The Late Show With Stephen Colbert : KPIX : June 24, 2024 11:35pm-12:37am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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too many glasses. so the 2024 summer olympics are a month out. locals have been concerned about high levels of bacteria and sewage in wastewater in the river. the government has spent $1.5 billion trying to clean this up. the president and local officials have insisted the water is safe, so much so that they were promising to swim in it, but the mayor canceled her swim for now. locals made a website that transslates to ishi -- you know the rest -- in the seine. people are saying this is what they're going to do in response to all of the controversy. >> you see that first level of the eiffel tower? that's where i want to be. >> not down at the seine? >> no. >> hot dog eating champion joey chestnut is banned from taking part in this year's fourth of july nathan's hot dog eating contest. multiple reports say this all because chestnut is representing

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impossible foods, which recently launched a vegan hotdog. nathan's will not let him pitch a rival brand. >> we in the meat-based hotdog industry were saddened to learn that joey chestnut is promoting our plant-based competitor, impossible foods. but joey, have you forgotten that our hot dogs are the original impossible food? taking all the parts of an animal you don't want to touch and putting them into a tube made from another part of an animal you don't want to touch and then putting that into the mouth of a child. talk about impossible. but you know what is possible to imagine? eating soybeans! big whoop. plants have nothing on anuses, lips, and animal hoof. so get off your high horse, joey chestnut -- by the way, there is some horse in our hot dogs -- and promote good old american hot dogs made out of god only knows what. the meat-based hotdog industry. remember, you can't spell "anus" without usa. >> announcer: it's "the late show with stephen colbert"!

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tonight... age is just a voter! plus, stephen welcomes seth meyers! and musical guest omar apollo! featuring louis cato and "the late show" band. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> stephen: energizing. everyone. thank you so much. have a good show. happy wednesday. happy wednesday, baby. happy. let's get over that hump. you're very kind. welcome. welome one and all to "the late show." i'm your host, stephen colbert.

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[cheering] now, folks, if you are longtime viewers of the show, you know i'm a catholic, which means i believe that one of the virtues is humility. well, tonight i've got something to be extra humble about, because i can announce that this weekend pope francis is going to meet me at the vatican! [cheering] right? i mean, come on. i mean... am i excited? is the pope catholic? i'll let you know after i meet the freakin' pope! [cheering] i will be joining an incredible delegation of 105 comics and humorists from 15 countries, as part of a meeting to establish a link between the catholic church and comic artists. the pope. the vatican. comedy. i can't wait. i hope we get to meet the original priest and rabbi that walked into that bar!

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find out what happened. never found out what happened. this invitation was extended by the vatican's dicastery for culture and education and the dicastery for communication, in my opinion, the top two funniest dicasteries. [laughter] i know that's controversial. i'm going with some of my buddies, because among others, the u.s. delegation includes jim gaffigan, conan o'brien, tig notaro, whoopi goldberg, jimmy fallon, and chris rock. chris. chris, please, for safety's sake, i would just keep mary magdalene's name out of your mouth. 'cause the pope wears a big ring. of course, meeting the pope is a huge honor, and absolutely nothing could possibly sully the joy of this trip. >> italian media reports pope francis used a hom*ophobic slur once again on tuesday.

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>> stephen: happy pride? [laughter] why? why, pope frankie, why? you're the progressive pope. you've made landmark statements in support of same sex civil unions, conducted lgbtq+ outreach, and said of gay priests "who am i to judge?" evidently, you're the pope! but you're supposed to be the cool pope! the vatican ally! you were -- how do i put this? >> you were the chosen one! >> stephen: i can't believe that i am alive for the first time anyone's ever been disappointed by the catholic church. [laughter] 'cause now all of a sudden, pope francis is less pro-lgbtq than nascar. don't believe me? they sell shirts that say yaaaascar. it's not easy to be less tolerant than nascar. you know their slogan: "pretty sure our fans

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did january 6th." [laughter] here's what happened. i'm not saying definitely. that's their motto. they said that, not me. they said that. here's what happened. yesterday at a closed-door vatican meeting, francis allegedly used a highly offensive italian term to describe gay men. and to make matters worse, this happened just two weeks after the vatican issued an apology amid reports that he had used the same word in an earlier meeting with bishops. the bishops tried to stop him, but they couldn't get to him in time because they can only move diagonally. [laughter] poor planning. that's poor planning. i don't know. they've got a limp. oh, speaking of catholics, joe biden. he's out there on the campaign trail, trying to appeal to older voters. his campaign is staging events like bingo and pickleball. careful, joe! at your age, you could break a hip playing bingo.

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but seniors aren't the president's biggest issue, which is why hollywood vets and biden alums have launched a super pac to shore up his youth vote problem, called "won't pac down." okay. little awkward. kind of an old song reference. but better than their first attempts: "if i could turn pac time" and "baby got pac" "won't pac down's" mission is simple: they want to craft pro-biden content for hard-to-reach voters under 30, which can mean only one thing: post malone face tattoos. the hollywood vets hired to appeal to the youth include writers from shows like "parks and recreation," "big mouth," and "saturday night live." explains the biden's new ad. >> america's young people are heartbroken over the humanitarian crisis in gaza, and joe biden knows that the only slu*tion is... >> more cowbell! ♪ ♪

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>> i'm joe biden, and i have schweddy balls! >> stephen: can't believe. can't believe they got him to record that. whatever biden's doing seems to be working. because now, in fivethirtyeight's magic projection system, which has never been wrong, biden has a 53% chance of winning, compared to trump's 47%. [cheering] okay! whoo! okay, okay! biden's ahead, let's just freeze him while his numbers are good, keep him that way till november. what would that look like? ♪ i don't wanna love nobody ♪ ♪ but you ♪ ♪ i don't wanna love nobody ♪ ♪ but you ♪ ♪ i don't wanna love nobody ♪ ♪ love nobody but you ♪ [laughter] by the way, the white house says he's not frozen.

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it's just that offscreen where we can't see it, there was a t-rex, and he was hiding. folks, i don't want to alarm you, but the american dream is dead, all because joey chestnut has been barred from the nathan's fourth of july hot dog eating contest. [booing] what? joey chestnut is the fourth of july hot dog eating contest! this is like -- what is this like? this is like barring lebron james from basketball or aaron rodgers from podcasting! joey chestnut is history's greatest hot dog eater. i just hope nothing bad happens to the number one chestnut-eating champion, joey hot dog. [laughter] chestnut's ban, which has stunned the tubed-meat community, it was announced yesterday by officials from major league eating. yes, the mle.

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i always dreamed of being called up to the big leagues but i got stuck in the minors, at triple-a davenport dumpling munchers. go dumps! so why this grave injustice? well, the meat-lovers at nathan's are mad because chestnut signed an endorsem*nt deal with plant-based company impossible foods. not to be confused with our new sponsor, possible foods. is it food? it's possible. for their part, impossible meats doesn't want to keep joey from doing what god put him on this planet to choke down, saying he is free to compete in any contest he chooses, adding "it's okay to experiment with a new dog. meat eaters shouldn't have to be exclusive to just one wiener." can someone please tell that to the pope? [laughter and cheering]

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chestnut issued his own response, saying, "i was very disappointed to learn that i am banned from the nathan's 4th of july hot dog eating contest. i love competing. i love celebrating america with my fans all over this great country on the 4th. rest assured that you'll see me eat again soon." is that a threat? "i'm gonna come over to your house, sit on the hood of your car, and shovel fistfuls of wet meat into my mouth while we maintain direct eye contact." but i for one, as an american, want to thank mr. chestnut. because, like our founders on the fourth of july, he's not giving up in the face of adversity. no, he will "mustard" the courage to push on until he is the "weiner." this is a fight he "relishes." and he will not put up with this "celery" a-"salt." come on, america. "pickle" a side. for as sure as the "bun" will rise tomorrow,

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joey's willing to die on this "grill." the competition will never "ketchup" with joey chestnut. sir, "franks" for your service. crinkle cut fries. joey'll be fine. [applause] really? thank you. joey is gonna be fine. but the far right might have some beef with his lack-of-beef. because just like everything else in america, meat has become politicized, as part of what some are calling the "meat culture war." sounds stupid, but on the bright side, i can't wait for all the meat war movies, like "apocalypse cow" and "full metal brisket." [laughter] this vegan meat backlash is all part of the anti-science "vaccines are bad"ght you-

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and "smallpox is back." recently, cracker barrel started offering impossible sausages, which far-right commenters have been calling "5g sausages controlled by bill gates." that disturbing theory is very popular with the meat conspiracy group, barbe-q-anon. but it's not just vegetables, no, the far right is also rejecting pasteurization. in the past few years, drinking raw milk has dramatically increased in popularity among right-wing americans. and you gotta imagine those guys are into raw dairy for the wrong reasons. "babe, milk just tastes better without a condom." [laughter] i don't know. was that worth it? was that worth going back for? how's it going? the cdc says raw milk can make you very, very sick, but that hasn't stopped the ultraconservative group "turning points usa," who is selling a shirt that says

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"got raw milk?" one problem: that cow has horns and no udders. which means it's a bull, which means that ain't milk! we got a great show for you tonight! my guest is seth meyers. but when we come back, i answer your kids' questions. stick around. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "the late show with stephen colbert" sponsored by sponsored by progressive insurance. for a job joe love, visit d with e you've got the peace of mind to really wander. yeah. yeah, i just hope it stays this way. once word gets out about these places they tend to -- -are you done? -aaand there it is. well, at least your vehicles are protected. let's hit the road.

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hey fam! i'm just at this beautiful lake that i just discovered. practicing gratitude, manifesting abundance. (screams) bleeding gums are serious, jamie. dr. garcia? woah. they're a sign of bacterial infection. crest gum detoxify's antibacterial fluoride works below the gumline to help heal gums and stop bleeding. crest saves the day. crest. ♪ [song playing - here comes the hotstepper by ini kamoze] ♪ cwoman 1: hmm hmm!y. skateboarder: ahh! commuter: yeah! man 1: ahh! man 2: yup! man 4: whoo! woman 2: ahh! girl: ahh! woman 3: ha ha! ♪

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talenti salted caramel truffle layers, with creamy salted caramel gelato. -bradley. -it's cookies. -i can see the cookies, the jar is see-through. -i knew that. -i knew you knew that. talenti. raise the jar. t-mobile “savings”, take one. guys, focus. here's the line... “at t-mobile, you get tons of benefits, and you can still save versus the other guys.” focus! hello t-mobile... hold on... you might want to just... ok stop! just say it like this, “at t-mobile, you can save on every plan, and you get great benefits with magenta status”. magenta status... yuh! i'll show you my magenta status. ok, i'll just do it. check out the t-mobile savings calculator to see how much you can save. and right now, we'll even pay off your phone when you switch! ♪ doo-doo-doo-doo-doo... ♪ new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn.

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watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser.

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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> stephen: give it up for band, everybody. [cheering] louis. >> louis: stephen. >> stephen: louis, you know, thursday audiences are good but there's nothing like a wednesday audience. wonderful people. we've got a great show for everybody tonight. coming up in a little bit, we

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got a performance by musician omar apollo. right over there just a minute is a buddy of mine, a lovely fella and so funny. mr. seth meyers will be out here. he does -- one of the things i really love about seth, he does a thing on the show called "corrections." it's a digital plus they do. an extra they do for the digitals. he addresses mistakes that he's made on the show and it's a& wonderful idea. i would do the same thing here if i ever made a mistake. [laughter] it's sad that he has to. it's kind of sad that he has to do it, you know. but you know. he's a kid. folks, i want to talk to you about kids. they're the people we're trusting this planet to. as whitney houston once said, "i wanna dance with somebody." but raising kids isn't easy. parents are busy. you gotta get the kid to school, make sure dinner is on the table, help with the homework, you barely have time to take an edible and watch "house of the dragon" season 2 before it's time to get up and do it all again. and of course, kids are curious. they're always asking things

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like "where do clouds come from?" and "what's the longest fish?" and "dad, do you really think house of the dragon season 2 is appropriate for me?" that's why we at "the late show" have come up with a segment where i give parents a break by answering real questions from real kids. we originally called it "stephen takes your kids," which didn't sound right. so this week, i told my team to just think of me like i'm like a teacher and everyone watching tv is in my classroom. there's probably something in that. so please enjoy... >> stephen colbert is like a teacher but paid so much more! it really makes you question the order of society and what we place... >> stephen: not what i expected but closer. first question. >> how do flying fishes fly? >> stephen: the flying is

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easy. the hard part is getting a friend or relative to drive you to the airport. who's next? >> what is your 14th favorite number? >> stephen: hmm, 14th favorite number, let's see. [popping] 14. next question. >> [indistinct] >> good question, let's ask a beaver. >> honestly, it's drag. every day all i do is get up and try to get as much beaver wood as i can to build my lodge, which is my house. sometimes i think about writing a novel, but the truth is that even on days when i get enough beaver wood to build my lodge, which is my house, the next day, pieces are missing and i have to get more beaver wood to repair my lodge, which is my house.

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just between you and me, i [bleep] hate my lodge, which is my house. but hey, what are you gonna do? >> stephen: thank you, mr. beaver, who sounds suspiciously like actor jeff daniels. who's up next? >> what's your favorite song? >> stephen: easy. my favorite song is happy birthday because it's one of the few songs that has fire and ends in cake. who has the next question? >> if you were an action figure, what would your catchphrase be? if? i am an action figure. check it out. i even got a button on the back and if you press the button, i say my cool catch phrases. we've got a great show for you! david duchovny is here. we'll be right back with more david duchovny. ugh, i can't stand david duchovny. what do you mean my mic

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is still on? well, turn it off! great question. >> why is a rainbow filled with colors? >> stephen: great question. rainbows are supposed to be white rays of light but god accidentally put it in his washing machine with rainbow colored socks. that is a very important question, so i want to bring in an authority figure who can speak from knowledge and experience, so let's throw to "the late show"'s official fart expert, tim meadows. tim? >> hi, thanks. wait, did you call me a fart expert? i'm not a fart expert. what is this? you called and said do you want to do a bit on the show to help children.

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i said yes. stop it with that graphic. i'm not farting. this is embarrassing. listen, i am not ashamed of farts. it's a natural bodily function that happens all the time. okay, if you're going to twist everything i say, i'm just going to stop talking. [farts] hey, that wasn't me! you added that sound effect, stephen! >> stephen: thanks, farty. kids, i hope that answers your questions. if your kids have questions, post a video to social media or submit a video at the link below. we just might feature it on our next installment of... >> stephen colbert is like a teacher but paid so much more! it really makes you question the order of society and what we place value on. [cheers and applause] we'll be right back with

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12:02 am

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♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody! look at that. welcome back to the show. my friends. and you are my friends. ladies and gentlemen, my first guest tonight is an emmy-award winning comedian who is one of the strike force five. please welcome to "the late show," mr. seth meyers.

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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> seth: look at us! look at us! it's finally happening. >> stephen: look at that. thank you. i wanted to have you on for years. thanks so much for being here. >> seth: i wanted to be here for years. it's just lovely to spend time with you. >> stephen: people talk about late-night wars and stuff like that and i'm sure they have their place and their reason. i think we are lucky to be a friendly group together. you, me, oliver, fallon, kimmel. we were the strike force five. [thunderclap] >> seth: we were the strike force five. i expect better from you. >> stephen: anyway, in the strike force five... [thunderclap]

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i was just wondering, there were five of us. we all had a good time. i think we all enjoyed each other's company. >> seth: yeah. >> stephen: it doesn't matter what the answer is, but who was your favorite? >> seth: it was you right up until that lightning sound effect. [laughter] you had it. by the way, i feel like maybe you don't get enough credit. strike force five, your name. [thunderclap] >> stephen: just don't say it and the sound won't happen. >> seth: by the way, i am a guest here and i demand to be treated like a guest. >> stephen: this is how i treat my guests. do you think jude law is going to get it better tomorrow night? >> seth: man, all right, fine, fine. it was a great name for a podcast, that name you came up with. >> stephen: sff. >> seth: sff, the name of the text chain. makes me very happy. >> stephen: the unfun thing happened, the strike, we had each other to talk to.

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we got on a text chain. we started doing friday meet and greets. what are you not doing this week? >> seth: it was like pickleball but none of the sport. it was just guys of a certain age getting together in the old zoom boxes but it was nice. i was very happy we got to do it. we were all very collegial before i felt a lot closer with all four of you. >> stephen: it made a huge difference. my wife arranged -- or you arranged? who arranged it? >> seth: i arranged it. but evie nailed it. >> stephen: it was your idea. evie surprised me with dinner with the four of you guys for my birthday. >> seth: we had a private room at a restaurant and we needed evie to get you there. >> stephen: right, the problem is that steve carell was my guest the night of my birthday and he had to get out early to do i think the preview, the premier for "if," the krasinski

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movie. i was done at 6:15. and the reservation was for 8:15. >> seth: it was late. >> stephen: i said hey, let's just go someplace else. i woke up that morning. she said we're going to go to dinner and i said i'm so tired, let's not go to dinner. and she panicked and she goes "i really want a romantic dinner with you!" like, there were tears. like, she was in a deep panic. >> seth: it's really unfair what we asked of her. deeply unfair. >> stephen: of course. i want a romantic dinner with you too. we had to wait an hour and 45 minutes to go to the restaurant. the restaurant is not ready. i'm like, let's go someplace else. let's just go there and drink. no, they don't have a bar. i've been there. >> seth: i believe she even said -- she said i really want to try their cacio e pepe. for being the nonimproviser in your couple, she crushed it. >> stephen: that came from a real place.

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she really loves that. but then we get there and i walk in, then we go to a private room. that's kind of a big private room. just the two of us? i guess this is going to get spicy. and i walk around the corner and i see those double doors at the back of the restaurant and i see fallon laughing at something the back of kimmel's head is saying and i went oh, [bleep]. >> seth: let me say your face is the dream for when you have a surprise party for someone. it's 50/50. you walked in and saw us. you're like... it was really great. and then you told us straight away, you are like i didn't want to come to this dinner at all. >> stephen: but here it is. that was 8:15. we left like at midnight. and the negronis and the red wine were flowing. >> seth: there's the five

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of us. collectively known as, fine, for your birthday, strike force five. [thunderclap] you missed the funniest thing. the whole dinner was funny. before you got there the room wasn't ready. myself and oliver and kimmel are waiting and a british couple came over and were so excited to see kimmel. and they asked oliver if oliver would take a picture of them with kimmel. and then, and then they are talking to kimmel. by the way, oliver i should note, loves stuff like this. so happy. and then fallon came in. [british accent] they like oh, my god, it's jimmy fallon! then they took a picture. at no point did oliver or i should note me register with them at all. but yeah, i'm sorry you missed that. >> stephen: me too. i remember thinking a, i hugged my wife before she left and she said "well, boys, someone's got

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to get him home." she walked out of the place. i thought, look at the amount of fun we had here, how many people want to be a fly on the wall in this dinner? i thought, i'm one of those people who would want to be on the fly on the wall and i get to be a fly on the wall. >> seth: it was really good. it was everything i wanted to be. >> stephen: thank you very much. your idea. [applause] >> seth: of course. >> stephen: i just turned 60. you just turn what? >> seth: 50 in december. >> stephen: that's a big one, in some ways, maybe bigger than 60. >> seth: it was all right. i have a bad birthday. it's december 28. nothing ever happens for me. >> stephen: people are tired. >> seth: you've got holiday taint. you got christmas. this is just... this somehow makes it what they call it -- >> stephen: this image makes it somehow worse. >> seth: i have never done

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that before. i realized as soon as i did it, it's worse. nothing ever happens for my birthday. >> stephen: but at 50 something had to have happen. >> seth: very sweetly, a group of our friends. everybody's with their family. we came back. and on january 6th, which is obviously a very important day. i don't want to talk about which january 6th, but there is one that's very near and dear to my heart. we were going to dinner party and my radar wasn't up at all. my birthday had been, like, ten days ago and i walked in and it was a surprise party. it was way worse. yours was so loving and warm. i walked in, i'm like oh, okay. not... and then everybody was like, did we surprise you? i'm like yeah, because it's not my birthday. >> stephen: we have to take a quick break but don't go anywhere. we'll be right back with more seth meyers, everybody. stick around. ♪ ♪ at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet

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into a place of endless expression. with the quality, styles, and prices you love. ♪♪ did you know... 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner, with first-of-its-kind melting pro-v pearls... locks in moisture to repair 6 months of damage

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in one wash, without weigh down. guaranteed or your money back! for resilient, healthy-looking hair... if you know, you know it's pantene. ♪ ("ladies' night" by: kool & the gang) ♪ (♪♪) (♪♪) get your grills out this summer with pepsi, the official beverage of girlls night out.

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you told mom to send her prescription

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to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. now, you're stuck behind this guy. as he uses the pharmacy line to purchase half the store. including a ceramic dolphin figurine. without a price. (over loud speaker) price check in pharmacy. ♪♪ all mom had to do was use amazon pharmacy. and her meds would get delivered right to her door. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody, we are back with more of the lovely and talented seth meyers. do you like being a guest, by the way? >> seth: nowhere near as much as hosting. >> stephen: i haven't been on somebody else's talk show i think since your show. yours might have been the last one i went on. >> seth: can i tell you what i hate the most right now? >> stephen: what? >> seth: i hate how everybody can see my legs. [laughter]

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everything about this. what is this? >> stephen: are you worried about this? this is what i worry about. i worry about -- i worry about the gap. >> seth: mostly i realized when i'm hosting the show, i don't think i move my legs at all. most of the time we've been talking, it's been all i've been thinking about. >> stephen: i remember i went on your show and i've been doing i think it was before i started the show. i like your show and i like you and i thought this would be fun and seth is great and whatever, i will just go over and be myself. i don't have to prepare anything. i don't have to be "on." i'll just be me. i'm enough. i sat down and 30 seconds into the interviewi thought i was fu. i was looking for every knob on my body to turn to make myself at all interesting. >> seth: yeah. you have all the power right now and you know it. >> stephen: father's day this sunday. you're a father. i'm a father. how many?

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>> seth: three. >> stephen: three and three. above the replacement rate. i got girl, boy, boy. >> seth: boy, boy, girl. i've a question, you had a girl first. when you had a boy, did you think oh, my god, what is wrong with them? >> stephen: i still think that. she came out almost complete. she came out with a library card. she was organized. she's also, evie and i are both the youngest. she is an eldest. therefore, we do whatever she says. wehave no chance against her. the nice thing about the girl being first in my opinion, because they are more organized, they know what they are doing. they've got their ducks in a row the way the boys almost never do. if we want something to happen with the family, all we have to do is convince her. you know what i mean? your youngest is quite young. >> seth: she's two and a half but she is lapping them already. >> stephen: how old --

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>> seth: eight and six. if i was like, 41. they are eight and six. the other morning, i'm feeding the 8-year-old breakfast, oatmeal. my wife is feeding the 6-year-old oatmeal. the 2.5-year-old is just eating oatmeal. talking the boys, you're good with this? you're watching this happen, you're fine with how this looks? we are always telling the boys, don't use, don't -- any language you use in front of her, she's going to learn. don't say hate. don't say hate all the time. my other day my son was like i hate the shirt. the 2.5-year-old goes "that's a bad word." i'm like, she's not learning from them. she is learning from us. >> stephe: they are learning from her. we're going to take another break but please stay and you stay because it's seth meyers, everybody. it's seth. ♪ ♪

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will and i are honored to have you all here as our summer interns. as i like to say, dunkin'terns. you love saying that. affleck and damon, the dunkings are not here! this summer is all about big dunkin' iced energy. b d i e what does that big dunkin iced button do? i wouldn't let's see. are those your car keys? we tried to program it to bring me a dunkin' iced every time you push the button. grab him? get that away from me again. thank you. a lot of surprises. let's put a dunkin' iced in every hand this summer! dunkin' iced! whoa! how'd you get your teeth so white? you gotta use the right toothpaste! dr. c?! ♪♪ not all toothpastes whiten the same. crest 3d white removes 100% more stains for a noticeably whiter smile. new personal best. crest. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food.

12:23 am

[ growl ] ready for the road trip. everyone comfortable. yep, there's plenty of space. i've even got an extra seat. wait! no, no, no, no, no. [ gasps ] [ indistinct chatter ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. [ snoring ] ok, get in. [ speaking minionese ] yippee! and see "despicable me 4" in theaters july 3rd. rated pg. [♪♪] ♪ welcome to nada yada island ♪ things started off great, but once the new wore off... they changed. in the beginning, i got gifts, like a phone. and the next thing you know, it's like i'm invisible. so i switched up, and uh got me a new phone carrier. don't put up with wireless yada yada, now with metro get that new customer feeling again and again, introducing metro flex, free 5g phones when you join, same deals as new customers when you stay.

12:24 am

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12:25 am

12:26 am

♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody. we are back with the host of "late night with seth meyers," seth meyers. seth meyers, it's no secret that i really enjoy the digital extra that you do on thursday nights called "corrections." >> seth: thank you very much. >> stephen: if you guys haven't seen it, i have only

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gotten through episode 92, but i did go back and watch them in order. >> seth: that's very kind of you. >> stephen: where are you now? >> seth: 105. >> stephen: i'll catch up pretty fast. >> seth: they are 12 to 15. >> stephen: you call your audience, you call them -- >> seth: jackals. >> stephen: the jackals. they are constantly complaining. >> seth: people go into my youtube comments and tell me things i got factually incorrect. >> stephen: okay, and you sell mugs that say "late night with correction jackals." i want you to know this is not -- the show didn't buy this for you being here. i bought this because i love it. i drink my coffee out of the jackal mug in the morning because two things i love about it. one is, i love how intimate it is. i love that it's just you and your crew. the audience is totally gone. i also love how much work you put into this. when i don't have 2% extra energy in my day. i run on a very thin line and i imagine you do too, because the shows are wonderful and they are

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a privilege but they take a lot. why do you add extra work? which i imagine you're not being paid for. >> seth: i'm not being compensated at all. i'm on my own, reading every youtube comment, many of which are super negative. for the purposes of doing a digital exclusive that is not generating money. >> stephen: no. it's not even sponsored. >> seth: it's not sponsored. >> stephen: it's not brought to you by charmin. enjoy the go. >> seth: they wouldn't want that. >> stephen: makes me excited is you have some corrections. >> seth: here's the thing. i'm so glad you asked about this. every week sometimes in the correction someone will say hey, i know this isn't your show but colbert made a mistake. yeah. >> stephen: i heard about these. did hear about this. >> seth: if you see him, could

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you let him know? i'm so happy. "hey, seth, could you do a correction for stephen colbert. he has a "world of warcraft" banner stuck on a warhammer 40k image." you did the digging. >> stephen: we did some research. this is it. we did something about man plays "world of warcraft" for 60 hours. it was a headline we did in a "meanwhile." that is a warhammer graphic. this person is saying, i'm not fighting them. i'm accepting it. obviously i heard that, and i flew into a rage. i almost physically attacked my graphics department. as you should. i said "what gives?" seth is coming on and i'm in embarrassed. what they told me was they got the image from a stock photo site and the stock photo site was the one that had the "world of warcraft" banner on

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the warhammer thing. i want to point out to whatever jackal out there wrote this that my graphics department is not wrong. they are lazy. >> seth: okay. that's an important distinction. that is the spirit of it. on tuesday's late show, stepen colbert talked about the ntsb releasing a report on the hindenburg airship disaster but the hindenburg exploded in 1937 and the ntsb wasn't established until 1967. >> stephen: oh, i have an answer for this one. go [bleep] yourself. it's a joke. seth, what a joy. >> seth: what a joy to be here with you. >> stephen: "late night with seth meyers" airs weeknights at 12:35 on nbc and streams the next day on peaco*ck. it's seth meyers, everybody! we'll be right back with a performance by omar apollo!

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12:33 am

♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪

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♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ >> stephen: his album, "god said no," comes out june 28th. performing "dispose of me," omar apollo. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ you're making me feel ♪

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♪ insecure about things ♪ i ain't thought about in years ♪ ♪ bringing out my fears ♪ ♪ and i don't see you anymore ♪ but the words you left me ♪ ♪ always in my ears ♪ ♪ always in my tears ♪ ♪ you're a gentleness ♪ ♪ my body just won't forget ♪ ♪ you're a handprint ♪ ♪ on my heart ♪ ♪ i just can't possess ♪ ♪ it don't matter ♪ ♪ if it's twenty-five years ♪ ♪ twenty-five months ♪ ♪ it don't matter if it's ♪ twenty-five days ♪ ♪ it was real love ♪ ♪ we got too much history ♪ ♪ so don't just dispose of me ♪ ♪ you can leave me ♪ ♪ for twenty-five days ♪

12:36 am

♪ twenty-five months ♪ ♪ you can leave me ♪ ♪ for twenty-five years ♪ ♪ i'll never give up ♪ ♪ we got too much history ♪ ♪ so don't just dispose of me ♪ ♪ can we try again? ♪ ♪ you know we had potential ♪ ♪ in the middle of the night ♪ ♪ i was by your side ♪ ♪ you would hold me tight ♪ ♪ only you and i know ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it don't matter ♪ ♪ if it's twenty-five years ♪ ♪ twenty-five months ♪ ♪ it don't matter ♪ ♪ if it's twenty-five days ♪ ♪ it was real love ♪ ♪ we got too much history ♪

12:37 am

♪ so don't just dispose of me ♪ ♪ you can leave me ♪ ♪ for twenty-five days ♪ twenty-five months ♪ ♪ you can leave me ♪ ♪ for twenty-five years ♪ ♪ i'll never give up ♪ ♪ we got too much history ♪ ♪ so don't just dispose of me ♪ ♪ ♪ [applause] >> stephen: omar apollo, everybody! that's it for "the late show," good night!

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The Late Show With Stephen Colbert : KPIX : June 24, 2024 11:35pm-12:37am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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