, 52
  • Lionel Holden, 56
  • Bruno Ran, 28
  • Kendrick South, 46
  • Kiefer Ackermann, 36
  • Edward. R, 29
  • Ahladiotis Anna, 34
  • Lamont. E, 56
  • Alagero York, 53
  • Landon. T, 49
  • Paul Sydney, 66
  • Charles. U, 45
  • Diana. Jr, 31
  • Tommy. T, 57
  • Miller Lewis, 53
  • Kate North, 29
  • Lumpy. C, 35
  • Nixon Parker, 26
  • Matthew Bee, 57
  • Christopher. F, 38
  • Cassidy P, 44
  • Kevin "Blox" S, 35
  • Harlow. V, 41
  • Annie. D, 55

In popular culture[]

Films and tv shows[]

A feature-film, which is 1 and a half long simply titled 12-10-23 (a reference to the date when the HQ was destroyed) was released for a limited time in theaters on December 10, 2025.


  • For the main article featuring this same topic, Go to Winter Storm Easton (2023-24)

In mid-December 2023, around the same month as the attacks occurred, a Winter Storm would form and was later on given the name by the Weather Channel in the city of Robloxia of Easton; a reference to the leader, who was actually called Easton Jackson, behind the events.

This sparked a large deal of mass controversy.

See also[]

  • November 10th attacks, a series of terrorist attacks in the country, back nearing the end of 2002 in November
  • December 23rd, 1999, San Juan Accidents
  • The 2020 Attack of The Robloxian Mafia
The December 2023 Robloxia attacks (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.